
The Disclosures section lists all of your pending and completed disclosures. The following image shows an example list.

disclosures section

The values listed for each existing disclosure are:

  • Disclosure ID: automatically generated by FIDS. For a completed disclosure, you may click the Disclosure ID to see a read-only view of your point-in-time disclosure. If your disclosure’s status is other than Review Complete or No Review Required, you may edit it. An Edit this Disclosure button displays at the bottom of the page.
  • eGC1 Number: the primary eGC1 linked with this disclosure. Your disclosure’s status will appear on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of this eGC1. The text “(not available)” displays for disclosures that do not have a primary eGC1.
  • Date Disclosed: when you completed the disclosure.
  • Status:
    • Disclosure Required: you need to complete this disclosure.
    • Disclosure Complete: you have completed this disclosure.
  • Review Status:
    • Review Required: generally, this indicates the disclosure has related SFI, and the reviewer needs to review this disclosure now
    • Waiting for JIT (Just in Time):  the system will assess the need for review at the appropriate time
    • No Review Required: generally, this indicates no related SFI, and therefore no review is needed
    • Pending Answer: the reviewer needs information from the investigator; this status is set by the reviewers
    • Review Complete: the reviewer completed reviewing the disclosure

For more information, review Disclosure Review Statuses.


  • If an investigator is removed from an eGC1, the system will delete the related pending disclosure within 24 hours.
  • If a person’s investigator setting is changed from Yes to No, any completed disclosure will be disassociated from the eGC1, and as needed, the disclosure’s status will be reset to Waiting for JIT.