WaNPRC Surgery Suite Orientation
Provides on-site training in operating room function and etiquette.
Who is required to take this training?
Personnel who will participate in major surgery on non-human primates (NHPs). Contact WaNPRC at training@wanprc.org to register.
Summary of the requirement
The Animal Welfare Regulations make it the responsibility of the institution to provide training and instruction on humane methods of animal maintenance, including the basic needs of each species, proper handling and care and proper use of anesthetics and analgesics. The PHS Policy, as implemented by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), also requires that the institution is responsible for the training of its staff. Among other things, training must ensure that individuals are trained and qualified to perform surgery.
Related policies and regulations
- UW IACUC Approved Policies
- Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) Frequently Asked Questions – section G: Institutional Responsibilities.
- Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations: 2.32 Personnel Qualifications.