UW Research

Manage Subscriptions

On this page you can learn about the various newsletters maintained by the Office of Research and find instructions for how to subscribe to each. The Office of Research produces the following newsletters:


Human Subjects Division (HSD) Newsletter

About the Newsletter
Information and updates for faculty, staff and students involved in conducting human subjects research
How To Subscribe


Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) News

About Our News
Our emails messages include:

  • News & Resources: Stay up to date on new ORIS system features and resources (including training opportunities).
  • System Notifications: We will notify you know when ORIS systems will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance.
How To Subscribe
Subscribe online. Be sure to confirm your subscription by opting in through the confirmation email you receive.

Monthly Research Administrators Meeting (MRAM)

About the Newsletter
Information and updates for researchers and research administrator
How To Subscribe
Subscribe or update your preferences online.

Training Grants Listserv

About the Listserv
Needing resources or support with completion of NIH T32 training grants? Join this listserv for PIs and research administration staff
How To Subscribe
Subscribe or update your preferences online.

Limited Submissions Listserv

About the Listserv
Many federal agencies and foundations offer grants, awards and fellowships that limit the number of applications that can come from one institution. In order to increase the chances of the UW succeeding in such “limited submission opportunity” applications, the Office of Research has established a procedure to review pre-proposals in a timely fashion. This listserv is for notices of upcoming opportunities, deadlines and instructions for pre-proposal submission.
How To Subscribe
To subscribe, send an email with the text “Subscribe to the limited submissions listserv” to: limitedsubs@uw.edu
How To Unsubscribe
To unsubscribe, send an email with the text “Unsubscribe to the limited submissions listserv” to: limitedsubs@uw.edu