Awards Comments & History
- Awards Comments & History
- Add and Delete Comments
- ASR and MOD Comment Examples
- Comments and History Event Entries
Awards Comments & History
The Comments & History section displays entries for events in the award request process. You can also add a comment at any time. The entries display in reverse chronological order, so the most recent one is first.
The following image shows an example of this page for a fully processed award.
Note: Not all actions have comments, such as system-generated history events. For those entries, a dash (-) will appear in the Comment column.
Add and Delete Comments
You can manually add a comment by selecting the Add Comment button above the table, as shown in the following image.
A dialog window will display. When you start entering your comment, the Add Comment button in the lower right corner of the window will be enabled. Ensure you add explanatory comments to your requests for anything that might not be clear to OSP or GCA. Select Add Comment to save your comment.
You can only delete your own manually added comments. To remove the comment, select the trash can icon to the right of the comment in the table.
You can also add a comment from anywhere within the Award Setup Request by selecting the “more actions” (3 vertical dots) icon at the far left of the header, and choosing Add Comment.
ASR & MOD Comment Examples
Information Type | Sample Information to provide within comments | ASR | MOD |
Explain what you are asking for on the Modification request |
X | |
URL for SAGE Budget snapshot
required for all MODs requesting funding changes |
E.g.: Budget snapshot:…06:21.1234567: 00
For help with creating and adding SAGE Budget snapshots to MODs, use the following 2 job aids: |
X | |
Compliance Details | IRB study numbers and approval dates or if items are pending, indicate they are pending:
UW IRB STUDY00123456 approved thru 1/26/25 OAW approval uploaded to Supporting Attachments Dr. Harriette Husky is in the process of completing her FCOI training |
X | X |
Sponsor Contact information | Please send all correspondence to sponsor contact: Dr. Jane Doe, | X | X |
Sponsor Deadline for Accepting Award or Modification? | Include details about the deadline | X | X |
Awards with Advances | ADV12345 approved for this award | X | |
NIH fellowship awards | I am working with the fellow and mentor to get original signatures on the Activation Notice. Once I have these, I will send the original to OSP for institutional signature and to send to NIH. | X |
Comments & History Event Entries
The system will add an entry for the events described in the following table. The “Comment Type” column indicates if there will be any comment text, and if so, whether it is system-generated or user-entered.
History Event | Event Trigger | Comment Type |
Created request | Clicking “Select” button next to eGC1 | (none) |
Submitted for routing | Clicking “Submit & Route” button on Review & Submit page | System-generated |
Resubmitted for routing | Clicking “Submit & Re-Route” button on Review & Submit page after a return | User-entered and required |
Approved | Clicking “Approve” button on Request Summary page of routing Award Setup Request or Modification Request | (none) |
Returned | Clicking “Return Request” button in return modal of Award Setup or Modification Request | User-entered and required |
Withdrawn | Clicking “Withdraw” button | (none) |
Added ad hoc approver | Clicking “Add ad hoc Approver” button in add approver modal | User-entered and optional |
Removed ad hoc approver | Clicking “Remove Approver” button on the ad hoc approver’s workflow graph node | User-entered and optional |
Commented | Clicking “Add Comment” button on the Comments & History page, or by selecting “Add Comment” from the “more actions” menu in the advance header | User-entered and required (to complete process) |