Create a New Subaward Request
You can create a new Subaward Request if you have the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role for SAGE. Review the Subaward Access and Permissions article for details.
To create a new request, enter SAGE and select the Subawards tab. On the upper right of the page, select the Create New Subaward button. A New Subaward Request details page will display.
You can save your initial draft at any time. There are no fields required to do a save. When you save it for the first time, the system will assign your request a unique number.
To save your draft, you can either use the Save Draft and Close button at the bottom of the page or select “Back to My Subawards” in the breadcrumb.
Note: You can delete a request that is in Composing status. This removes it entirely from SAGE. Use the trash can icon on the upper-right of the page to delete your subaward.
You can also display the Manage Access Page by selecting the Manage Access button on the upper right of the page. Manage Access allows you to grant read-only or read/write access to your subaward.
To submit your new request to OSP, you will need to complete a number of required fields. Some fields will not be editable until you have selected your eGC1. The system will pre-populated other fields from the eGC1.
The following sections describe these steps.
Grant Selection
Use the Look Up Grant button to select the appropriate Workday Grant ID or Award number for your subaward request. Only processed award lines and grants associated with
subawards will be available for selection. This prevents requests from reaching OSP before they are eligible.
The following image shows this button:
To choose the grant, select to search by either Grant Reference (GR12345) or Workday Award ID (AWD-12345) in the search box.
Note: If you’re not sure what your Workday Award ID or Grant ID is, try searching in Award Portal or Workday.
The following image shows the search results:
Select the Workday Grant ID to choose it.
Once you select a Grant ID, the Grant Number and Award Number will display in the Subaward Request Details section. The eGC1, Project Title and Project Short Title fields will populate from the associated application’s Full Application Title and Short Title. These values are not editable. If you change the selected award, these field values will automatically update.
The UW PI Name, UW PI Email, and UW PI Phone fields in the Subaward Contacts section will also populate from the selected eGC1. These fields are editable while the request is in Composing status.
The Subaward Preparer’s contact information will populate as well.
Review the SAGE Subawards Highlights and Updates job aid for step-by-step instructions.
Request Selection
Use the Look Up Request button to select the related ASR (Award Setup Request) or MOD (Award Modification Request). This will help OSP find necessary attachments that may expedite subaward setup.
The following image shows this button:
The Choose Request screen will display any award items associated with the Workday award of the Subaward request. Selecting the award Request ID of the related ASR or MOD will associate it with this Subaward.
The following image shows the search results:
For converted awards with no relevant ASR or MOD, select the No award requests apply checkbox on the request search screen to indicate there is no request available.
The following image displays this checkbox:
Review the SAGE Subawards Highlights and Updates job aid for step-by-step instructions.
Subrecipient Selection
Use the Look Up Subrecipient button to search for and select the subrecipient. You can search by any part of the subrecipient’s name or its type (for example: foundation, private industry, non-profit). The following image shows the subrecipient search dialog.
Click on a Subrecipient Name to select it. The following image shows a partial list of search results.
Note: the results list displays the first 25 subrecipients. If you do not see yours, refine your search.
You must select a valid subrecipient prior to submitting your subaward request to OSP.
If you cannot find the subrecipient you’re looking for, send an email request to with the subject line “New Subrecipient.” If the subrecipient is not found in SAGE, it is likely a brand new subrecipient entity.
This process will include obtaining a Subrecipient Entity Certification Form from the subrecipient, along with other documentation. This is a separate process from the Workday supplier/subrecipient process.
When you’ve selected your subrecipient, you will see a link for changing the subrecipient.
If the selected subrecipient requires re-certification, you will see a note indicating that, as seen in the image below:
Funding Action (FA) Data
Note: This is no longer an active field and information only displays for awards prior to UW Finance Transformation in July 2023.
Related Funding Action information will display for a subaward modification.
The following image shows the Funding Action section in Subawards:
Additional Fields
The remaining fields are described in the following table.
Field | Description |
Request Amount | This amount must be greater than zero, but not greater than the Funding Action amount.
If the subaward is planned for multiple years, enter the anticipated multi-year total funding and period of performance. Required for submission. |
Do you anticipate a multi-year subaward? | If Yes, two additional fields will display:
Required for submission. |
If allowed by the prime award, is automatic carry forward authorized by the PI? | Select Yes, No, or Not Applicable/Not Allowed.
Required for submission. |
Purchase Order Number | PO entered by OSP. No campus action required.
Required for issuance. |
Special Terms or Instructions for OSP | Enter any additional information.
Include the Workday GR# and ASR#. Required. |
The following image shows this part of the subaward request.
You must include an attachment to submit your request. Review the attachments article for how to upload your document. OSP requires specific documents for new requests. The Setup page for Subawards article describes the required documents.
Subaward Contacts
The contacts article covers how to manage the subaward contacts.
Save or Submit
At the bottom of the page you can select either Save Draft and Close or Submit.
If you have not yet completed filling in all of the required information, select Save Draft and Close to save all of your data and return to the My Subawards page.
Selecting Submit validates whether you have completed all required fields. If not, the page will display any validation messages about missing information.
If all required information is there, the submission will complete and the Subaward Overview page will display, with a confirmation of the submission and status change.