UW Research

Current and Pending, or Other Support

Most federal sponsors require Senior and Key Personnel to report information about their Current and Pending, or Other Support whether or not salary is received. Much of the basic information needed can be found on UW systems and tools, prior proposal submissions, or sponsor systems (such as SciENcv). Most sponsors also expect and have specific requirements for the disclosure of Foreign Interests related to an investigator’s research endeavors.

Requirements vary by agency and funding opportunity. Check the funding opportunity announcement as well as specific agency policies and make sure information is complete, accurate, and follows sponsor guidelines.

Information on this page will continue to be updated based on federal agency clarifications.

Sponsor Specific Requirements

National Institutes of Health - Other Support

NIH requires Other Support information for Key Personnel at Just-In-Time (JIT), in annual Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs), as well as included with requests for Prior Approval to Change Status.

Roles that do not need to report:

  • Training Grant Program Directors, training faculty, and others involved in oversight of training grants
  • Individuals categorized as Other Significant Contributors

Components that Senior/Key Personnel Must Report:

NIH stresses in their FAQs that recipients should err on the side of disclosure. Senior/Key Persons are expected to provide complete and accurate reporting for all sources of research support, financial interests and affiliations, both foreign and domestic.


Report all funding sources — federal, non-federal, commercial or institutional — available in support of and/or related to an individual’s research endeavors.

This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Research Grants
  • Cooperative Agreements
  • Contracts
  • Startup packages and support for research from an external entity even if the research is not being carried out at that entity
    • For example: funding under a Foreign Talent Program made directly to a researcher to carry out research at the UW~participation in such talent programs may be subject to restrictions
  • Institutional grants and awards that are “separately budgeted and accounted for” per Uniform Guidance

Include a description of any overlap between available funding and the proposed project budget and how it will be resolved if the proposed project is funded.

Examples of Items that are Not Reportable:
  • Start-up packages from the applicant institution (the UW)
  • Gift funds or prizes
  • Endowed chair funds and other endowment allocations
  • Equipment unless provided as In-Kind support
  • NIH Training Grants, such as T32 funding
  • UW Discretionary funds


Report all positions and scientific appointments relevant to an application, whether or not remuneration was received. Include position title, name of the organization, appointment type (e.g., full-time, honorary, visiting, adjunct). This includes appointments, affiliations, consulting with foreign entities, as well as any volunteer positions held. These appointments should also be listed within the Biosketch.

Guidance from federal agencies continues to evolve, so there may be inconsistencies or lack of clarity on what needs to be reported or where it may need to be reported. If you are unsure whether something is relevant to the application or if it should be listed in more than one place, err on the side of reporting in both places.

In-Kind Resources

Report in-kind resources from any external entity made specifically available to Senior/Key Persons in support of research activities. In-kind resources are non-monetary support such as office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, and personnel.

Key Personnel are not responsible for reporting institutional resources such as core facilities or shared equipment that are made broadly available to the UW research community.

Visiting Scholars, Post-Doctoral Scholars, or International Students Supporting Research

Report all students and scholars who are participating in research efforts with you but who are not paid through the UW. This is considered a form of in-kind support.

The support they receive through scholarships, through an appointment at another university, an affiliation with an outside entity, or experimental materials provided by them, etc. must be included within Other Support.


Include the name of their institution/entity, whether and what type of funds/support were involved, role, and level of effort (0.0 calendar for uncompensated activities), as well as a brief summary of the activity. Review example in the FAQ.

Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR):

Individuals who have expended at least one month of effort during the year (compensated or uncompensated) should be reported in the annual RPPR each year. Include any changes to their proposed or previously reported effort levels.

If an individual’s primary affiliation is with a foreign organization, the name of the organization and country must be listed.

Report changes in any Senior/Key Person’s Other Support from what was proposed in the application or the last reporting period.

For each Senior/Key Personnel added to the project, provide a Biographical Sketch and their Other Support information with all the components outlined on this page.

Review the NIH RPPR Instruction Guide for other NIH specific instructions.

National Science Foundation - Current and Pending Support

Key Personnel Must Report:

Report all current and pending resources, foreign and domestic, whether or not they have monetary value in support of and/or related to all of their research efforts.

This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Financial support for laboratory personnel
  • Consulting activities must be disclosed under the proposals and active projects section of the Common Current and Pending (Other) Support form when any of the following scenarios apply:
    • The consulting activity will require the senior/key person to perform research as part of the consulting activity;
    • The consulting activity does not involve performing research, but is related to the senior/key person’s research portfolio and may have the ability to impact funding, alter time or effort commitments, or otherwise impact scientific integrity; or
    • The consulting entity has provided a contract that requires the senior/key person to conceal or withhold confidential financial or other ties between the senior/key person and the entity, irrespective of the duration of the engagement.
  • In-kind contributions:
    • Disclose only those with an estimated dollar value of $5000 or more and that require a commitment of the individual’s time
    • All students and scholars who are participating in research efforts with you but are not paid through the UW
    • Items or services given with the expectation of a time-commitment involved are reported within the Current and Pending Support
    • If contributions do not involve a time commitment, report them within Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
  • Prizes if used to subsidize research projects (include the amount planned for use over the current fiscal year)

Examples of Items that are Not Reportable within Current and Pending Support:

  • Gifts
  • Start-up packages from the applicant institution (the UW)
  • Endowed chair funds and other endowment allocations
  • Appointments should be listed within the Biosketch
  • In-kind contributions with an estimated value of less than $5000

Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)

Individuals who have expended at least one month of effort during the year (compensated or uncompensated) should be reported in the annual RPPR each year. Include any changes to their proposed or previously reported effort levels.

If an individual’s primary affiliation is with a foreign organization, the name of the organization and country must also be listed.

Report changes in any Senior/Key Person’s Other Support from what was proposed in the application or the last reporting period.

For each Senior/Key Personnel added to the project, provide a Biographical Sketch as well as Current & Pending Support information with all the components outlined on this page.

Department of Defense - Previous, Current, and Pending Support

All Key Personnel must provide Previous/Current/Pending Support. This is required at the time of proposal. An updated version is required if a proposal is recommended for funding.

Each report must include all previous, current, and pending research support (award period of performance ending within the past 5 years).

File title must be: “Support_LastName.pdf,” where “LastName” is the last name of the PI. If there is no previous, current, or pending support, enter “None.”

Components to include for each listing of support:

  • Title
  • Time commitments
  • Supporting agency
  • Name and address of funding agency’s Contracting/Grants Officer
  • Performance period
  • Level of funding
  • Brief description of project goals and list of the specific aims
  • Identify if the proposed project overlaps with existing/pending research projects.
  • Clearly state if there is no overlap

Department of Energy - Current and Pending Support

Each DOE opportunity will have its own requirements. Refer to specific DOE Funding Announcement instructions.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Ongoing/Pending Projects and Proposals

According tot he NASA Guidebook for Proposers: PIs and Co-PIs must provide all ongoing/pending projects and proposals (regardless of salary support) in which they are performing or will perform any part of the work.

Co-Is proposing to spend 10% or more of their time on the proposed project must provide ongoing/pending project and proposals (regardless of salary support) that require more than 10% of their time.

The current proposal does not need to be on the list of pending proposals unless it was also submitted to another funding opportunity (regardless of who the sponsor is).

Required Components:

  • Title of funded project or proposal title
  • Name of PI on award or proposal
  • Program name (if appropriate) and sponsoring agency or organization, including a point of contact with their telephone number and email address
  • Performance period
  • Total amount received by that investigator (including indirect costs) or the amount per year if uniform (e.g., $50K/year)
  • Time commitment by the investigator for each year of the period of performance

Proposing PI’s must immediately notify the NASA Program Officer identified for the Funding Announcement of any successful proposals awarded for substantially the same research as proposed to NASA. This continues to be a requirement any time after the proposal due date and until NASA’s selections are announced.

Current and Pending support is not required for students or Co-Investigators at non-U.S. institutions. Current and Pending support may, however, be requested for students depending on the Notice of Funding Opportunity.

Other Professional Activities

Other Professional activities (referred to as Outside Work at the UW) related to your UW research must be reported in Current and Pending or Other Support documentation.

Any work for compensation outside of an employee’s position at the UW must be approved through the appropriate Outside Professional Work for Compensation process. Contact the Office of Research for specific questions.