A checklist of steps, guidance and resources for working with subawards throughout the research project lifecycle.
Subawards at Time of Proposal
Review Guidance
- Preparing Proposals with Subawards [1]
- Subaward Budget Development and F&A Calculations [2]
- How to Set Up Subaward Worksheets on the SAGE Proposal Budget [3]
Subawards at Setup
1. Familiarize yourself with the overall UW subaward process
- Review these videos illustrating the entire workflow for UW subaward process.
2. Confirm Subrecipients are Listed in Workday as Suppliers and Subrecipients
- Make sure the subrecipient is listed as a supplier and also a subrecipient in Workday [6].
- Review GCA’s Recommended Reports [7] for instructions on how to Find Supplier and Find Subrecipient [8].
3. Confirm Subrecipients are listed in SAGE as Subrecipients
- Review SAGE guidance for Subrecipient Selection [9] for details.
- If you cannot find the subrecipient you’re looking for, send an email request to ospsubs@uw.edu with the subject line “New Subrecipient.” If the subrecipient is not found in SAGE, it is likely a brand new subrecipient entity.
- New subrecipients must complete the Subrecipient Entity Certification [10] form.
4. Request Setup of Workday Subaward Award Line and Grant Worktag
There are two different ways to add a subaward to an award.
If you know the subawards at time of Award Setup, request subaward award lines as part of an Award Setup Request (ASR) in SAGE.
- Include a SAGE Budget Subaward Worksheet for each outgoing subaward in the SAGE budget linked to the ASR.
- Review the How to Set Up Subaward Worksheets on the SAGE Award Budget [11] job aid.
- When an ASR is complete OSP will review & send to GCA.
- GCA will set up the prime award, the subaward award lines and grant worktags in Workday.
- Award Preparers receive a SAGE notification [12] that the Award is available in Workday.
If you need to add a subaward to an existing award, submit a SAGE OSP/GCA Modification Request. Include the URL for the snapshot of the SAGE Award Budget that includes the subaward budget worksheet you want set up in Workday.
- Review how to create a SAGE Budget Snapshot Job Aid [13].
- Review process steps on Award Changes [14].
- When the MOD is complete OSP will review & send to GCA.
- GCA will set up the subaward award line and grant worktag in Workday.
- Award Preparers receive a SAGE notification [12] that the Award is available in Workday.
5. Submit SAGE Subaward Request
After the ASR or MOD is processed, you can submit a SAGE Subaward Request.
- Review the SAGE Subaward User Guide [15] for step by step instructions on creating a new subaward request.
- Note the “SC” number is assigned to the Subaward in SAGE when you save.
- Always include the subaward award line’s GR# assigned from Workday, as well as the relevant ASR/MOD#.
- Include any subrecipient agreement special requests in your Special Terms or Instructions for OSP.
- When the Subaward Request in SAGE is complete, you can submit.
- Your Subaward Request will be assigned to an OSP Subaward Administrator.
6. Watch for communication from OSP, GCA and Procurement regarding subaward process
- Monitor Workday Inbox for prompt to Approve Purchase Order.
- Receiving a PO in Workday for a Subaward happens AFTER OSP has negotiated the subaward agreement with the subrecipient.
- Look for email to subrecipient from OSP that includes PO#.
- The campus contact in SAGE will be copied on the email when OSP sends the fully executed agreement to the subrecipient which will include the PO#.
- Watch for change in status of SAGE subaward request to “Active” in your SAGE dashboard.
- OSP finalizes the subaward request in SAGE and the SAGE status of the subaward request displays as “Active.”
- Watch for the linkage to appear between the grant worktag and supplier contract in Workday.
- GCA creates a link between the subaward award line’s grant worktag and the supplier contract. This link helps with Workday subaward reporting.
- Run Workday report Find Subawards R1218 [16] to see subaward status, payments and balances in Workday.
Manage Subawards
Monitoring Subaward Activity
Subrecipient monitoring [17] means verifying the subrecipient is following technical, financial, and compliance requirements
- Track subaward expenditures in Workday to monitor spending
- One approach: Use the R1234 report to track which invoices have been paid out. The Supplier Invoice (SI-###########) will show up as an operational transaction identifier when the report is run for the subaward grant worktag.
- Monitor activities and coordinate changes during the life of the project. Review Manage Subawards [18]
- Provide your subrecipients with the For Suppliers [19] guidance from UW Procurement.
- Subrecipients must follow all of the Invoicing Requirements guidance precisely.
- Consider providing your subrecipient with an invoice template to avoid scanning issues with GHX.
- Subrecipients will email invoices to uwashington@ghxinvoicing.com.
- GHX scans and matches the invoice to the PO in Workday, generating a Supplier Invoice number (SI-###########) that links to the PO.
- An invoice may not automatically get linked to its proper PO and subaward worktags in Workday; troubleshoot this by running a Match Exceptions report.
- Regularly review & approve invoices in Workday to pay your subrecipients. Invoice approval by both grant manager and PI is required for payment.
- Review How to Approve Invoices for the PI [20] for guidance
Troubleshooting Invoicing
- Review Invoicing [21] information from UW Procurement for more information on
- Subrecipient submitted an invoice to GHX but the supplier invoice (SI) is not showing up in Workday.
- Other questions about invoice requirements and statuses.
- Workday reports to run to monitor invoices, and troubleshooting.
- Run R1166 Invoice Match Exceptions report in Workday to track invoice issues.
- In the memo field to the right on the R1166 report, you can download a copy of the invoice as submitted to confirm charges.
- See guide on resolving the exceptions [22] in order to assure timely payment to your subrecipients.
Managing Subaward Changes
- Need to request changes to an existing subaward agreement?
- Modifications to existing subaward agreements should be submitted through the SAGE Subawards Module.
- Review the SAGE Subaward User Guide [23] for step by step instructions on creating a modification request.
- Need to make changes to the subaward award line in Workday?
- Request changes to the subaward award line [24] in Workday via a GCA Only MOD in SAGE.
Subawards at Closeout
- Follow the steps outlined in the OSP Subaward Closeout [25] webpage.
- Follow the steps outlined in the GCA Close a Subaward Award Line [26].
- Review Changing or Closing Orders [27] information on closing out PO.
Resources and Learning Opportunities
Job Aids and Guides
- SAGE Subaward User Guide [28]
- How to Set Up Subaward Worksheets on the SAGE Proposal Budget [3]
- How to Set Up Subaward Worksheets on the SAGE Award Budget [11]
- Working with Subaward Worksheets and University of Washington Facilities & Administrative Rates on the SAGE Award Budget [29]
- SAGE Subaward Quick Guide [30]
Additional web guidance
- What is a complete Award Setup Request [31]
- Subaward Setup [5]
- Manage Subawards [18]
- Subaward Closeout [25]
- Subaward FAQs [32]
CORE courses
- Subaward Fundamentals [33]
- Subawards in SAGE [34]