Tag Archives: Award

OSP and GCA can apply and remove holds from an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request.

A hold can be placed for a variety of reasons and applied when the Award Setup Request or the Modification Request is in any of the following statuses:

  • OSP Setup
  • OSP Assigned
  • Returned
  • GCA Workday setup

Types of Holds

The following manual holds and compliance checks may be applied to your Award Setup Request or Modification Request:

  • General Hold
  • Export Control Hold
  • IACUC Approval Hold
  • IRB Approval Hold
  • Campus Input Required
  • Sponsor Input Required
  • GCA/OSP Coordination Required

Knowing a Hold has been Placed

Once a Hold is applied to your Award Setup Request or  Modification Request, near the top of the page, the following text will display in a blue font color (on all pages):

“Holds or compliance checks are in process. View the Comments & History section for more information.”

The following image shows an example of this text:

Awards Campus Holds message





More detailed information is displayed in the Comments & History section of the Award Setup Request or a Modification Request.

The following image shows an example of an added hold:

Awards Campus Holds listed in Comments and History section



The General Information section contains basic information about your Award Setup Request. Any fields that are required are noted.

The sections are:

Award Overview

You will want to have your Notice of Award (NoA) readily available when you are completing this section.  The dates and amounts entered here must match those on the NoA, or you will risk the request being returned by OSP.

  • Short Title (required): This field is auto-populated from the application eGC1, it is an editable field.
  • Full Title (required): This field is auto-populated from the application eGC1, it is an editable field.
  • Current Period Start Date (required): Must match the Notice of Award.
  • Current Period End Date (required): Must match the Notice of Award.
  • Sponsor Total for Spending Period: This must match the total amount listed on the Notice of Award and on the accompanying SAGE Award Budget.
  • Estimated Award End Date: found on the Notice of Award.
  • Sponsored Program Activity Type (SPA) (required):  Select appropriate SPA type from the drop-down menu.  Available selections align with GIM 13 Activity Types. Note that the SPA selection is based on the originating sponsor type for federal vs. non-federal distinctions.
  • Clinical Trial Phase (drop-down menu)
    • Values: I, II, III, IV, Other, None: Found on the Notice of Award. Review defining clinical research for more information on clinical trial phases.
  • Sponsor Award Issue Date: Found on the Notice of Award.
  • Sponsor Award Number: Found on the Notice of Award.
  • Non-Monetary Award (toggle)
    • Select the toggle when the sponsor has issued a non-monetary award or an award with a non-monetary component, such as a dollar-valued in-kind contribution or an equipment non-monetary award.
    • When toggle is selected the Non-Monetary Award Amount field will display. Complete this field with the value of the in-kind or equipment contribution.

  • Sponsor (required): This field is auto-populated from application eGC1, it is an editable field.  Check your Notice of Award to determine if the Sponsor for the award is different than the one at the time of proposal.  Sponsor accuracy is very important to Workday setup.
    • If you are attempting to change the sponsor on the ASR and do not get results from your search, that indicates that the sponsor may need to be setup in UW’s funding entity core data management (FECDM) system. Click the link on screen to Request Sponsor Setup in FECDM (Funding Entity Core Data Management).”
    • Sponsor Type: this is not an editable field.
  • Bill to Sponsor: This is an editable field.
  • Funding originates from a different entity than the sponsor listed above (flow-through). Select the toggle to display the following fields:
    • Originating (Prime) Sponsor (required): Auto-populated from eGC1.
    • Originating (Prime) Sponsor Type: This is not an editable field.
    • Originating (Prime) Sponsor Award Number: This is not a required field, it is an editable field.
  • The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award.
    • Use this only when the sponsor has specified a deadline for receiving the signed award to provide funding. Upload the required documentation of the deadline from the sponsor in the Supporting Attachments section.
    • Select the toggle to display the following fields:
        • Deadline for Accepting Award Date (required)
        • Instructions for where data source can be found in the Notice of Award.

      PI & Department

      Example of searching "biochem" in the Cost Center Receiving Funding field, which returns three results.

      Select the Next Section button at the bottom right of the page to navigate within your Award Setup Request.

When the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) receives or retrieves a new Notice of Award (NoA) and the PI is not included on the notification, OSP creates the Award Setup Request (ASR). The request has an initial status of OSP Setup.

When OSP finishes the setup and sends the item to SAGE, it changes to Composing status. The contacts on the linked eGC1 application are then automatically notified by email about the newly-created ASR. They are able to edit and complete the request, and then route it.

Individuals on the Access list will see the item on their Awards tasklist. When opened,  it displays a “review” version and cannot be edited.

Review the FAQ: What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP?  for an overview, details on what data OSP will enter, and what data you will need to enter and review.

SAGE Awards allows campus preparers to create an Award Setup Request (ASR) after receiving a notice of award (NoA) from the sponsor or to complete one that OSP has started.

Note: The system will prevent more than one Award Setup Request from being created for the same eGC1.

Review the FAQ: What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP?  for an overview, details on what data OSP will enter, and what data you will need to enter and review.


The Awards component of SAGE (System to Administer Grants Electronically) allows you to complete an online Award Setup Request after receiving a Notice of Award (NoA) from the sponsor or to complete one that OSP has started.  To make changes to your existing award, you would create a Modification Request.

Awards requests components

The Approvals section of the Award Setup Request displays the units and individuals that will need to approve it. The section appears for all award statuses and can be used to check the approval progress.

The approval flow reads from top to bottom. Some approver cards may be grouped, and can be approved in any order. When the award has been submitted for routing, and reviewers are approving it, the card statuses and color will update to show the award’s progress. When all of the approvals are done, and GCA has completed their steps, the Processed card will also change to green.

example approval flow of process award setup request

Review Approving Awards for details on the approval flow, and Awards Email Notifications for details on emails sent.

The Access & Roles page displays a read-only list of the individuals who have access to the Award Setup Request or Modification Request and their level of access, as well as other details. Access is shared with the selected eGC1.

The table displays one contact per row. The columns of information include:

  • Contact
  • Role
  • Permissions
  • Primary Organization (cost center) – only for Owners
  • Email – only for Owners
  • Phone – only for Owners

The following image shows this section with some example data.

access and roles section with details

Access Roles

Individuals with a role that has Owner permissions are listed first in the table, followed by any General Collaborators. The Owner rows display in the following order:

  • Award Preparer
  • Advance Preparer
  • Budget Preparer (if applicable)
  • eGC1 Preparer
  • Pre-Award Budget Contact
  • Administrative Contact
  • Principal Investigator

All owner role rows display even if there is no one assigned to that role. General Collaborators will display in the order added.

By default, the person who creates the Award Setup Request or Modification Request becomes the Award Preparer. The exception is when OSP creates the request, the Award Preparer will be empty when the PI or administrator first views it. An Award Preparer will need to be added.

The other owners are populated from the associated eGC1 application and from its connected budget, if applicable. An owner’s primary organization, email, and phone information will display. Anyone with Owner permission can make changes to the request. A new request will not have any default collaborators.

Note: At the time of award, eGC1 owners will have the ability to initiate an Award Setup Requests. Access to the eGC1 and Award Setup Request will then need to be updated on each item independently. So if someone leaves/needs to be removed, the change must be made on both the eGC1 and the ASR.

A person may have more than one Owner role, but cannot be both an Owner and a General Collaborator. If you try to add an existing person in a role that would conflict, their name would appear grayed out in the search results.

Editing the Access List

Note: anyone who is an Owner or who has Can Edit permissions may update the Access & Roles page of an award in any status.


To replace an existing owner, start typing the new person’s name or NetID in the Contacts column for that role, then select them from the results list. The one exception is that the Principal Investigator cannot be changed or removed.

In addition, a Pre-Award Budget Contact or Administrative Contact can be either demoted to a general collaborator with edit permission or removed from the budget by using the “more options” menu icon to the far right (three vertical blue dots). Any time you choose “remove” from the menu, a confirmation dialog will display.

An Award Preparer, if there is at least one other Award Preparer, can be demoted or removed.

General Collaborators

To add a general collaborator, select Add Contact, then choose “Add general collaborator” from the drop-down menu. A new row will be added to the top of the table. Start typing the person’s name or NetID in the Contact column, then select them from the results list. After adding a person, you can use the Sort by Role link to re-order the list.

Use the drop-down menu in the Permissions column to give either View Only or Can Edit access. The default choice is View Only.

You can change the access permission at any time. Anyone with Can Edit permissions can make changes to the award.

General Collaborators can also be:

  • Promoted to be the Pre-Award Budget Contact or Administrative Contact
    • If the contact role is empty, the collaborator is moved directly.
    • If the contact role is not empty, a confirmation dialog appears to confirm the replacement. The person being replaced is demoted to a general collaborator with edit permission.
  • Removed from the budget

MOD Review & Submit

Use this read-only section to review your entries in the General Information, Comments & History, and Supporting Attachments sections for accuracy. You can return to those sections in the left navigation menu to fix any errors or omissions.

Review detailed guidance & instructions:

Authority & Approval Submission Requirement

The statement in this section affirms your submission information. It reads:

  • By submitting this request, you are confirming that you have the authority and approval to submit this modification request on behalf of the PI or the department.

Select Submit & Route to route the OSP/GCA or GCA only MOD for review, approval & processing.

Use this section of your award to review the Significant Financial Interest (SFI) and Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training status of the investigators on the associated eGC1 application. The table lists each investigator, their role, SFI disclosure submission status, and FCOI training status. If any investigators are not up-to-date, an alert appears above the table. The green check marks will indicate at a glance if training and disclosures are up-to-date.

SFI Disclosure Requirement

Each investigator must have completed an SFI disclosure in FIDS for the associated eGC1 application whether or not they have any financial interests to disclose. If the investigator submitted that disclosure more than 12 months ago from the current date, and has not created another disclosure of any kind within the past 12 months, the investigator would need to submit an annual update disclosure.

An investigator’s disclosure status is either “Up-to-date” or “Disclosure Required” with a Notify link. Select the Notify link to send a notification that either the primary disclosure or an annual update disclosure is needed. The system determines which disclosure is required and sends the corresponding notification. The award preparer is copied on the notification. You can select the Notify link more than once. The date will refresh automatically. Review the Award SFI & FCOI Notifications for details.

FCOI Training Requirement

If the eGC1 application’s sponsor is one that requires UW review of SFI, the investigator’s FCOI training must also be “up-to-date.” The training expires after four years. If the investigator’s training is not current, their status is “Training Required” with a Notify link. Use the link to send a notification about the training requirement, with instructions. The advance preparer is copied on the notification.

Below the table is a link to the parent eGC1 application’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page where you can update the list of investigators. If you make changes, the award will automatically update.

The following image shows an example of an investigator who is not up-to-date for neither SFI disclosure nor FCOI training.

SFI and FCOI section

SAGE – the System to Administer Grants Electronically – is the web-based system used by faculty, researchers, administrators and staff.

You can stay up-to-date on changes in SAGE (and FIDS) by subscribing to our Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) News.

The core SAGE system allows you to carry out several tasks:

  • SAGE Budget helps you create an accurate budget for your grant proposal. It auto-populates data from the payroll and financial systems, helps you select proper rates, and calculates totals automatically.
    • You can connect a budget to a standard or Grant Runner eGC1 to populate budget data.
    • You will need to connect a budget to an Award Setup Request.
  • eGC1 Forms are the electronic Grants and Contracts forms you use to route your grant proposal through the University’s internal compliance process.
  • Grant Runner applications combine the eGC1 and sponsor forms for some NIH funding opportunities requiring SF424 R&R forms, including Modular, Detailed and Subaward Budgets. With the click of a button, OSP can electronically submit your application via Grants.gov to the sponsor.
  • Approvals is the electronic routing engine that stages eGC1s, Advances, and Award Setup Requests for approval by associated departments, colleges, compliance offices, and the Office of Sponsored Programs.
  • Advances creates an online request form for an advance budget number.
  • Awards allows you to create Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests.
  • Subawards submits a request for a new subaward or a modification of an existing one.