Center for Integrated Design
The University of Washington’s Center for Integrated Design (UW CID) is a Research Center operated by the Department of Architecture in the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington. Its research organization, the Integrated Design Lab (IDL), is a self-sustaining lab that includes interdisciplinary faculty, staff, students, professional collaborators, and partner organizations.
Our mission is to discover solutions that overcome the most difficult building performance barriers, and to meet the building industry’s goals of moving towards radically higher performing buildings and healthy urban environments. We advance our mission through interconnected research, technical assistance, and education and outreach.
Core Services Offered
Built Environment: Research, Technical Assistance, Education and Outreach: Overview
Funding Information
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, US Department of Energy, Seattle City Light, Bullitt Foundation, Puget Sound Energy, American Institute of Architects, Architecture and Engineering Firms, Federal/State Work-Study (Leveraged)
Reporting Structure
College of Built Environments (Dean), Department of Architecture (Chair)
Related UW Entities
College of Built Environments, Department of Architecture
The Center for Integrated Design’s core faculty Professor Christopher Meek and Research Professor Heather Burpee collaborate with numerous UW entities including cross-disciplinary work across campus and within the College of Built Environments. This includes work with the Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) in the College of Engineering (, the Lifecycle Lab ( and the Sustainable Intelligence Lab (SILAB) in the College of Built Environments. The Center for Integrated Design’s faculty also participate in UW committees focused on the sustainability and decarbonization goals of the University and with the campus Project Delivery group to help realize higher performing buildings on campus.
External Partners
The Center for Integrated Design works with external funding organizations at the Federal, regional, and local levels including the US Department of Energy, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), the City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment, Seattle City Light, Puget Sound Energy, the Bullitt Foundation, University of Oregon (Energy Studies in Buildings Lab), Washington State University (Integrated Design+Construction Lab), University of Idaho (Integrated Design Lab), Montana State University (Integrated Design Lab), the Lighting Design Lab, the American Institute of Architects, the Seattle Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, and the UW IDL Partnership Advisory Board (composed of architecture practice leaders).