When you log in to the Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS) using your UW NetID, the first page you see is your Profile page.
This page displays:
- Information about you
- “Action items” where you may create or complete a disclosure
- Your current sponsored research projects
- Any SFI already entered
- Any disclosures pending or already completed
From this page you can complete any pending disclosures, create a new disclosure, or edit an existing disclosure that has not yet been reviewed. The following articles will cover each section of the profile page.
This page displays when you click the Add new SFI link on the Disclose Significant Financial Interests page, or the entity name of an existing SFI to edit.
When adding new SFI, complete each of the sections on the page to provide all of the necessary details about your disclosure. These sections are described in the following articles.
For further information, review the Procedures section in GIM 10 – Financial Conflict of Interest Policy.
As you are completing your disclosure, you will see one of three versions of the Disclose Significant Financial Interests page. Which version you see depends on whether you have previously disclosed any SFI and whether your sponsor (or originating sponsor) is a one that requires UW review of SFI.
The Disclose Significant Financial Interests page appears when you select Complete Disclosure or Create New Disclosure in the Action Items section and then select an eGC1 or CoMotion/IRB activity.
No Existing SFI
If you have not yet entered any SFI, you will need to indicate whether you have any SFI to disclose. The following image shows the question.

- If you do not have any SFI to disclose, just click Next to complete your disclosure.
- If you do have SFI to disclose, when you click on Next, the SFI Entry page will display for you to fill in your information.
Existing SFI – Sponsor not requiring UW review of SFI
If you have existing SFI and your sponsor is one that does not require UW review of SFI, you must answer the question: Does your SFI pertain to this research activity?
- If you select No, then click Next, you will complete the disclosure. The disclosure will not include any of your existing SFI.
- If you select Yes, an additional question displays: Do you need to add new SFI or change existing SFI?

For this question, select No or Yes.
- Selecting No displays the Next button so you can continue.
- Selecting Yes displays a list of your current SFI, if any. You can then Add new SFI or click on the Entity Name of an existing SFI to edit it. When finished, click Next to continue.

Existing SFI – Sponsor requires UW review of SFI
A disclosure for a sponsor or originating sponsor that require UW review of SFI will automatically includes all of your existing SFI. So in this case, you just need to indicate if you want to add new or update existing SFI.

- If you select No and click Next, you will complete the disclosure.
- If you select Yes, then the list of your existing SFI will display, allowing you to edit any existing SFI or add new ones. The following images shows an example of existing SFI.

You can make changes to your SFI while you are completing a disclosure, either for a specific eGC1, for unsponsored activities, or just to disclose your SFI updates.
To delete an SFI entry, you need to be on the Disclose Significant Financial Interests page. You can access that page:
- By clicking on a Complete Disclosure button on the SFI Profile page, choosing I need to update my SFI, and clicking Next.
- By clicking the Create New Disclosure button on the SFI Profile page, choosing I need to add new SFI, change existing SFI, or for my annual update I need to reaffirm I have no SFI on the Disclosure Type page, and clicking Next.
On the list of your existing SFI on the Disclose Significant Financial Interests page, click the Name of Entity for the SFI you want to delete. The Significant Financial Interests page will display as shown in the image below.
- Click on the trash icon located in the top right corner, to the left of the save icon.

A dialog box will display, as shown below, with the note that deleting SFI will affect other disclosures.
- If you have included this SFI in a completed disclosure, you will need to provide an explanation for why you are deleting the SFI.
- The history of the change to the SFI will appear in any disclosure that included the SFI. See the History section for more details.
- Click the Delete button to complete the process.

- If you have not included this SFI in a completed disclosure, or if it was not automatically added to any disclosure in connection with an application to a sponsor that requires UW review of SFI, the dialog box will ask for a confirmation.
- Select OK to delete the SFI, as shown below.

Be sure to read the declaration.
To complete your disclosure, click the Submit Disclosure button. If you wish to cancel the disclosure, you can go back to the Profile Page using the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.
Declaration Text
By submitting this form, I affirm that the information I have provided is true and complete to the best of my knowledge, and I agree:
- to provide any additional information, including further details of my financial interests, as requested by the Office of Research and, when applicable, the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, or their equivalent in my school/college
- to cooperate in the development of an appropriate Management Plan as required by the Office of Research
- to update this disclosure on an annual basis and to submit a disclosure of all new Financial Interests arising within 30 days of acquiring such interests
- to comply with all terms and conditions contained in any Management Plan
- to take reasonable measures to ensure that any of my Financial Interests that are less than a Significant Financial Interest do not adversely influence any Research or any person involved in any Research in which I participate as an Investigator or any Technology Transfer Transaction
This section displays all of your current SFI and includes the details about the Entity and any declared Compensation, Equity, Intellectual Property, or Travel.
You will see one of two versions of this section. The first is for disclosures with a primary eGC1 which has a sponsor and/or originating sponsor that requires UW review of SFI. The second version displays for either a primary eGC1 which does not have a sponsor and/or originating sponsor that requires UW review of SFI, or for a disclosure that does not have a primary eGC1.
Primary eGC1 with a Sponsor Requiring UW SFI Review
Investigators must disclose all Significant Financial Interests (SFI) related to their Institutional Duties, as defined by GIM 10: Financial Conflict of Interest Policy. FIDS will automatically include all existing SFI in a disclosure for an application to a sponsor that requires UW review of SFI. The following image shows an example list of existing SFI.

Special Sponsor Case
The sponsor type may shift from non-UW SFI review to UW SFI review rules for disclosures due to either a new sponsor being selected for the application or the current sponsor adopting the UW SFI review rules. If you completed your disclosure before the sponsor type (prime or originating) was changed to UW SFI review rules, then your SFI list on that disclosure will not include all of your existing SFI.
If the disclosure is editable, you could update it to include any additional SFI. Any future disclosures made for the now UW SFI review rules sponsor will automatically include all existing SFI.
Non-UW SFI Review Sponsored Primary eGC1 or No Primary eGC1
If the primary eGC1 does not have a UW SFI review rules sponsor, you should indicate only related SFI. Specifically, SFI related to research means that the SFI either impacts, or could appear to impact, the design, conduct, or reporting of any current or proposed sponsored research projects.
Click the checkbox to include an SFI, or use the Select All or Deselect All links, as shown in the following image.

Use this section to complete a brief narrative, or description, outlining the connection between your research and your SFI. The following image shows this section.