Tag Archives: Attachments

The Attached Documents page includes all the electronic files attached to the eGC1 for routing, approval, and later reference.

Note: Users and reviewers with access to the eGC1 can view all documents.

For details on how to update an existing attachment or upload a new attachment, see eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments.

Attachment sections:

In this section, upload and attach the documents that will ultimately be submitted to the sponsor. Attaching them to the eGC1 makes them available online to all authorized approvers, including OSP.

Be sure to organize the documents according to the sponsor’s specifications. Use the PDF file format unless the sponsor indicates otherwise.

If there are pages that OSP needs to sign, place those pages in a separate PDF and upload the file in this section.

You can attach a draft version and update it with the final version before indicating that your application is “ready to submit.”

Internal Documents for OSP

In this section, you should attach the documents that OSP needs for compliance reasons or for a better understanding of the information with the grant application.  OSP will not submit these documents to the sponsor. An example is the Cost Share Addendum.

If both OSP and your department reviewers need to view these internal documents, upload them here. Any reviewer can see all of the attached documents regardless of which section they are in.

Internal Documents for Dept/School/College

In this section, you should upload and attach the documents for your reviewers other than OSP.

Any reviewer can see all of the attached documents regardless of which section they are in.

Connected Budget Documents

The Connected Budget Data section links to the current versions of your connected budget and sub budgets. You will see the connected budget and sub budgets, with the budget number, budget type, budget name, and Budget Edit Number. To display a budget in Microsoft Excel, click the budget link.

When your eGC1 and budget are in Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned status, you can modify the data in the budget. The Budget Edit Number will change when you make modifications to the parent budget or any attached sub budgets. When your eGC1 and budget are in Routing or In OSP status, you cannot edit the budget unless you withdraw the eGC1 or OSP returns it.

Once OSP has approved the eGC1, you can edit the linked budget. When you link a budget period to an eGC1, you cannot link it to another eGC1. You can link the budget’s future periods to another eGC1. This allows you to revise the approved budget period and update future periods to reflect changes in funding.

Uploaded by OSP

These documents are uploaded by OSP in support of, or in reference to, this application. You can view the documents from within the eGC1. If the eGC1 is in Returned status, you can update an attachment, but you cannot delete it.

You can view award and administrative documents associated with your application from the Related Attachments section. This includes signed concurrence letters, notification documents from sponsor, agreements, extension approvals, and subaward documents.

Please note that you cannot view compliance documents, and significant financial interest (SFI) documents from Related Attachments.

Note: The Related Attachments list may not include some non-award agreements (NAA). This happens when OSP processes the NAA while the related eGC1 is still in Composing status. If you need to view an NAA that is not available, please contact OSP by email to request the file.

The following information is displayed for each file.

Field Description
Description As entered by the OSP administrator. Common descriptions may include:

  • Fully executed award
  • Signed Concurrence Letter
  • Notification from Sponsor
File Name  The name of the attached file.
Source The type of item and the item number to which the file is attached. Common item types include Funding Actions (FA), Pre-award notifications (PAN), Post Award Changes (PAC), and Subawards (SC).
Version The current version of the file, indicating whether the file was updated.
File Type As indicated by the OSP administrator who processed it. File types included are:

  • Agreement Documents
  • Award Documents
  • Internal (UW) Documents
  • Notification Documents to/from Sponsor.
Attached The date and time the document was attached to the source item. Documents display in reverse chronological order.

System Generated Budget Snapshots (Historical)

The System Generated Budget Snapshots (Historical) section is only displayed for eGC1s with budgets associated or disassociated before April 20, 2011. SAGE previously attached snapshots of the budget as it was when it was associated with or disassociated from an eGC1. To view the snapshots in Microsoft Excel, click the View link.  You cannot remove these documents. The system will not generate new snapshots.

Tip: To take advantage of the new budgeting versioning and integration features, disassociate the associated budget from the eGC1, and then connect your budget. You will see more detailed information in Budget History and be able to view your most current budget information in the eGC1.

When you connect an older budget, the Budget Edit Numbers will start with “1” regardless of how many edits you made before April 20, 2011.

Use the View Attachments button on the upper right of the Subaward Overview page to display the Subaward Attachments page.

This page lists all of the attachments associated with the subaward, grouped into Department Request Documents and OSP Documents. You can use the Filter function to display attachments for just a single request.

In addition to the standard information about an attachment, the list includes the Subaward Request Number.

To return to the Subaward Overview page, select the Close button below the list or use the breadcrumb.

The following image shows this page.

subawards view attachments page

OSP requires specific documents for New requests and for Modifications. Review the Setup page for Subawards for a description of the required documents.

To upload and attach a document, select Add Attachment. The following image shows the link.

subawards attachments section

When you upload the first attachment, the page will refresh. You will see two attachment subsections: Department Request Documents and OSP Documents. All of the documents you upload will display in the Department section. Any documents that OSP uploads will display in the OSP section.

The following image shows the attachments section with a file.

subawards attachments section

Once you have uploaded an attachment, you can view it by selecting its Description. Use the Update link to upload a new version of an existing attachment. The Delete link will remove the attachment. Note that if there is more than one version of an attachment, you can only update or delete the most recent version. The following image shows an example of an updated attachment.

subawards example of an updated attachment

Once you have submitted your subaward request, you will see a View Attachments button on the upper right of the Subaward Overview page. The View Attachments page displays all of the attachments associated with your subaward’s requests in one list.

How will I know when award or other documents are attached to my eGC1?

At this time, we do not send a notification when a new document is attached to your eGC1. The best strategy for tracking new documents is to check the Attached Documents page of your eGC1 regularly.

How do I attach, update and delete eGC1 documents?

October 2015 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features, Changes and Bug Fixes


  • A new multi-select Country field has been added to the eGC1, to track where international work will be performed.  This field will be visible to users only when they answer “YES” to the question of whether work will be performed internationally.  This country-level data will be used in reporting and analytics.
  • The Sponsored Program Activity Type field on the eGC1 and FA was amended to allow users without a mouse to utilize the drop down control with keyboard alone. This change supports making the SAGE application more accessible.  The expand/collapse capability in the drop down is also removed, since this was causing some confusion with users.  The list of selectable options will be fully expanded, within their respective categories, making for a more intuitive user experience.
  • Bug Fix:  An issue that was causing eGC1 approval snapshots to not display attachments that had newer versions uploaded after the snapshot was taken has been fixed so that all point-in-time versions of attachments display in approval snapshots.

SAGE Reporting Update

The Subaward Status Report will be located in the BI Portal and will replace the existing static report found on the OSP website.  This version will be near real-time (data refreshed nightly), giving campus more timely information on the status of their pending subawards, and will alleviate the time consuming preparation done by OSP in posting the current static report.

Note: This report will be available in the days following the SAGE release.

Upload a Document

The process of adding an attachment to standard eGC1 pages or Grant Runner forms is the same.

Grant Runner File Names: There are a few differences in how you name a file for attachments on Grant Runner forms. In addition, all Grant Runner attachment names must be unique across all forms. If you do add the same file a second time, SAGE will append a number to the file name to ensure it is unique. So, “myfile.pdf” when added again will become “myfile1.pdf” to meet the uniqueness rule.


  • The file name must be no more than 50 characters in length, including spaces, and end with .pdf in lowercase.
  • Use one space (not two or more) between words or characters and do not begin the filename with a space or include a space immediately before the .pdf extension.
  • Avoid the use of ampersand (&) since it requires special formatting.

The NIH allows file names that contain certain characters. See the following table, which contains each character allowed and an example using the file name xyz.pdf with the inserted character in bold.

Characters Example File Name
Alpha-numeric characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 Xy23Z.pdf
Underscore x_yz.pdf
Hyphen xyz.pdf
Space x y z.pdf
Period x.yz.pdf
Parenthesis x(yz).pdf
Curly Braces {xy}z.pdf
Square Brackets x[y]z.pdf
Tilde ~xy~z.pdf
Exclamation Point xyz!.pdf
Comma xy,z.pdf
Semi-colon x;yz.pdf
Apostrophe xyz.pdf
At Sign xy@z.pdf
Number Sign x#yz.pdf
Dollar Sign $xyz.pdf
Percent Sign xy%z.pdf
Plus Sign x+yz.pdf
Equal Sign xy=z.pdf

Note: For full details on NIH attachments, review their Format Attachments page.

Click on the Add Attachment link to start the process. The Upload Attachment dialog will display.

upload attachment dialog


Provide a short description of your document file that is helpful to reviewers. You may want to use the word “draft” or “final”. Example: Science Final, Draft Proposal.

Grants.gov application descriptions should include the eGC1# and PI last name; you can append additional information to the end of the file name. This will help reduce errors and streamline the Grants.gov submission process for the OSP Administrators.


Select Browse to search for your document, or the equivalent step for your web browser (for example, Choose File).

To complete the process, select Upload to attach the document to the eGC1. Clicking the Cancel link will exit the process.

If there is a problem with the file name for a Grant Runner attachment, a dialog box will display indicating the naming rules.

error message indicating an invalid character in the filename

If you upload a file with the same name as an existing Grant Runner attachment, the system will append a number to the file name to ensure it is unique. So, “myfile.pdf” when added again will become “myfile1.pdf” to meet the uniqueness rule.

Attachment Information

Once you upload your attachment, the following information displays, as shown in the following image.

attachment information

Field Field Description
Description Displays the value entered. Click on the description to view the attachment.
File Name  Displays the name of the file as it was saved on the computer or local server.
Version The system will automatically assign the version number of each file as it is attached or updated. The version number is the number one (1) when you initially attach a file.
Attached On  Displays the date and time that the attachment was added to the eGC1.

Delete a Document

You can only delete an attachment for a standard eGC1 if the eGC1 is in “‘Composing” or “Withdrawn” status and no approval actions have occurred. That is, when no one has approved, marked as watched, added a comment, or returned the eGC1. If the conditions allow, the system displays a Delete link to the right of the file information.  Selecting Delete removes the attachment from this eGC1.

Note: On a Grant Runner eGC1, you are allowed to delete files from a Grant Runner form when the eGC1 is in “Composing,” “Withdrawn,” or “Returned” status if the file is not a required one.

Update an Existing Document

The Update link will only appear after a reviewer has approved, marked as watched, added a comment, or returned the eGC1 and the eGC1 has a status of “Withdrawn” or “Returned”. Selecting Update allows you to attach a newer version of a current document. You can display the prior versions of the updated file by clicking on the arrowhead to the left of the Description. Only the most recent version of an attached file is submitted.

attachment version history

If you have attached a file to the wrong place in an eGC1, you can update it with a document that indicates the file is incorrect and should be ignored.