As a reviewer, once you have logged into SAGE, click on the Approvals tab to display the My Approvals page, which lists eGC1s and Advance Budget Requests that require your review and/or approval.
By default, the list displays all of the items waiting for your approval or for you to mark as watched. You can change which statuses display by selecting additional check boxes, or the “Select Waiting” or “Select All” links.
The list is sorted with the newest (highest number) item first. To sort the My Approvals list by a specific column’s data, click on the column heading (for example: Item # or PI). Click again to reverse the sort.
To do a quick search, enter the full Item Number (including prefix) in the text box and click Open. If you have access to the item, it will automatically open to the Approval Flow.
To search for items using a combination of criteria, click the Advanced Search link to the right of the Open button.
The following fields displayed on the My Approvals page.
Item #
Select this to open the item’s approval flow.
A page icon indicates an eGC1 has attachments; an arrow icon indicates a Grant Runner eGC1.
The Principal Investigator for the application.
Short Title
Identifies the project within the UW financial system (maximum of 22 characters).
My Approval Status
Indicates where an eGC1 is in the routing process relative to you or your role.
My Approval Date
The date that you or your role approved this eGC1.
Sponsor Deadline
The deadline date for the Sponsor.
Item Status
Indicates where an item is in the routing process. To filter the list by status, click the View by Item Status link.
Ready to Submit
The response to the “Ready to Submit” question on the Certify & Route page of the eGC1.
As a watcher of an eGC1, you have access to review the application and the ability to add a comment to the History & Comments page. SAGE Approvals does not require you to “mark” the application as watched. Since the default My Approvals page only lists items that you need to act on, once you do mark the application, it will no longer appear on the list. You can change the list filter to include marked applications.
Check with your business unit to see what their process is regarding marking items.
To mark the eGC1, click the Mark as Watched link on the Approval Flow page, as shown in the following image.
The page will refresh and the color of your node will now be light gray and the status will be Watched.
To return an eGC1, click the Return button on the Approval Flow page. A pop-up window will open as show in the following image.
The Application Details section lists selected fields from the eGC1 to help you confirm that you are viewing the correct item. The data fields include:
Application Number
Short Title
PI Name
Org Code Receiving Funding
Sponsor Name
In the Comments section, you must enter comments pertaining to the return of the eGC1. These comments become part of the system-generated email notification sent to the PI, Application PI, (if any), Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, and the eGC1 Preparer.
Click on the Return button to complete the process, or the Cancel link to return to the Approval Flow without returning the eGC1.
When you complete the return process, the node on the approval graph will change color to pink, and the name of the person who returned the eGC1 will display. The following image show an example returned node.
Note: Once a person returns an eGC1 for a unit, no other reviewers may approve or return the eGC1.
Your name, the date and time, and the return comments you added will be displayed on the approval History & Comments page. The following image shows an example of a return entry.
To approve an eGC1, click the Approve button on the Approval Flow page. A pop-up window will open, as shown in the following image.
The Application Details section lists selected fields from the eGC1 to assist users in confirming they are viewing the correct item. The data fields include:
Application Number
Short Title
PI Name
Org Code Receiving Funding
Sponsor Name
In the Comments section, you may enter comments pertaining to the approval. Comments are optional, and if entered, are added to the History & Comments page.
When the PI is approving an application, the Assurance Statement will also appear in the approval dialog. The PI must check the box in order to complete the approval process. If you have indicated the PI’s approval will be escalated, the process is slightly different. See the PI Escalation article for details.
The PI is also responsible for ensuring that any Application PI or Multiple PI has also provided assurance.
The PI Assurance Statement reads:
I certify that the statements in this eGC1 and the related sponsor application are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or claim may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. I agree to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required progress reports if a grant is awarded as a result of this application.
If this is a multiple PI application, I understand that if I am the eGC1 PI, my approval of the eGC1 indicates I have obtained written assurances from external PIs named in this application that include this Non-UW Multiple PI Assurance Statement.
The approval/agreement reads:
I am the PI and I have read and agree with the PI Assurance Statement. I understand that approving this eGC1 electronically is equivalent to my signature.
Click on the Approve button in the dialog to complete the process, or the Cancel link to return to the Approval Flow without approving.
When an approver completes the approval process for a node, the node’s color on the approval graph will change color to green. The name of the approver will display, as shown in the following image.
Note: Once a person approves for a unit, no other reviewers from that unit may approve or return the eGC1.
Your name, role type, date and time, and any comments you added will display on the approval History & Comments page, as shown in the following image.
The system captures a snapshot of the eGC1 to track the version of the eGC1 and its attachments at the time of approval. If the eGC1 is a Grant Runner one, a link to the approved sponsor forms will also display.
Links to the approved version of the eGC1 and its attachments also display on the Reviewer Details page.
You can access this read-only summary of the eGC1 from within the eGC1 or from the Approval Flow pages. It is designed to assist approvers by presenting essential approval-related information on a single page.
For a comprehensive view of all data on the entire eGC1, go to the Approval Flow page and select View eGC1. A preview screen will appear which you can view online or printe.
The Application Details section includes:
eGC1 Number: the system-generated unique number for the application
Long Title (Full Application Title)
Short Title: identifies the project in the financial system
Last completed timestamp
Requested Start Date
Requested End Date
Sponsor deadline: The last date the sponsor will accept the application
Application Type: New, Competing Renewal, etc.
Sponsor Name
Originating (Prime) Sponsor, if applicable
Org Code Receiving Funding: The ten-digit code for the unit managing the funding
The Principal Investigator section displays the name of the PI.
The Activity Locations section displays the list of locations where the research activities will occur. The values listed are: Name, Source, Location Type, and Rent Charged to Sponsor.
The Space Planning section displays the response to the question on the Activity Locations page.
The International Involvement section displays the response to the question on the Activity Locations page.
The Budget & Fiscal Compliance section includes:
The responses to the three Fiscal Compliance questions
F&A (Facilities & Administration) Cost Rate
A table of costs for the current budget period and the total for all periods for:
Total direct costs
Total F&A costs
Total costs
The Cost Sharing section displays the total cost sharing for all periods. This includes all amounts from UW sources (personnel and non-personnel), third party sources, and unrecovered indirect costs. It also shows the UW Summary by Unit information from the Cost Sharing page.
The Compliance Questions section lists each of the Non-Fiscal Compliance areas with a value of Yes or No. The value is Yes if any questions within that section are answered “yes”.
The eGC1 Campus Comments section displays what was entered in the Additional Information section of the Certify & Route page of the eGC1.
Users will see a few new search features available to them, on the eGC1 and Approvals task lists.
Users will now be able to jump more directly to a particular eGC1 from their My eGC1s or My Approvals pages, using a new eGC1 search field located on the task lists.
Users can now search in My Approvals by personnel name. Search results will include all eGC1s for which they are an approver or watcher, where the chosen person is listed on the PI & Personnel page regardless of role type.
The PI Name field has been added back to the My eGC1s Advanced Search tool, to allow users to quickly enter all or part of a PI’s name and initiate a search. This feature was removed in January, when the Personnel Search feature was added, but by user request, both fields will now be available for those that like the speed of being able to quickly find eGC1s by PI name.
When a user performs an Advanced Search from the My eGC1s task list, they will be able to export their search results to Excel.
Addition of University District Building to Location List
The University District Building has been added to the off campus locations list found on the FG-2 compliance explanations section of the eGC1. It will now be easier for eGC1 Preparers to select that building when projects are eligible for the location designation of “off campus”, and will no longer need to enter the location address.
Suppression of HSD JIT and GIM 19 notifications for ATF and Industry Sponsored Clinical Trail eGC1s
Human Subjects Just-In-Time email notifications and GIM 19 deadline email notifications will no longer be sent to contacts for eGC1s that are after-the-fact or industry sponsored clinical trials.
Updated handling when users attempt to remove themselves from an eGC1 or Budget
When users remove themselves from an eGC1 or budget, they will now receive a warning, alerting them that their access to that eGC1 or budget may be affected. When users remove their last access to an eGC1 or budget, they will now be redirected back to their task list.
The Approval Status indicates where an eGC1 or Advance Budget Request is in the routing process relative to you or your role. Items will have different approval statuses for different people or organizations depending on where they are in the process.
The approval statuses are:
En Route
Items that are waiting for approval by units before you in the approval flow. This status allows reviewers to see an item before they receive the notification to approve.
Waiting for My Approval
All units before your node in the approval flow have approved the item. You, or someone in your shared role, (for example: Dept Reviewer) are now due to approve the item.
You, or someone else in your shared role, has approved the item.
You, or someone else in your shared role, has returned the item to the research team.
Watching (eGC1)
You do not need to approve an application in this status. You can review it, and optionally, mark it as Watched.
Watched (eGC1)
You, or someone else in your shared role, has marked the application as watched.
Note: When an eGC1 on your list with a status of “Waiting for My Approval” becomes withdrawn or returned, its approval status will change to “En Route.” If you do not have your list filtered to show that status, the application may seem to disappear. You would still be able to see it by either including more statuses, or searching for it from the Advanced Search page.
The Security and Export compliance questions have been revised, and a new one has been added concerning access to classified national security information. Answering “Yes” to the new question will generate a new Security Reviewer approver node on the approval graph.
The SAGE Budget export now contains data formatted to simplify data entry for the SF424 forms. You will find this information following the usual export data.
When adding an ad hoc approver or watcher, a new validation checks for any mismatch between the Role chosen and the level of the associated organization code.
When OSP marks an eGC1 as eligible for an Advance Budget Review, the eGC1 owners will automatically receive an email message.
When users look up personnel, the results will contain the employee identification number. This will allow users to quickly differentiate between personnel with similar names.
You may now delete an eGC1 sooner. You must have read/write access, it has been more than six months since the eGC1 has been completed, and the eGC1 is in Withdrawn or Returned status.
If you create new budget and complete all of the steps until you reach the access page where you add and remove an admin/budget contact, you will see the full budget navigation instead of the wizard.
Hyphenated names now display properly.
Advance budget is marked as ineligible when a user copies an older eGC1.
To be able to make changes to a routing eGC1, you need to start by withdrawing it from routing. Before you withdraw your eGC1, you may want to contact approvers to let them know that you plan to do so.
You can click the Withdraw button on the Certify & Route page in the Update Application section to make an eGC1 that is routing for approval editable. Once you have made your changes, click the Route to Reviewers button on the Certify & Route page to re-route the eGC1. You must add comments when re-routing an eGC1 that has had at least one approval.
Approvers who have already approved your eGC1 will not be notified again. If you make a major change, you may add them back into the approval graph as ad hoc approvers.
Note: If you marked Yes for Ready to Submit and your eGC1 has reached In OSP status, you cannot withdraw it. Instead, contact OSP and request they return the eGC1.
Any reviewer can use the Return process to make your eGC1 editable also. The reviewer will enter required comments which are part of the email notification to the eGC1 owners. See Return an Application in the Approvals User Guide.
Both withdrawing and returning make the eGC1 editable by its owners, those with read/write access and those with the Global Editor role.
Budget period naming conventions have been enhanced to include the most common period names.
Budgets built in SAGE can now be connected to an eGC1, so that any updates made to the budget automatically display on the budget page of the connected eGC1.
Budgets in SAGE route with the eGC1 they’re connected to and anybody with access to eGC1 will also have access to the budget.
The worksheet in SAGE Budget displays the eGC1 number and status of connected eGC1s.
Fiscally responsible departments can now be specified on the setup screen for sub budgets.
New Budget Edit Numbers in the Budget History enable users to see when a budget has been revised and to read comments associated with those changes.
OSP Administrator/Coordinator now has read access to Budgets built in SAGE.
SAGE saves all changes to budget and assigns a unique Budget Edit number and timestamp to versions created at critical points in workflow, such as at submission or approval.
Users can access a read-only view of a budget at a specific point in time from the Budget History and copy, print, or export it to Excel.
Users can access an Excel version of a connected budget from the eGC1 Attachments page under Connected Budget Data.
Users with the appropriate permissions can view or withdraw the eGC1 and budget from the Budget History tab.
Ability to define lines that automatically adjust their amounts to make selected total match target amount.
Ability to include fixed fee on APL budget
Ability to see sub-budget information for awards where proposal includes an associated SAGE Budget.
Added ability to modify Administrative and Pre-Award Budget contacts regardless of eGC1 status
Budget title field width reduced to better match maximum characters allowed
Error when opening Targets and Limits auto-adjusting entries with read-only access.
Cascade non-salary line items when a period is added
When a user adds TBD personnel to a sub budget, the salary that is created in the setup screen is not transferring to the period set up. The first period starting monthly salary should match the value defined on line setup, instead it is $0.
Corrected TBD personnel starting monthly salary on sub budget not copying to periods
Changes to how dates are calculated in SAGE Budget may cause a discrepancy between effort months and period length in a select number of budgets. Each of the affected budgets has a salary line item where the number of effort months originally calculated does not match the number of effort months that the current date calculation produces. This means that the effort months in the budget period now exceed the period length.
Symptom: When you click through salary details, you will see the following error message when you attempt to tab off the affected period: “Effort Months cannot exceed the number of months in the period (there are currently x months in this period). To increase the effort months, you will need to lengthen the period at the Periods tab.”
Changing period dates flips academic/summer months on salary lines
Period months incorrect when period start and end dates are in months of different durations (e.g. 28, 30, 31 days)-Current production issue discovered during Budget 2.2 user acceptance testing. When creating a period that has dates that start/end mid-month in months with a different number of days, the period months on salary lines may be calculated as a whole number where a user may otherwise expect them to be. For example: a period starting on 1/16/2011 and ending on 4/15/2011, period months comes out to 3.0161.
In a Grant Runner application that has been withdrawn or returned for updates, if an Appendix file is added immediately after updating the Research Strategy file, the Appendix file will appear in the Strategy section.
The Advanced Search for Approvals has two issues. First, if both the Date Approved After and Before fields are used to set a date range, the system will not return any results. Using just one date fields works correctly. Second, if a very large number (such as an org code) is mistakenly entered in the eGC1 Number field, an error (99) will occur.