UW Research

Post Submission


Policies, procedures and time frames vary regarding post submission materials and requirements that must be met before an award can be issued or accepted. Check sponsor guidelines for information specific to your proposal. Some University policies and procedures regarding activity after proposal submission but before an award is made are below.

Advance Spending on Awards

In many cases an Advance can be set up before an award is finalized. 

The University has paused approval of the following effective 2/28/2025 for all federal and federal flow-through awards:

All other Advance Spend, whether using the Advance Spend module, or a Temporary Internal Extension, may continue to be requested but may receive increased scrutiny.

Any requests already received up through 2/27/2025 and with GCA or OSP will be processed.

If you already have Advance Spend or a Temporary Internal Extension processed on a federal or federal flow-through award, you are asked to minimize advance spending, with a reminder that unrecoverable costs are borne by the PI/department.

Please see the Vice Provost for Research federal updates on the research funding landscape message to the Research community.


Advance Request FAQ

Why isn't my eGC1 eligible for an Advance (ADV)?

  • The sponsor has not granted pre-award spending authority (most contracts and non-federal awards) and the department has not provided an alternate worktag number to charge should the sponsor not reimburse costs incurred outside pre-award spending authority.
  • The anticipated award is a federal contract of $100,000 or more or has a subaward with federal contract funding of $3,000 or more and personnel to be charged have not been verified in the E-verify system.
  • Human subjects research expenditures will be charged, and IRB approval or Exempt Status determination has not been obtained.
  • Animal use research expenditures will be charged, and IACUC approval has not been obtained.
  • OSP already reviewed and approved the Award Setup Request and sent it to GCA for processing.
  • SFI disclosure and review is not complete.

Requesting a Change of PI after Proposal up to Time of Award

  • Complete all Preliminary Steps to Change PI.
  • Submit a Non-competing Revision eGC1 in SAGE and include:
    • Request to Change PI to the sponsor
    • Supporting documentation
    • Update SAGE budget worksheets and or scope of work as needed
    • The Change of PI form is not needed when change is prior to award set-up, that form is only required after an award has been made.

Required Training

Required training may need to be completed before the UW can accept an award.

Examples:  Good Clinical Practice training, Human Subject Protections, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS), Biosafety, EH&S

MyResearch – Training Transcript displays records of completed training for UW’s research required training, as well as some NIH required training offered through CITI (such as Protection of Human Subject Research Participants).
MyResearch Training Transcript

Pre-award Requests to Sponsors

Email osp@uw.edu your pre-award updates/revision requests to sponsors, including NSF and NIH pre-award updates/revisions. This includes items after a proposal is submitted and before an award arrives at the UW such as Just-in-Time requests.

Supplemental Proposal Materials

Some sponsors request additional information prior to proposal review (sometimes referred to as “Supplemental Proposal Material”). This information may include items such as updated publications. Pay close attention to requests for information regarding your proposal, including instructions for who must submit materials to the sponsor.

When you need to submit material to a sponsor after a proposal has been submitted and before an award arrives, send to osp@uw.edu, including your eGC1 number and PI name in the subject line.


Some sponsors request more information after the proposal has received a fundable score or review of the proposal but before making an award (sometimes referred to as “Just In Time” information). Standard requests include F&A rate agreement lettersother support information for key personnel, IRB or  IACUC approval dates, and certification of required training.

Sponsor requests for this information are usually sent to both the authorized official (e.g., OSP) and the Principal Investigator. The PI prepares the documentation and provides it to OSP for review and submission to the sponsor.

Email osp@uw.edu your pre-award updates/revision requests. This includes items after a proposal is submitted and before an award arrives at the UW such as Just-in-Time requests.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pre-award Requests

Unless the Grants Management Specialist requests that JIT materials be submitted to them directly via email by the authorized official, NIH requires applicants to submit all requested information in the eRA Commons JIT section.

Review UW guidance for NIH Other Support as it pertains to Foreign Interests.

Institutional Certification for Genomic Data Sharing

The NIH Policy on Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) applies to all NIH-funded research that generates large-scale human or non-human genomic data as well as the use of these data for subsequent research.

Learn more about when this is required in the Human Subjects Division SOP Request for Genomic Data Sharing Certification – Investigators.

Institutional Certification cannot be provided until HSD carries out its review!

There are different times this certification might be required, at the just-in-time (JIT) stage or post-award.

JIT: Submit institutional certification:

  1. 6-8 weeks before the award start date, follow Human Subjects Division’s Genomic Data Sharing Certification procedures for requesting Institutional Certification.
  2. HSD sends its review summary to PI.
  3. PI signs the institutional certification and uploads with JIT materials.
  4. Notify OSP via osp@uw.edu. Include the eGC1 # in the subject line and indicate JIT Materials are waiting for submission.
  5. OSP reviews and submits JIT materials in eRA Commons to NIH.
  6. OSP’s submission of this documentation via eRA Commons to NIH signifies institutional certification.

While HSD approval is pending, use the NIH Provisional Institutional Certification and include with your JIT materials. OSP can then proceed with the review and submission of those materials, pending the final certification.

Post-Award: Submit institutional certification:

  1. Follow HSD Genomic Data Sharing Certification procedures.
  2. HSD sends its review summary to PI.
  3. The PI prepares and signs the appropriate institutional certification.
  4. Campus/PI routes an Award Modification in SAGE for the Award that generated the genomic data covered by the certification.
    1. Attach the  PI-signed certification and the IRB approval for the study listed on the certification in the Supporting Attachments section.
    2. Include a comment indicating the MOD is a Genomic Data Sharing request.

Incoming Subawards

When the UW is a named subrecipient under another institution’s (pass-through entity)  proposal to a prime sponsor,  the pass-through entity may need additional information before issuing our incoming subaward, such as a project-specific certification form or the contact information for the subaward template.

UW campus administrators typically complete these forms, using UW institutional information or information found on the UW’s FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Profile (scroll to UW profile).

If an institutional signature is required, send it to osp@uw.edu for OSP signature.