UW Research

Pacific Northwest Center for Construction Research and Education



The Pacific Northwest Center features 25,000 square feet of space on two levels, providing a home for three areas of research:

Virtual Construction Lab
The Virtual Construction Lab focuses on research in modeling, simulation, and visualization. It houses a 1,200-square-foot Holosuite and a giant 120-degree projection screen (30′ x 15′) for virtual and augmented reality applications. This lab was developed in collaboration with UW’s Human Interface Technology Laboratory, a multi-disciplinary research and development lab whose work centers on human interface technology. Lab researchers represent a wide range of departments from across the University of Washington campus, including engineering, medicine, education, social sciences, architecture and the design arts.

Methods and Materials Lab
The Methods and Materials Lab focuses on productivity, safety, and health studies. It incorporate two primary components: a large high bay space in which construction systems can be used to work on specified building components or materials using standard or innovative techniques, and an integrated high-speed data acquisition system to capture multiple-feed digital video and instrument signals using high speed wireless telemetry. This space was developed in collaboration with UW’s Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Department.

Education Lab
The Education Lab investigates different pedagogical approaches related to construction education. It houses a two-way teleconferencing classroom with experimental tele-observation and tele-operation capabilities. It also incorporates a state-of-the-art digital video production facility to create a variety of educational materials. This lab is being developed in partnership with UW’s College of Education.

Core Services Offered

The Department offers several programs: an accredited undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Construction Management; a five-year dual degree program that results in a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies; a classroom-based and online Master of Science in Construction Management; as well as an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in the Built Environment. For those interested in continuing education, the Department offers both classroom-based and online Certificate Programs in Construction Management and Facility Management through UW Extension. http://cm.be.washington.edu/Research/researchcenter.php