UW Research

ORCID iDs: An Overview for Researchers

ORCID iD Overview

An Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCID) is a unique digital identifier that helps link researchers to their grants, publications, and other research-related work. ORCID iDs are maintained by the nonprofit ORCID. At this time, the University of Washington is strongly encouraging registering for an ORCID iD.


Registering for an ORCID iD is quick and provides many benefits to researchers:

  • Consistency: Researchers can use the same iD throughout their career, even if their name changes or they switch institutions or fields.
  • Summarizes Publication History: The iD can link to all research publications and other research-related material in a single place, which is useful in connections with both publishers and prospective research sponsors.
  • Reduces Administration Time: The ORCID database integrates with many other databases and institutions. This enables customizable auto-population of biosketches and other documents required by some agencies (e.g., NIH and NSF), which saves researcher time. It also allows the University of Washington to take advantage of more efficient mechanisms of connecting you to federal agencies. In some cases, agencies require Principal Investigators to have an ORCID iD.
  • Customizable Privacy: You control how much of your research and profile details is shown and to whom.

How to Register

  1. Visit ORCID’s website to begin the registration process.
  2. Enter your first name, last name, and email.
    ORCID Registration - Initial
  3. Create a password.
  4. Select your preferred privacy settings and accept ORCID’s terms and conditions.
    ORCID Registration - Privacy

How to Affiliate with the University of Washington

  1. After confirming your email with ORCID, access your profile and scroll to the Employment section and select the “+ Add” button.
  2. Search for and select “University of Washington” from the drop-down menu in the Organization field. Ensure the text “Identify as: University of Washington” appears below the Organization field. If the text “Unidentified organization” appears instead, you will not be successfully affiliated with the UW.
  3. Fill in your current employment information with the University of Washington.

Correct Affiliation

Incorrect Affiliation
If the text "Unidentified Organization" appears, you will not be successfully affiliated with the UW.

How to Add Information to an ORCID Profile


If you have questions about creating or maintaining an ORCID iD, review these helpful resources: