UW Research

Post-Award Instructions

The following information includes the steps that must be taken before funds will be released, rules regarding budgets and expenditures, instructions for preparing the final grant report, and closing procedures.

Setting Up Your Award

  1. Create an Award Setup Request in SAGE Central and provide the following. Connect a SAGE Budget. Provide start and end dates for your project, usually 12 months. For the Sponsor Award Number, please use your eGC1 number. RRF Scholars should follow these instructions for the part of their project that may begin before their teaching release quarter. Scholar salary replacement budget steps can be found here. If your budget includes a subcontract, this should be set up through procurement rather than OSP; contact your department’s fiscal staff for assistance.
  2. Attach a copy of your award letter.
  3. Attach a statement verifying that the RRF award does not directly overlap funding from other sources. RRF awards may not be used to supplement other funding. The RRF Program Chair must be notified if other funding is received for the same project during the award period and may cancel the RRF award if the overlap is significant.
  4. Attach compliance documentation. RRF projects may begin after all compliance approvals are provided. If the proposal involves the use of human or animal subjects, submit documentation showing that your RRF proposal has been reviewed and approved by the Human Subjects Division or the Animal Care Committee. For IRB, submit the approval letter that lists the RRF as a funding source. For IACUC, submit the approval letter specifically directed to the RRF program. If the RRF project is to be appended to a previously approved protocol, documentation must indicate that the RRF project has been so approved and the RRF must be added as a funding source.
  5. Route the ASR to RRF staff for review/approval.

During the Award Period

Follow RRF Budget Guidelines.

Extension Requests

  • For both extension and rebudgeting requests, create a Modification Request (OSP/GCA) in SAGE Central. RRF awards don’t have a Sponsor Modification Number, so you may ignore that field.
  • Attach an Extension Request form. On this form, the answer to Question 7 should be No.
  • Disclose and justify any current deviations from your approved project activities and/or budget.
  • Attach documentation that your compliance approvals (IRB, IACUC) are up to date and will remain in effect throughout the extended award period.

Rebudgeting Requests. The following require the prior approval of the RRF staff:

  • Significant change in the research plan or expenses not listed in the approved budget.
  • Rebudgeting of the faculty salary category.
  • Budget shifts between approved items that exceed 25% of the total award amount.

Upon Completion of the Award Period

Final Report. A final report should be submitted to rrfprop@uw.edu no later than six weeks after the award budget end date. The summary should be confined to three (3) pages and include the following:

  • The work accomplished.
  • The impact of the award.
  • Further funding or proposals that have resulted from this work.
  • Any publications that have resulted or are expected. Funding from the RRF should be acknowledged in publications, and reprints should be submitted to the Office of Research.
  • If spending closely matched your approved budget, please confirm this. Otherwise, you will need to justify or explain:
    • Any spending not listed in the approved budget.
    • Any budget shifts between approved items that exceed 25% of the total award amount.

Closing. When the Office of Research has reviewed and approved your final report and summary of expenditures, we will ask GCA to close out your budget. Any unspent funds will be returned to the RRF. All unapproved expenses and over-expenditures are the responsibility of the PI and the PI’s department.

Wait Period for Re-Application. A PI who has received RRF funding will be eligible to reapply as PI two years after the previous award budget has ended and the final report has been submitted. There is no waiting period required for Co-PIs.

Continue Your RRF Involvement

As an award recipient, you may be contacted by new applicants who wish to review examples of previously funded proposals to aid them in preparing their submissions. We encourage you to support your peers in their research endeavors.

We expect awardees to support the RRF program in future rounds by serving as a peer reviewer and by serving on the RRF review committee.

The Office of Research welcomes any comments on the RRF program or ways in which it could be improved. Please contact Karen Luetjen, 206-616-9089.