Washington National Primate Research Center
Empowering the delivery of leading edge scientific discoveries to improve human health while promoting the highest standards of care, health, well-being and conservation for primates around the world.
To meet this mission, the WaNPRC strives to create a research environment that promotes diversity and inclusion within an innovative, yet well-established program for advancement of scientific discoveries and their application for improving the quality of life. WaNPRC supports biomedical research activities, professional research staff, specifically bred and maintained nonhuman primate colonies, and dedicated facilities and equipment required for nonhuman primate research protocols.
The WaNPRC performs critical biomedical research leading to new advances in science and medicine. Our researchers are working to develop effective vaccines and therapies for HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases as well as new advances in genetics, neuroscience, vision, and stem cell biology and therapy. The WaNPRC directly supports the National Institutes of Health’s mission to translate scientific advances into meaningful improvement in healthcare and medicine.
The Center has been a part of the University of Washington research community since 1961 and is one of seven National Primate Research Centers established by Congress in 1959 in order to provide specialized resources for nonhuman primate research studies that are applicable to human health.
Core Services Offered
Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
Infectious Disease and Translational Medicine
Global Programs
Venture/Pilot Program
Bioengineering Core
Comparative Pathology Services and Tissue Distribution Program
Pathogen Detection Services Laboratory (PDSL)
Funding Information
National Institutes of Health (NIH) P51 since 1961
Reporting Structure
Mari Ostendorf, Vice Provost for Research
Unit Reporting Structure
Office of Research