UW Research

OSP Volume: Awards, Modifications, and Subawards

Award Setup & Modification Requests

The week over week data reflected here are Award Setup Requests (ASRs) and Modification Requests (MODs) that are:

  • with OSP – Status of OSP Assigned or OSP Setup
  • Approved and Assigned to GCA in past week
  • Returned

This information does not reflect OSP’s entire body of work.

Dates represent when data are pulled. Returned item counts include whether an item was returned more than once in the same week.

Award Setup &
Modification Requests 
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in total
Arrived in OSP
Past week
Approved &
Assigned to GCA
past week
OSP Returned
to Campus
past week
3/10 580 -3.5% 171 196 135
3/03 600 5.3% 187 176 118
2/24 568 -.7% 144 144 131
2/17 572 4.2% 159 185 130
2/10 548 1.3% 149 147 82
2/03 541 1.3% 167 153 117
1/27 534 7.1% 147 122 73
1/21 496 -4.8% 119 162 90
1/13 520 -12.1% 115 187 77
1/06 583 -2.7% 85 110 52

Work in Progress – Status of OSP Assigned / OSP Setup

Days in OSP Status Assigned/Setup.

Reporting Date 0-15 16-30 31-60 61+
3/10 258 79 92 151
3/03 258 97 84 161
2/24 215 109 74 170
2/17 236 82 79 175
2/10 241 57 89 161
2/03 220 74 103 144
1/27 206 63 108 157
1/21 179 41 107 169
1/13 154 74 117 175
1/06 146 135 110 192

Subaward Requests

Total with OSP: all outgoing subaward actions that are in a status of In OSP, OSP assigned, and Issued.
IN OSP: Subaward Request in OSP but not yet assigned and subject to return if missing information
OSP Assigned: Subaward Request assigned to Subaward Team member, and in queue, under review, or under subrecipient monitoring steps.
Issued: Subaward sent out for signature to subrecipient or returned with subaward signature and awaiting PO creation. Issued does not represent that a subaward has been fully processed and that a PO has been created.

Subaward Requests
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in Total
In OSP Assigned Issued
3/10 887 -1.6% 525 62 300
3/03 901 1.1% 531 94 276
2/24 891 -1.7% 565 72 254
2/17 906 0% 580 73 253
2/10 906 1.4% 601 55 250
2/03 893 -.8 % 599 38 256
1/27 900 .6% 595 28 277
1/21 895 -2.9% 558 67 270
1/13 921 -1.3% 607 52 262
1/06 933 .2% 602 55 276
12/30 931 .9% 621 46 264
12/23 923 1.7% 596 56 271
12/16 907 .6% 595 68 244
12/09 902 6% 584 60 258
12/02 848 2.2% 540 46 262
11/25 829 -5.2% 524 53 252
11/18 872 -.7% 545 42 285
11/12 878 .3% 528 51 299

Fully Executed Subaward Actions by Month

Fully Executed: subaward actions are finalized, signed by the subrecipient and the UW, and have a PO created.

Subaward Requests January February March April May June July August September October November December
Fully Executed 190 172 217 195 258 190 233 205 188 204 193 163

Previous Dates

Previous Dates for Award Setup & Modification Requests

Previous data for Award Setup Request (ASR), Modification Request (MOD), and Subaward volume week-over-week for the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).

12/30/2024-10/14/2024 - ASRs, MODs, Work in Progress

Award Setup &
Modification Requests 
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in total
Arrived in OSP
Past week
Approved &
Assigned to GCA
past week
OSP Returned
to Campus
past week
12/30 599 -8.7% 91 113 76
12/23 651 1.1% 171 193 78
12/16 644 .3% 179 219 124
12/09 642 -.5% 145 219 110
12/02 645 2% 93 105 51
11/25 632 -1.3% 130 161 70
11/18 640 -9.4% 138 214 124
11/12 700 3.3% 191 181 129
11/04 677 4.1% 175 174 89
10/28 649 -2.5% 157 233 147
10/21 665 .2% 162 206 197
10/14 664 -11.1% 140 253 115
Reporting Date 0-15 16-30 31-60 61+
12/30 192 108 103 196
12/23 276 68 119 188
12/16 254 87 120 183
12/09 189 120 149 184
12/02 215 106 144 181
11/25 240 96 134 162
11/18 226 113 136 165
11/12 282 118 133 167
11/04 271 117 125 164
10/28 248 112 120 169
10/21 239 108 126 191
10/14 228 113 113 190


Award Setup &
Modification Requests 
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in total
Arrived in OSP
Past week
Approved &
Assigned to GCA
past week
OSP Returned
to Campus
past week
10/07 738 -7.2% 163 232 135
9/30 791 -1.8% 189 285 139
9/23 805 -6.2% 187 296 142
9/16 855 -.5% 225 332 135
9/09 859 -4.8% 218 283 165
9/03 900 5.2% 247 230 160
8/26 853 -.7% 227 278 154
8/19 859 -3% 230 261 163
8/12 884 -1.6% 230 230 112


Award Setup &
Modification Requests 
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in total
Arrived in OSP
Past week
Approved &
Assigned to GCA
past week
8/05 898 -5% 229 193
7/22 951 -.8% 224 195
7/15 959 2% 232 127
7/08 940 8.5% 195 132
7/01 860 -3% 238 148
6/24 885 3.8% 204 199
6/17 851 -11% 225 241
6/10 944 16.8% 253 133
5/31 785 -9.6% 162 93
5/27 860 4.8% 210 113
5/20 819 4.3% 203 196
5/13 784 1.2% 169 156


Award Setup &
Modification Requests 
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in total
Arrived in OSP
Past week
Approved &
Assigned to GCA
past week
5/06 775 1.6% 216 195
4/29 763 2.6% 183 135
4/22 743 .4% 152 138
4/15 740 -5% 139 165
4/08 777 .1% 175 152
4/01 776 .8% 188 185
3/25 770 2.5% 168 164
3/18 751 -5.9% 162 243
3/11 795 -1.4% 198 206
3/04 806 5% 202 195
2/26 766 -1.6% 158 212
2/20 778 1% 161 190
2/13 770 -3.1% 199 262
2/05 794 4.2% 191 225
1/29 761 -5.5% 153 250
1/22 803 -7.6% 121 205
1/16 864 1.3% 175 259
1/08 853 1.4% 174 229
1/02 841 -4.4% 117 143
12/26 878 5.9% 214 247
12/18 826 -1.5% 211 306
12/11 838 -2.3% 163 265
12/04 857 0% 174 231
11/27 857 1.8% 120 129
11/20 842 3.1% 182 241
11/13 816 .4% 109 175
11/06 813 -3.3% 177 291
10/30 840 N/A 170 160



Subaward Requests
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in Total
In OSP Assigned Issued
11/04 875 1.7% 529 41 305
10/28 860 2.7% 505 61 294
10/21 837 -4.2% 510 61 265
10/14 872 -1.2% 528 57 287
10/07 882 1.7% 518 75 289
9/30 867 .4% 533 64 270
9/23 864 2.1% 487 98 279
9/16 846 1.2% 513 71 262
9/09 836 3.4% 493 88 255
9/03 808 -.6% 487 65 256
8/26 813 4.2% 474 53 286
8/19 779 .5% 472 48 259
8/12 775 4.7% 463 71 241
8/05 739 -.3% 426 76 237
7/22 704 1.3% 418 45 241
7/15 695 -.7% 404 45 246
7/08 700 -3.4% 389 49 262
7/01 724 -1.4% 387 59 278
6/24 734 .8% 409 56 269


Subaward Requests
Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
in Total
In OSP Assigned Issued
6/17 728 -4.5% 414 52 262
6/10 761 -3.2% 405 64 292
5/31 785 -2.9% 408 60 317
5/27 808 -4.7% 404 63 341
5/20 846 -1.7% 401 83 362
5/13 860 .6% 394 99 367
5/06 854 -2.8% 387 102 366
4/29 879 -.8% 382 122 375
4/22 886  1.7% 388 112 386
4/15 871 .8% 379 115 377
4/08 864  .7% 363 130 371
4/01 858 1.9% 342 144 372


Reporting Date
with OSP
% Change
3/25 842 -1.2%
3/18 852 -2.1%
3/11 870 1.4%
3/04 858 1.2%
2/26 849 -1.9%
2/20 864 1%
2/13 857 1.4%
2/05 796 4.7%
1/29 759 3.4%
1/22 733 0%
1/16 733 6.6%
1/08 685 -3.9%
1/02 712 1.6%
12/26 701 .1%
12/18 700 2.6%
12/11 682 7.2%
12/04 634 2.1%
11/27 620 1.1%
11/20 613 7.7%
11/13 566 4.2%
11/06 542 -2%
10/30 553 N/A

Update Notes


  • 12/30 table formats updated – columns & rows reversed
  • 12/02 variance of 1 in 0-15 days identified and fixed
  • 12/02 fixed subaward total for 11/25 misrepresented as 872 instead of 829, variance of 1 between two reports used to develop totals for WIP vs. total
  • 3/25 subaward numbers adjusted for discrepancy in data, previously showed 940 and 9.4% when they should have been reported as 842 and -1.2%
  • 2/16 percentages updated in the WoW to account for rounding differences within data source.
  • 1/02 percentages updated in the WoW to account for rounding differences within data source.