March 5, 2025 Release Notes
Goal: Improve Flow of Work for OSP & GCA
- Subaward Request Changes: To expedite the processing of subaward requests, subaward preparers are now required to select the Workday grant for the subaward, as well as the related Award Setup (ASR) or Modification Request (MOD) prior to submitting a subaward request.
- Workday Grant Selection: Users can search by either the Workday Grant ID (GR12345) or Award Number (AWD-12345). Only processed award lines and grants associated with subawards will be available for selection. This prevents requests from reaching OSP before they are eligible.
- ASR or MOD Selection: Selecting the related ASR or MOD Request will help OSP find necessary attachments that may expedite subaward setup. For converted awards with no relevant ASR or MOD, users can select a checkbox on the request search screen to indicate there is no request available.
- Auto-Assignment of ASRs and MODs to OSP Staff: Similar to the eGC1 auto-assignment feature, OSP will now benefit from SAGE’s auto-assignment of ASRs and MODs. This capability will reduce the amount of OSP staff time spent manually assigning work, allowing those individuals to contribute in other areas.
Goal: Address High Priority Maintenance Needs
- eGC1: New Link to MyResearch Training Transcript: On the eGC1 PI, Personnel & Organizations page, there is now a direct link to the MyResearch Training Transcript for each listed person. This will assist with compliance review for various required trainings.
- FIDS: Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program Attestation: To comply with requirements in the federal CHIPS and Science Act, all investigators disclosing in the Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS) now see an additional required checkbox to confirm that they are not involved with a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program (MFTRP). Reference information is available through on-screen links.Submission of a FIDS disclosure with the required MFTRP checkbox will serve as investigator attestation for purposes of proposal submission review by OSP.