UW Research

DEI Resources

Vivid colors

The Meanings of Juneteenth

A presentation by historian Christopher James Bonner, Associate Professor, University of Maryland


War in Israel and Gaza

Here are some resources that may be helpful pertaining to the current war in Israel and Gaza.

Seattle map

Workshop: Understanding Land Acknowledgments

Take a self-paced workshop where you can learn about the importance & complexities around the formal statement that recognizes the Indigenous Peoples of Washington.


Take a class!  POD trainings…

Did you know that POD provides trainings on diversity and inclusion? See the POD webpage.

Campus scene

Need to post a job?

Branch out and post to UW Affinity Groups to recruit from diverse groups.

Campus scene

OR DEI Committee

Meet your unit’s DEI representatives!

UW DEI Resource Tool

The University of Washington has many diversity, equity and  inclusion resources available to staff, students and faculty. These resources can be found across several websites from UW Human Resources to the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity.  The DEI Resource tool provides a quick and easy way to  look up these resources by topic or category.