UW Research

Budget/Position Control Policy and Procedure

  • Purpose

This policy and procedure are being established to track vacant positions and new hires to ensure alignment with budgeted positions and allocated resources.

  • Revision History


  • Persons Affected
    • Unit administrators responsible for hiring, and finance.
    • Unit Directors
    • Office of Research Director of Operations and staff.
  • Policy
  • This policy is to ensure that:

    • Hires are only made within budgeted lines
    • If there are exceptions to hiring within budgeted lines (including adds to staff or restructured or reclassified positions), unit administrators will seek approval from the Director of Operations prior to posting or offering to staff.
    • Starting salaries are within the scope of the salary dollars budgeted to the position. If the starting salary is higher than the amount budgeted, unit administrators will need to adjust budgeted amounts from other available permanent funds to account for the increased salary.
  • Definitions


  • Responsibilities
  • The roles and responsibilities of all individuals involved are as follows:

    • The unit administrators will hire only for vacant positions and within the budgeted salary amount or will reallocate salary from other positions to cover the increased salary. The unit administrators will inform Central Office of Research of any vacancies, salary offers, new hires, changes to existing positions, or adds to staff.
    • The Assistant Director of Operations will review all postings and hire offers and will inform the Central Finance Office with this information for tracking purposes.
    • The Central Finance Office will track all budgeted positions to ensure alignment with budgeted positions and allocated resources.
  • Procedures
    • When the unit administrator is posting a job (new or replacement) on UWHires, they will indicate the budget and position number on the requisition.
    • The Assistant Director for Operations or designee will review the UWHires and verify that the budget and position numbers are listed on the Position Log and contact the unit administrator with any questions or discrepancies.
    • If the Position Log lists the vacant positions, and the review shows no other complications, the requisition will be approved by the Assistant Director or designee and s/he will notify the Central Fiscal staff via email that the position is open.
    • If a position is not budgeted and has no position number (ie, add to staff, restructured and different position), the unit administrator needs to consult with the Director of Operations prior to posting or the posting will be held pending further information.
    • Before making any job offers, the unit administrators will check the budgeted amount in the position, align the offer with that amount and seek approval from the Central Office of Research staff.
    • If the unit administrators wish to make an offer over the allocated amount, they will need to consult with the Director of Operations about their wish to reallocate funds from other available permanent funds to cover it and provide the budget information.
    • Before reclassifying positions, the unit administrators will check the budgeted amount in the position, have a discussion with the Director of Operations and ensure there are budgeted resources to cover the reclass.
    • The Assistant Director for Operations or designee will approve salary offers and inform the Central Fiscal staff via email to update the Position Log and make budget revisions as appropriate.
  • Content Creator

Director of Operations

  • Effective Date
