Language Learning Center
The Language Learning Center creates and provides support for people to learn, teach, and research world languages and cultures. The center leads, consults and collaborates with faculty, researchers, and professional organizations in the evaluation, research, and instructional design of language learning pedagogy and technologies. The center teaches and trains instructors, graduate students, and staff to create and evaluate audio, video, and multimedia computing language learning products. It provides services for the creation, conversion, archiving and dissemination of multimedia resources related to its mission. The center also provides computing support for many departments within the division of the humanities, in addition to specialized web and app development for research, education and community outreach.
Core Services Offered
Computer labs
Video conferencing
On demand Media streaming server
Moodle (LMS)
Streaming World TV
Research, Publications & Tools/Applications
Funding Information
State of Washington; Department of Defense
Reporting Structure
Brian Reed, Divisional Dean, Arts and Sciences Humanities
Related UW Entities
College of Education; Slavic Languages and Literatures; Spanish and Portuguese Studies; Asian Languages and Literature; The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies; Department of Linguistics; French and Italian Studies; Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures; Scandinavian Studies; Germanics
External Partners
Seattle Public Schools; Washington Association for Language Teaching; Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI); ARCS and the Ethnic Heritage Council; OneWorld Now!; OneAmerica; Northwest Association for Language Learning Technologies