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Checklist: Subawards from Proposal to Closeout

A checklist of steps, guidance and resources for working with subawards throughout the research project lifecycle.

Subawards at Time of Proposal

Review Guidance

Subawards at Setup

1. Familiarize yourself with the overall UW subaward process

2. Confirm Subrecipients are Listed in Workday as Suppliers and Subrecipients

3. Confirm Subrecipients are listed in SAGE as Subrecipients

4. Request Setup of Workday Subaward Award Line and Grant Worktag

There are two different ways to add a subaward to an award.

If you know the subawards at time of Award Setup, request subaward award lines as part of an Award Setup Request (ASR) in SAGE.

If you need to add a subaward to an existing award, submit a SAGE OSP/GCA Modification Request. Include the URL for the snapshot of the SAGE Award Budget that includes the subaward budget worksheet you want set up in Workday.

5. Submit SAGE Subaward Request

After the ASR or MOD is processed, you can submit a SAGE Subaward Request.

6. Watch for communication from OSP, GCA and Procurement regarding subaward process

Manage Subawards

Monitoring Subaward Activity

Subrecipient monitoring [17] means verifying the subrecipient is following technical, financial, and compliance requirements


Troubleshooting Invoicing

Managing Subaward Changes

Subawards at Closeout

Resources and Learning Opportunities

Job Aids and Guides

Additional web guidance

CORE courses