Tag Archives: eGC1

When is data saved on an eGC1?

See the Navigation and Saving Data article for details. Data is saved when you:

  • Click the Save icon on the action bar at the top right corner of the eGC1 screen.
  • Navigate to a different page of your eGC1 by:
    • using the left navigation menu.
    • clicking either the Next or Previous arrow.
    • clicking the Continue or Next buttons in the page’s footer.
  • Click the Save & Close this eGC1 link on the left navigation menu.
  • Click the Back to My eGC1s breadcrumb link.
Why is my eGC1 in read-only mode, when I have read-write access?

First, verify that you have read-write access by checking the Contacts & Assign Access page. Next, you should contact the person listed in the banner and ask them to exit the item properly by clicking the Save & Close this eGC1 link or the Back to My eGC1s link.

See Access Issues: Locked for Editing for more details.

When is an eGC1 required?

When you have read-write access to an eGC1, but find that you are in read-only mode, it can be frustrating.

There are three possible reasons why your eGC1 might open in read-only mode:

Reason Description
Status To make changes to a Routing eGC1, you must withdraw it. If your eGC1 has reached In OSP status and you have indicated “Yes” for the Ready to Submit question, contact OSP to have them return the eGC1 to you; otherwise you can withdraw it.
Locked for Editing – 1 Your eGC1 was already being edited by another user when you opened it. Only one person may have an eGC1 open for editing at a time. You can see who is currently editing an eGC1 by looking at the top of any page.

To resolve this situation, contact the person who is editing the eGC1 and ask them to close the eGC1 to allow editing by a different person.

Locked for Editing – 2 Another user recently exited your eGC1 without closing out of the eGC1 correctly. When this occurs, the system maintains an active status for the eGC1 in the SAGE database for 45 minutes, even after the user closes his or her browser.

To resolve this, the user who exited incorrectly must log back into SAGE, re-open the item, and then close out properly. If the user is unavailable, you can wait 45 minutes, at which point the system will automatically log the person out, or you can call the ORIS Help Desk (685-8335) for further assistance.

Note: To close an eGC1 properly, click the Save & Close this eGC1 link or the Back to My eGC1s link. Do not just close your browser window.

October 2015 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features, Changes and Bug Fixes


  • A new multi-select Country field has been added to the eGC1, to track where international work will be performed.  This field will be visible to users only when they answer “YES” to the question of whether work will be performed internationally.  This country-level data will be used in reporting and analytics.
  • The Sponsored Program Activity Type field on the eGC1 and FA was amended to allow users without a mouse to utilize the drop down control with keyboard alone. This change supports making the SAGE application more accessible.  The expand/collapse capability in the drop down is also removed, since this was causing some confusion with users.  The list of selectable options will be fully expanded, within their respective categories, making for a more intuitive user experience.
  • Bug Fix:  An issue that was causing eGC1 approval snapshots to not display attachments that had newer versions uploaded after the snapshot was taken has been fixed so that all point-in-time versions of attachments display in approval snapshots.

SAGE Reporting Update

The Subaward Status Report will be located in the BI Portal and will replace the existing static report found on the OSP website.  This version will be near real-time (data refreshed nightly), giving campus more timely information on the status of their pending subawards, and will alleviate the time consuming preparation done by OSP in posting the current static report.

Note: This report will be available in the days following the SAGE release.

If you have an eGC1 that started routing, but you decide not to submit it to the sponsor, you can change its status to Permanently Withdrawn.

Updating your eGC1 to Permanently Withdrawn allows you to filter your tasklist to exclude these items. 

To make the change, the eGC1 needs to be in Withdrawn or Returned status. Look on the left navigation menu for the Permanently Withdraw link. It displays after the “Save & Close this eGC1” link.

Note: If your eGC1 has a child Funding Action, the link will not display in the left navigation menu.

left navigation menu showing permanently withdraw link

Click on this link to open the Permanently Withdraw pop-up window, as seen in the image below.

e G C 1 Permanently Withdraw pop-up window

Note:  Make this status change only if you no longer plan to submit the eGC1 to the sponsor. Once you make the eGC1 Permanently Withdrawn, it will be read-only. You will be able to copy it, but not edit it.  You will not be able to reverse the status change. If needed, you can contact OSP and request they change the eGC1’s status.

Application Details

This section will list a few identifying pieces of information:

    • Application Number
    • Short Title
    • PI Name
    • Org Code Receiving Funding
    • Sponsor Name


This is a required field. Use it to explain why you are moving this eGC1 to this status.

Permanently Withdraw

Click this button to complete the process of changing the eGC1’s status.  The system will add an entry to the History & Comments page indicating who made the status change, when it was made, and showing the entered notes.


Click this link to cancel the status change and return to your eGC1.

July 2015 SAGE Maintenance Release

Overview:  Sponsored Program Activity Revisions

The majority of the July maintenance release is focused on updating the way sponsored program activities are defined and clustered in SAGE on both the eGC1 and on Funding Actions.  Prior to these changes, the “Funding Purpose” field on the eGC1 and the “Type of Award” field on the Funding Action tracked different but similar values.  This causes confusion for consumers of the data and challenges in reporting to federal sponsors, since neither field aligns cleanly with the categories used for federal reporting.

With the below changes, the eGC1 and FA activity types will be brought into alignment with each other, and with the federal reporting categories.  Additional fields are also being added to extend automation of reporting further.

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Grant Runner enables you to complete Grants.gov application packages directly within SAGE for certain National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding opportunities. It integrates the standard government grant application forms (the SF424 Forms) with the UW electronic grants and contract (eGC1) application. With the click of a button, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) can electronically submit your application via Grants.gov to the sponsor.

May 2015 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features

Grant Runner: Update Detailed Budget Roles to Free Text

On the Grant Runner detailed budget forms (project and subaward budgets) the key persons role type has been converted from a drop-down list to an open text box, to allow users to enter a wider range of other roles not previously listed. For example, users can now enter “Consortium PI” on the subaward budgets, or any other role type necessary.

Grant Runner: Round budget indirect totals to whole number

NIH Guidelines ask for detailed budget figures to be entered as whole dollars. In the indirect cost section of the detailed budget, where the total was automatically calculated based on rates and base amounts, cents were included without allowing users the ability to change the figure to a whole number. With this update, the indirect cost totals on the project and subaward detailed budgets and the modular budget forms will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

Provide visibility to missing investigator emails (201633)

In order to ensure attention is drawn to situations where an investigator may not receive a disclosure notification email, due to a missing email address, the PI & Personnel page of the eGC1 is being updated to display available email addresses.  The available email address will display for everyone listed on the PI & Personnel page, and when one isn’t available a message of “Email Address Unlisted” will display in its place.

In addition, if a disclosure notification fails to send to an investigator due to no email address being available, then the eGC1 Preparer will be sent an email they can forward to the investigator.

Require Email and Phone Number for eGC1 Preparer (206089)

In order to ensure that eGC1 preparers receive key email notifications generated from SAGE and SPAERC, including the newly added email above which forwards disclosure notifications when investigators cannot be reached by email, the Preparer’s phone number and email address are now required on the eGC1.


PI entry erroneously cleared

Under certain circumstances during the updating of a PI on the eGC1, the entry was not saving correctly, resulting in the PI entry being blanked out and at times causing an error that the user could not resolve. This fix corrects the issue, allowing PI changes to be saved appropriately.

FCOI JIT Email Update

The primary contacts on the eGC1 will now only receive the FCOI JIT email once, rather than anytime the contacts listed on the eGC1 change.

You use this component of SAGE (System to Administer Grants Electronically) to create electronic grants and contracts forms (eGC1). They route your grant proposal through the University’s internal compliance process.

The Grant Runner version of an application combines the eGC1 and sponsor forms for some NIH funding opportunities requiring SF424 R&R forms, including Modular, Detailed and Subaward Budgets. With the click of a button, OSP can electronically submit your application via Grants.gov to the sponsor.