UW Research

Policies, Procedures, and Guidance

Policies, Procedures, and Guidance for the Office of Research. Includes GIMs, SOPs, Guidance and more.
Name Type Updated Owner Download
SOP RNI Reporting by Researchers SOP 08/25/2022 HSD [Download]
GUIDANCE Humanitarian Use Device Procedures & Guidance 08/25/2022 HSD
GUIDANCE Expanded Access Procedures & Guidance 08/25/2022 HSD
SOP Use of the UW IRB SOP 09/27/2022 HSD
SOP Guests at IRB Meetings SOP 10/27/2022 HSD [Download]
INSTRUCTIONS Information for IRB Guests Procedures & Guidance 10/27/2022 HSD [Download]
GUIDANCE Certificate of Confidentiality Procedures & Guidance 10/27/2022 HSD
SOP IRB Consultants SOP 11/30/2022 HSD [Download]
External IRB Initial Review Process Diagram Procedures & Guidance 12/29/2022 HSD [Download]
Department of Energy Guidance Procedures & Guidance 03/02/2023 HSD