UW Research

OSP Volume: Awards, Modifications, and Subawards

Award Setup Request (ASR), Modification Request (MOD), and Subaward volume week-over-week for the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) are reflected here.

This information does not reflect OSP’s entire body of work.

Dates represent when data are pulled.

Award Setup & Modification Requests

ASRs & MODs with OSP: items that are in a status of OSP Assigned and OSP Setup when data are pulled.

Award Setup & Modification Requests 6/10 6/17 6/24 7/01 7/08 7/15
Total with OSP 944 851 885 860 940 959
% change in total week-over-week 16.8% -11% 3.8% -3% 8.5% 2%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 253 225 204 238 195 232
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
133 241 199 148 132 127

Subaward Requests

Total with OSP: all outgoing subaward actions that are in a status of In OSP, OSP assigned, and Issued.
IN OSP: Subaward Request in OSP but not yet assigned and subject to return if missing information
OSP Assigned: Subaward Request assigned to Subaward Team member, and in queue, under review, or under subrecipient monitoring steps.
Issued: Subaward sent out for signature to subrecipient or returned with subaward signature and awaiting PO creation. Issued does not represent that a subaward has been fully processed and that a PO has been created.

Subaward Requests 6/10 6/17 6/24 7/01 7/08 7/15
Total with OSP 761 728 734 724 700 695
% change in total week-over-week -3.2% -4.5% .8% -1.4% -3.4% -.7%
In OSP 405 414 409 387 389 404
Assigned 64 52 56 59 49 45
Issued 292 262 269 278 262 246

Fully Executed Subaward Actions by Month

Fully Executed; subaward actions are finalized, signed by the subrecipient and the UW, and have a PO created.

Subaward Requests January February March April May June
Fully Executed 190 172 217 195 258 190

Previous Dates

Previous Dates for Award Setup & Modification Requests

Previous data for Award Setup Request (ASR), Modification Request (MOD), and Subaward volume week-over-week for the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).


Award Setup & Modification Requests 5/13 5/20 5/27 5/31 6/10 6/17
Total with OSP 784 819 860 785 944 851
% change in total week-over-week 1.2% 4.3% 4.8% -9.6% 16.8% -11%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 169 203 210 162 253 225
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
156 196 113 93 133 241


Award Setup & Modification Requests 4/01 4/08 4/15 4/22 4/29 5/06
Total with OSP 776 777 740 743 763 775
% change in total week-over-week .8% .1% -5% .4% 2.6% 1.6%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 188 175 139 152 183 216
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
185 152 165 138 135 195


Award Setup & Modification Requests 2/20 2/26 3/04 3/11 3/18 3/25
Total with OSP 778 766 806 795 751 770
% change in total week-over-week 1% -1.6% 5% -1.4% -5.9% 2.5%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 161 158 202 198 162 168
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
190 212 195 206 243 164


Award Setup & Modification Requests 1/08 1/16 1/22 1/29 2/05 2/13
Total with OSP 853 864 803 761 794 770
% change in total week-over-week 1.4% 1.3% -7.6% -5.5% 4.2% -3.1%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 174 175 121 153 191 199
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
229 259 205 250 225 262


Award Setup & Modification Requests 12/04 12/11 12/18 12/26 1/02
Total with OSP 857 838 826 878 841
% change in total week-over-week 0% -2.3% -1.5% 5.9% -4.4%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 174 163 211 214 117
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
231 265 306 247 143


Award Setup & Modification Requests 10/30 11/06 11/13 11/20 11/27
Total with OSP 840 813 816 842 857
% change in total week-over-week N/A -3.3% .4% 3.1% 1.8%
Arrived in OSP in the past week 170 177 109 182 120
Approved & assigned
to GCA past week
160 291 175 241 129



Subaward Requests 5/13 5/20 5/27 5/31 6/10 6/17
Total with OSP 860 846 808 785 761 728
% change in total week-over-week .6% -1.7% -4.7% -2.9% -3.2% -4.5%
In OSP 394 401 404 408 405 414
Assigned 99 83 63 60 64 52
Issued 367 362 341 317 292 262


Subaward Requests 4/01 4/08 4/15 4/22 4/29 5/06
Total with OSP 858 864 871 886 879 854
% change in total week-over-week 1.9% .7% .8% 1.7% -.8% -2.8%
In OSP 342 363 379 388 382 387
Assigned 144 130 115 112 122 102
Issued 372 371 377 386 375 366


Subawards 2/20 2/26 3/04 3/11 3/18 3/25
Total with OSP 864 849 858 870 852 842
% change in total week-over-week 1% -1.9% 1.2% 1.4% -2.1% -1.2%


Subawards 1/08 1/16 1/22 1/29 2/05 2/13
Total with OSP 685 733 733 759 796 857
% change in total week-over-week -3.9 6.6% 0% 3.4% 4.7% 1.4%


Subawards 12/04 12/11 12/18 12/26 01/02
Total with OSP 634 682 700 701 712
% change in total week-over-week 2.1% 7.2% 2.6% .1% 1.6%


Subawards 10/30 11/06 11/13 11/20 11/27
Total with OSP 553 542 566 613 620
% change in total week-over-week N/A -2% 4.2% 7.7% 1.1%


  • 3/25 subaward numbers adjusted for discrepancy in data, previously showed 940 and 9.4% when they should have been reported as 842 and -1.2%
  • 2/16 percentages updated in the WoW to account for rounding differences within data source.
  • 1/02 percentages updated in the WoW to account for rounding differences within data source.