UW Research
Checklist: Federal Research Security by Design
These quick reference checklists are supplemental to Federal Research Security by Design.
- Gather supporting documentation.
- Do a “search” on yourself and your publications.
- Get a Persistent Digital Identifier (ORCID iD).
- Complete your Other Support and Biosketch. Use SciENcv. Be thorough.
- Review the NSTC tool for what and where to disclose.
- As needed, provide disclosures according to sponsor guidance.
- Complete your internal UW disclosure requirements as needed (SFI, Outside Work).
International Collaboration
- Projects involving countries of concern? Be prepared for additional steps.
- Confirm collaborators are not suspended or debarred in SAM.gov.
- Collaborators on ITA screening list? Follow up with Exports@uw.edu.
- Look at sponsor specific requirements or restrictions on foreign involvement, including foreign nationals.
- NIH proposals with international subrecipient? Share the UW recommended language for letters of support.
- Prepare international collaborators to provide you with access to data supporting the research.