UW Research

Center for Urban Horticulture (UW Botanic Gardens)


Mission and Vision

MISSION: Sustaining managed to natural ecosystems – and the human spirit – through plant research, display, and education.

VISION: As an international hub for plant science, information, teaching, and stewardship, we will promote an educated, inspired, and engaged society dedicated to sustainable ecosystem management.

Core Services Offered

Academic Graduate Degrees/Certificates in Restoration Ecology, Conservation Biology & Environmental Horticulture: www.cfr.washington.edu

Plant Collections for Teaching/Research/Conservation/Display (develop-ment, maintenance, and curation of national and international renown): http://depts.washington.edu/uwbg/gardens/wpa/collections.php

Union Bay Natural Area (restored landfill used for teaching/research/recreation):

Elisabeth C. Miller Library (academic and public): www.millerlibrary.org

Otis Douglas Hyde Herbarium: https://botanicgardens.uw.edu/center-for-urban-horticulture/visit/otis-douglas-hyde-herbarium/

Conservation of Washington’s Rare Plants: http://courses.washington.edu/rarecare

Adult Public Education: http://depts.washington.edu/uwbg/education/classes.php

Children & Family Education: http://depts.washington.edu/uwbg/education/youth.shtml

ProHort – Training Classes for Professional: http://depts.washington.edu/uwbg/education/prohort.shtml

Facilities for UW classes, horticultural group meetings, and public rental: http://depts.washington.edu/uwbg/visit/rentals/cuh_rentals.shtml

Funding Information

Washington State
Arboretum Foundation
UW Endowment Income
Miller Foundation
Faculty Grants

Reporting Structure

Dan Brown, Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Related UW Entities

College of Arts & Sciences: Department of Biology
Burke Museum
College of Built Environments: Department of Landscape Architecture