MOD General Information
- Modification Overview
- Modification Subcategory Summary
- OSP/GCA Subcategories
- OSP/GCA Funding Changes
- OSP/GCA Schedule Changes
- OSP/GCA Other Changes
- GCA Only Subcategories
- GCA Only Funding & Budgeting Changes
- Award Line Addition
- Cost Share Change – When sponsor approval not required
- Rebudgeting – Sponsor approval not required
- GCA Only Schedule Changes
- GCA Only Other Changes
- Modification Details
Modification Overview
Selection of all appropriate subcategories within the Modification Overview communicates the type of modification being requested. The subcategory selections are critical to OSP and GCA review of the modification, and dictate the types of supporting materials required for processing.
Modification Subcategory Summary
The Modification Subcategory Summary displays all subcategories already selected by the user. This is a helpful way to view the selections without switching between the subcategory tabs. You can also quickly remove a subcategory from the summary section. For Modifications created prior to the release of subcategories, you may see a “Legacy: ” category listed here. For processed items the legacy categories will show at all times. For in-progress modifications, legacy categories will only show temporarily, until a more granular subcategory is selected.
Select all subcategories that apply
In this section you will see three tabs that represent high-level modification categories: Funding Changes, Schedule Changes, and Other Changes. Click on each tab, and select all appropriate subcategories that apply to this modification. You can select one or more subcategories (e.g., for an extension with funding, click the Funding Changes tab and select ‘Supplement’; then click the Schedule Changes tab and select ‘Extension’). Make sure to select all subcategories that apply to your request.
Note: The subcategories shown on screen will vary, based on whether you initiated a GCA Only modification or an OSP & GCA modification at time of creation.
Review guidance and instructions on which subcategories to use:
- OSP/GCA Modifications see Award Changes
- GCA Only Modifications see GCA Modifications.
- Checklist: OSP/GCA Modifications in SAGE
OSP/GCA Subcategories
OSP/GCA subcategories include changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). Review guidance and instructions on which subcategories to use for OSP/GCA Modifications on Award Changes.
Note: If sponsor approval is required, follow the prior approval process and attach the approval or the revised notice of award. If concurrence is needed to request prior sponsor approval, attach a concurrence letter and add a comment.
OSP/GCA Funding Changes
Subcategory Additional Details Carryover
For sponsors who don’t allow automatic carryover from one budget period to the next. Review detailed instructions for requesting Carryover. Attach Cost Share Addendum and other relevant documentation such as third-party letters. Review detailed instructions for Cost Share Changes. Deobligation
Sponsors use deobligation when: - UW did not spend & draw down / invoice for the full award amount by end of project period
- Sponsor decides to reduce award amount related to project needs
Often may be accompanied by an Early Termination. Reduces funding on an award. Examples: Award will end early, sponsor reduced the amount, scope changed. Attach End of Award Form. Review detailed instructions for Deobligation.
Equipment Addition
Adding equipment may result in rebudgeting, which you may also need to check as a subcategory. Review detailed instructions for Equipment Addition. Rebudgeting
Changes between budget line items requiring sponsor approval. Review detailed instructions for Rebudgeting. Relinquishment
Formal process when award is transferring to another institution. Attach End of Award form. Review detailed instructions for Relinquishment.
Subaward: Request Prior Approval
Attach concurrence letter or sponsor approval and subaward documentation per GIM 7. Review detailed instructions for Subaward MOD request. Supplement
Sponsor awarding additional funds on an award, including incremental or supplemental funds. Review detailed instructions for Supplement. OSP/GCA Schedule Changes
Subcategory Additional Details Early Termination
Attach End of Award form. If there is a deobligation you will also select that subcategory & follow those instructions as well. Review detailed instructions for Early Terminations. Extension
Adds time on an awarded project without funding. Attach Extension form. Review detailed instructions for Extension. Extension: Temporary Internal
Extends award to post expenses pending additional funding or formal extension. Use when Separate Year Accountability is not required. Review detailed instructions for Temporary Internal Extension instructions
If Separate Year Accountability is required, request an advance (see Separate Year Accountability | Grant & Contract Accounting).
Payment Schedule Change
Review detailed instructions for Payment Schedule Change. Pre-Award Spending Period Change
Review detailed instructions for Pre-Award Spending Period Change. Start Date Change
Review detailed instructions for Start Date Change. OSP/GCA Other Changes
- Modification Overview
Subcategory | Additional Details |
Stop Work Order |
Select according to Guidance on Federal Administration Research Policy regarding a stop or suspend/pause work orders. |
Resume Work Order |
Direct grants and cooperative agreement awards made to UW that were paused and have been authorized to resume. Select according to Guidance on Federal Administration Research Policy. |
Executive Branch Directive Change |
Review guidance when sponsor requests Scope Revisions or when they are requesting Terms or Award Changes. |
Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) Change |
Include responses to required Clinical Trial Agreement change questions, and select all relevant MOD categories. See guidance for additional details. |
Effort Change (Key Personnel) |
For reductions in effort that require sponsor approval. Review detailed instructions for Effort Changes. |
Federal Data Repository Access & Submission |
Follow instructions for
Requests to access or submit data to a Federal Repository that are related to an active sponsored program. |
Key Personnel Change (Includes PI) |
Update or change to PI or named Key Personnel. See guidance and for Change of PI, attach form. |
Other Changes |
Use only for requests that are not listed in other MOD categories. Review all subcategories as well as the GCA Only subcategories to confirm before selecting. |
Progress Report (RPPR) |
Follow instructions for Progress reports/ RPPRs that OSP submits or signs. |
Restriction Release |
Use to request funding restriction removal on an award. Review detailed instructions for restriction release instructions. |
Work Scope Change |
Changes to scope of work that require sponsor approval. Review detailed instructions and guidance for Work Scope Changes |
GCA Only Subcategories
The GCA Only subcategories are Modifications that do not require sponsor approval or OSP review.
GCA Only Funding & Budgeting Changes
The following subcategories appear when you review the GCA Only Modifications within the Funding & Budgeting section. Review the guidance on requesting these subcategories: GCA Only Modifications | Grant & Contract Accounting
Subcategory | Additional Details |
Award Line Addition |
This request includes the creation of a new award line, including subaward lines. Request can be with or without funding of the line. |
Attach Cost Share Addendum and other relevant documentation such as third-party letters. | |
Rebudgeting – sponsor approval not required |
This request includes rebudgeting to transfer funds between award lines, including supplementing an existing award line for a subaward when sponsor approval is not required. See Grant and Contract Accounting:
GCA Only Schedule Changes
Subcategory | Additional Details |
Pre-Award Spending Period Change |
This request includes updating the Award Calendar to allow a Pre-Award Spend Period when no sponsor approval is required. |
Start Date Change |
This request includes updating an award line/s start date when no sponsor approval is required. |
GCA Only Other Changes
Subcategory | Additional Details |
Award Line Type Change |
This request includes updating an award line type When no sponsor approval is required. Some type changes may require a new award line. Please reference: Setting up an Award Line (Formerly Sub Budgets) | Grant & Contract Accounting. |
Cost Center Change |
This request includes updating a cost center when sponsor approval is not required. |
Location Change |
This request includes updating a location when no sponsor approval is required. |
Other Changes |
This request includes all other remaining requests that do not have their own subcategory when no sponsor approval is required. |
Modification Details
After selecting the appropriate subcategories, the Modification Details section must be completed for all Modification requests in SAGE.
- Sponsor Award Number – This is a helpful reference point and will appear on the request list
- Sponsor Modification Number – Entering the modification number will help OSP and GCA know the order they should process requests in, when multiple exist for the same award
- Award Line(s) / Budget Period Start and End Dates – These dates confirm the sponsor-approved dates and are necessary for accurate setup in Workday
- Modification Application – Add another application (eCG1) if there is a proposal submission process for a Non-Competing Continuation, Supplement, or Revision
- Request Amount – If there is a funding change, enter the amount to add or subtract from the award. Use a negative sign to indicate subtraction (e.g. -$200.50)
- Modified Sponsor Total for All Spending Periods – This represents the new overall total funding for the award, as identified by the sponsor
- The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award (toggle):
- Use only when the sponsor has specified a required date to receive the signed award by. Documentation from the sponsor will need to be attached when making this request.
- Selecting the toggle displays the Deadline for Accepting Award Date field.