UW Research
AmplifyLearn.AI unites interdisciplinary researchers and multisector partners to harness the cutting-edge AI/ML technologies to amplify the quality and equity of student learning in K-12 education. Our mission is illustrated by these four value positions:
- Innovative Research and Technology Development for Education. Our ground-breaking research and product development efforts integrate education domain knowledge, human expertise, and the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to transform K-12 education. We innovate in areas such as policy analysis and instructional content and tool development to enhance educational efficiency and personalize learning experiences for teachers and students.
- Promoting Educational Equity and Trustworthy AI. We leverage AI technology to bridge educational gaps and promote equity and inclusion. By tailoring education to individual teacher and student needs, we strive to ensure that every child, irrespective of their background, has access to quality education. Our work emphasizes inclusivity in educational content development, audits algorithms for fairness, and advance techniques for transparency in AI decision-making.
- Filling the Talent Gap. We recognize that the future of K-12 education is intertwined with advancements in AI and ML. However, this promising future faces a significant hurdle— a talent gap. Thus, our mission extends to nurture a new generation of skilled professionals who have both AI skills and education domain knowledge through comprehensive training programs.
- Collaboration across Boundaries. We unite interdisciplinary researchers and multi-sector partners to bring a wide range of perspectives to our work. This collaboration allows us to develop practical, scalable solutions that directly improve K-12 educational settings.
Home College or School
College of Education
Collaborating College(s) or School(s)
College of Engineering
External Partners
University of Oregon, University of Maryland, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Duquesne University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Microsoft, and Google; WA OSPI; WA Blaine School District; WA Meridian School District; WA PSESD.