December 2014 Grant Runner Detailed and Subaward Budgets Release

New Features

Grant Runner Detailed Budget Implementation

The Grants.Gov RR Detailed Project Budget form will be made available in Grant Runner. This form supports the NIH SF 424 research opportunities where funding greater than $250,000 per period is being requested. With the addition of this form, users will be able to utilize Grant Runner for a much wider range of opportunities, taking advantage of the streamlining and time savings that Grant Runner is known for.

Key Features Include:

  • Pre-filled data on the institution, project start and end dates
  • Summary view of period totals, with expand capability to view/edit details
  • On screen highlighting and messages to assist in identifying and correcting errors that lead to submission problems
  • Auto-calculations of sub-totals and totals, with totals refreshing with each new entry
  • Easy to read cumulative budget summary section at bottom
  • Copy previous period feature (see separate listing for detail)

Grant Runner Subaward Budget Implementation

The Grants.Gov RR Subaward Budget Form will be made available in Grant Runner. This form is structured the same as the RR Detailed Project Budget form, so users will share a familiar experience between the two forms. Key Features:

  • Ability to import a subaward budget completed in the adobe PDF form into the SAGE Grant Runner form
  • View a summary list of all subaward budgets, along with their direct, indirect, and total costs per subaward
  • Copy Previous Period feature (see detail in separate listing)
  • Same basic look and feel and core features as detailed project budget

Print Preview – Detailed Project and Subaward Budget

Users will be able to generate a printable version of the Detailed Project and Subaward Budgets, excluding attachment content.

Removal of Edit Pop-Ups: Key Persons, Performance Sites, Modular Budget

Three existing Grant Runner forms have been updated to allow users to edit details without being taken to a separate pop-up. Instead of a pop-up to add new persons/sites/periods, users will simply “expand” the accordion, to view and edit details.

This change provides users with a more streamlined entry experience and is consistent with the new detailed project and subaward budget entry. In addition, with this change, users will no longer be required to complete all required fields before saving. They can complete them as the information becomes available.

This update has been applied to:

  • Senior/Key Persons
  • Performance Sites
  • Modular Budget

SAGE Help Documentation for Detailed Budget and Subaward Budget

New SAGE help documents will be made available for the RR Detailed Project Budget and Subaward Budget Forms to assist users in their transition and troubleshooting on the new forms.

Update Total Federal Funds on SF 424

The Grant Runner SF 424 total federal funds field will be updated to be auto-calculated based on the modular or detailed budget total costs information. This assures that the total funds being requested remains in synch as figures on the budget forms are changed. For opportunities that do not require a budget and are supported by Grant Runner, this field will be editable so that users can customize the entry needed.


Grant Runner Copy Budget Period Feature

Users can take advantage of a “Copy Previous Period” feature in cases where the cost entries across the periods are the same or similar, and copying them would save time and effort. This feature is applied to the following Grant Runner forms:

  • Modular Budget
  • Detailed Project Budget
  • Subaward Budget

On each of these forms, when a user clicks the “ADD NEW PERIOD” button, they will be prompted on whether they would like to copy the previous period budget figures or not. When the user clicks YES to copy, all data will be copied, with the exception of budget attachments (e.g. additional key persons attachment on detailed budget), totals associated with those attachments, and period start and end dates.


Grant Runner Wizard Adjustments for Detailed Budget

The initial Grant Runner wizard that users experience when first creating an eGC1 will be revised to allow for incorporation of the new detailed budget forms and to introduce further streamlining.

Key wizard changes include:

  • No longer prompts for department at this stage (entered on eGC1 direct)
  • No longer asks if a modular budget is used (no longer necessary, with expansion to include detailed and subaward budgets)
  • Enhanced opportunity search will now provide users with more helpful feedback on whether the opportunity entered is supported, not supported, or not found in Grants.Gov at all.


Extra Spaces in non-required fields causing submission failures

Some Grant Runner submissions were failing due to extra spaces appearing in non-required fields. The extra spaces were considered invalid content by Grants.Gov. The SAGE system will now trim away any trailing or leading spaces, to prevent this from occurring. There may still be incidents of other non-acceptable characters that cause submission problems. We are attempting to catch as many of these as we can, and continue to encourage users to limit the copy and paste done from other applications into Grant Runner forms as much as possible, to minimize the likelihood of this occurring.