The Personnel section of the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page lists all individuals who will be participating in the research and indicates their role, investigator status, Significant Financial Interests (SFI) status, and compliance details. For additional information on who is considered to be an investigator, review the UW Research Personnel page.
You may edit this information except when the eGC1 has a status of Routing or In OSP. You should update it whenever personnel join or leave a research project. Any personnel added will need to complete a Financial Interests Disclosure System (FIDS) disclosure for the eGC1.
Be aware that if your eGC1 is linked to a budget that is also linked to other eGC1s, any changes made to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page will be reflected on all of the linked eGC1s.
Note: The Approval Flow may change if you add or delete personnel while the eGC1 is still in the approval process.
Add Personnel
Include all personnel who will be participating in the research, but do not include off-campus consultants or subcontractors. SAGE uses the personnel list to determine which campus units need to approve the eGC1.
Also include an individual’s name if:
- Their participation requires approval by their unit
- Their unit is committing cost sharing of any portion of their salary
The PI is automatically listed first in the personnel section. To add other personnel to the list:
- Select the Add Personnel link to open the personnel chooser
- Enter the Name, UW NetID, or Employee ID (EID) for the person you want to add, and select Search
- Select the desired person’s name with the appropriate title/job/unit combination to add them and automatically return to the page
- Select the appropriate role, as described in the Role Type section below
Delete Personnel
To remove personnel from the list:
- Select the Delete Personnel link
- In the pop-up window, select one or more personnel you wish to delete
- Select the Delete button to complete the process and return to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page
When you remove investigators from an eGC1, their pending SFI disclosures will be deleted. If they had completed a disclosure, then the system will retain the disclosure, but remove the primary eGC1 information. SAGE will not notify the investigators that they have been removed; you may want to let them know.
Personnel Data Descriptions
- Name, Employee ID, Email Address
- Selected Unit, Primary Position Unit
- Role Type
- Investigator
- Significant Financial Interest (SFI)
- Compliance Details

Name, Employee ID, Email Address
The Name column displays a person’s Name, Employee ID, and Email Address. If the person has not yet entered an email address in their FIDS Profile at the time they are added, then the message Email Address Unlisted will appear. There is more information about what this affects in the Disclosure Notifications article.

Selected Unit, Primary Position Unit
The Selected Unit is the cost center and name for the person selected. If the individual has multiple positions/appointments listed, this is the code for the particular position chosen. See Personnel Chooser for more information.
The Primary Position Unit is the cost center and name for the unit that is the person’s primary position.
If the unit selected is other than the primary, you may see both organizations represented on the approval flow for the application. Use the View Draft Approval Graph link on this page to see the approval flow.
Role Type
The Role Type for each person added will default to “Key Personnel.” Select the appropriate value from the drop-down:
- Co-Investigator
- Key Personnel
- Fellow
- Mentor
- Multiple PI
- Application PI
- Other
You can only add one Application PI. For all other roles, you can add more that one person with the same role.
If either the Application PI or Multiple PI role is selected, SAGE will add the person to the Approval Flow. An exception is if the Multiple PI is a non-UW person. In that case, there are additional steps, as described in the Multiple PIs article.
Note: If you designate someone as an Application PI or Multiple PI who does not have any ASTRA role that grants access to SAGE, a warning message will appear in red following their email address. It reads “no access: ASTRA permissions required.” This information will allow you to request ASTRA roles in advance to avoid delays when routing for approval.
The PI is responsible for determining whether key personnel are considered Investigators. For the definition of Investigator, review Who is Considered an Investigator and Needs to Disclose SFI? FAQ and the GIM 10 Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Policy.
When you add personnel, Investigator is marked Yes by default. For some roles, you may select No if the person is not an Investigator. Select an appropriate value for each person.
For personnel with the role of PI, Co-Investigator, Application PI, or Multiple PI, SAGE automatically sets the Investigator value to Yes and it cannot be edited.
Significant Financial Interest (SFI)
The Significant Financial Interest status is based on information provided by the investigator in the Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS).
Value |
Description |
Yes |
The investigator has completed the primary disclosure for this eGC1. On the primary disclosure and/or a related disclosure, they have indicated that they have SFI (for sponsors that require UW review) or that they have SFI that pertains to this research. |
No |
The investigator has completed the primary disclosure for this eGC1. On neither the primary disclosure nor any related disclosure has the investigator indicated that they have any SFI. |
Unknown |
The investigator has not yet completed their primary disclosure. Their SFI status is unknown until they complete the primary disclosure even if they have completed related disclosures. |
Not applicable |
The person listed is not an investigator. |
Compliance Details
The Compliance Details column displays several pieces of information for all personnel listed.
- FCOI Training Status
- Disclosure Notifications
- Disclosure, Review and FCOI status
- Investigator Disclosure History
Any entry in this column displayed in bold font requires action. This may include actions required by the eGC1 preparer, such as sending a disclosure notification, or actions that are required by the investigator, such as needing to take training or complete their disclosure.
FCOI Training Status
When the sponsor requires it, you must take the Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) training every four years. If the training has been taken, either the expiration date or FCOI training required will display.
You must complete required FCOI training prior to the expenditure of funds. You can complete an application for routing, with Ready to Submit marked Yes, even if all of the personnel have not yet taken their training.
FCOI training required |
When the sponsor requires it and the investigator has not yet completed the FCOI training, or the FCOI training has expired. |
FCOI training complete. Expires on mm/dd/yy |
The investigator has taken the FCOI training and the expiration date of their training is listed. FCOI training is valid for 4 years. |
FCOI training not required |
The person listed is not an investigator, or the eGC1 does not require FCOI training. |
See the Financial Conflict of Interest Training Web page for additional information.
Disclosure Notification Email Dates
When you have sent a Disclosure Notification email to the investigator, the message “Disclosure D##### Notification sent mm/dd/yyyy” will display, where D##### is the disclosure number and mm/dd/yyyy is the sent date.
Notification dates for any related disclosures the investigator has, in addition to the primary disclosure, will also be listed.
If this eGC1 reaches FCOI Just-in-Time (JIT) status, the date when the JIT Disclosure Notification email was sent will also display: JIT Disclosure D##### Notification sent mm/dd/yyyy
See the JIT section of the FIDS User Guide for more details about the FCOI JIT process, which generally occurs when the proposal is being awarded.
Disclosure Status
All personnel who are listed as investigators on the eGC1 are required to complete a disclosure for that eGC1.
The Primary Disclosure status always displays first and is in italic font to make it easy to spot. The status for any related disclosures display in order from most recent to oldest.
D#### is the number of the disclosure.
Primary Disclosure Required |
The person listed is an investigator, and has been notified by email of their obligation to disclose. |
No Disclosure Required |
The person is not an investigator, and therefore is not required to disclose. |
Primary Disclosure Notification not Sent |
The person is an investigator and is required to disclose, but has not yet been notified of the disclosure requirements. If the eGC1 preparer (or anyone with read/write access to the eGC1) clicks on the “Send Disclosure Notifications” button on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page, the investigator will be notified. The system only sends a notification once to each person. If you complete the eGC1 without sending the notifications, SAGE will automatically send them within a day. |
Primary (or Related) Disclosure D#### Submitted mm/dd/yyyy |
The person is an investigator, and a primary (or related) disclosure has been submitted on the date indicated. |
Once an investigator submits a disclosure, its Review Status will also display.
Review Status
The disclosure will be assessed when appropriate for the eGC1, and will be given a status of “Review Required” or “No Review Required” depending on the presence of SFI. For more details about JIT and Disclosure Review Statuses, see the FIDS User Guide.
Waiting for JIT (Just-in-Time) |
A newly completed disclosure gets Waiting for JIT status, whether or not it has SFI. |
Review Required |
This disclosure requires a review because the investigator has indicated that they have SFI and one of the following is true:
- The eGC1 has been awarded and/or has a child Funding Action, or
- The eGC1 is for an After-the-Fact application and is at In OSP or Approved status.
No Review Required |
At the time the disclosure status was assessed, the investigator’s disclosure did not have any SFI (for sponsors that require UW review), or did not have any SFI related to this eGC1 (for all other sponsors). |
Review Complete |
The Institutional Official has completed their review of this disclosure. |
Pending Answer |
The Institutional Official has indicated that the review is pending additional information from the investigator. |
Once the disclosure has been reviewed, its FCOI Status will also display.
FCOI Status
SFI not related |
The Institutional Official has determined that the disclosed SFI are not related to the investigator’s institutional activities. |
FCOI not found |
The disclosed SFI are related to the investigator’s institutional activities, but do not constitute any financial conflict of interest. |
FCOI Management plan not yet in place |
The disclosed SFI are related to the investigator’s institutional activities, and constitute a financial conflict of interest. A management plan has not yet been put in place. |
FCOI Management plan in place |
The disclosed SFI are related to the investigator’s institutional activities, and constitute a financial conflict of interest. An FCOI management plan has been completed and is now in place. |
Investigator Disclosure History
Selecting this link opens a pop-up window that displays a list of the investigator’s disclosures submitted in the past year. See the One Year Investigator Disclosure History help page for more details.
When viewing the worksheet for the main (parent) budget, or a sub budget, you will see a set of icons at the upper right of the sheet. They allow you to make adjustments to what you see on the worksheet, and to perform actions on the worksheet. The set of icons are shown in the following image, and are numbered left to right.

The icons are:
- Full Screen Budget, and Close Full Screen Budget
- Show all sub-object budget lines, and Hide all sub-object budget lines
- Print Budget
- Export Budget to Excel
- Create a copy of this budget – this feature is no longer available.
- Delete this budget – this feature is no longer available
Display Full Screen
These icons allow you to choose how you view the worksheet within the browser window.

The “magnifier with plus” icon (to the left) allows you to expand the worksheet to fill the whole browser window, allowing you to see more of the sheet details, rather than the SAGE and budget tabs.
The “magnifier with minus” icon (to the right) returns you to the standard view. When you’re in full screen mode, you can also use the Close Full Screen link in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Show All Sub-Object Budget Lines
You can use these icons to fully expand all of the line items in your budget.

The “plus” icon expands the worksheet, and displays the sub-object lines you have already entered and the Add buttons for each section.
The “minus” icon contracts the worksheet back to displaying just the object code summary lines.
Print the Budget
This icon displays a printable copy of your budget.

A new browser window will appear with the budget data formatted for printing.
The output includes two different formats of the data: the first is line-by-line for all periods; the second is to help you complete the SR 424 (R&R) Detailed Budget used in submissions.
Export the Budget to Excel
This icon exports your budget as an Excel spreadsheet.

You will be prompted to open Excel.
The output includes two different formats of the data: the first is line-by-line for all periods; the second is to help you complete the SR 424 (R&R) Detailed Budget used in submissions.
Note: only the values export, not the formulas.
Anyone with read/write access can delete an eGC1 in Composing status.
You can delete an eGC1 in Withdrawn or Returned status, if
- You have read/write access AND
- The eGC1 was completed or re-completed more than six months ago.
If the eGC1’s status is Routing or In OSP with Ready to Submit marked No, you will need to withdraw it before you can delete it. You cannot withdraw an eGC1 at In OSP status and marked Yes for Ready to Submit. Instead, contact OSP and request they return the eGC1.
To delete the eGC1:
- Click the delete icon (trash can) on the top navigation bar.
- Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the eGC1.