Select an answer for the question “Will this project involve any new construction or renovation of existing facilities?”
If you select “Yes” additional fields display. You must complete the “Who provided approval?” field.
The optional fields are:
Approval date
Where is the space
Additional Explanation
The following image shows the question answered Yes and the fields displayed.
Use the “Back to Activity Locations Summary” link at the bottom of the page to return to the main Activity Locations page. The section will now a link to “Edit Section” if needed, and a Expand + link. Expand displays the data entered, and switches to Collapse when used. The following image shows the section expanded with some sample data.
Question F1: Will F&A costs be reimbursed at less than a federally negotiated rate for the UW?
The F&A Cost Rate is determined by the location(s) where the research is performed and is charged as a percentage of total Direct Costs. Rates can be found in GIM 13: F&A Rate Table. Guidelines for determining split rates when projects are conducted at two or more locations are found at GIM 13: Activity at Two or More Locations.
Item F1a will display: Attach GIM 13 waiver in the Documents for OSP section of the attachments page, or provide documentation of sponsor F&A policy (e.g. RFP, application documents, or website URL)
Use the text box to enter your documentation, or upload an attachment on the Attached Documents page.
Note: for RRF applications, the answer to this question must be No.
Question F2: Will administrative or clerical support be included in the budget as direct costs? (see GIM 23)
NIH grants do not allow administrative or clerical personnel costs unless they meet the criteria in GIM 23.
If you answer Yes:
Explain how administrative or clerical personnel will be used in the proposed project, following the criteria in GIM 23 Appendix A (Examples of Direct Costs). This must be appropriately justified in the sponsor application, following sponsor guidelines.
Question F3: Does this application commit funds for cost sharing or matching?
Cost Sharing, Matching or Continuation occurs when an application promises to deliver a support or service for which the research grant does not pay.
Cost Sharing may be mandatory (required by sponsor) or voluntary (a contribution of effort or other costs offered by the Principal Investigator which the sponsor does not require as condition of the award). Cost sharing occurs when an application commits allowable expenses (i.e., personnel, tuition, equipment or services) for which the research grant will not pay. You must charge these costs to an alternate source (UW or third party). You need to identify all sources and they must agree (via the eGC1 approval process) to commit the necessary funds. For more information, see the GCA Cost Sharing Overview page or GIM 21: Cost Share on Sponsored Programs.
Matching funds occur when proposal funding is contingent on a unit’s agreement to commit a matching amount of funding ($) to a project. Matching funds may come in the form of a gift or a grant.
Continuation funding takes three forms:
(a) it provides funding from a secondary source for ongoing support of a project after the original funding is depleted
(b) continuation funds may also be granted if the project is unable to be completed by the original time line and the sponsor has agreed to provide supplemental funding to see the project through to completion
(c) continuation funding also occurs when a portion of the original funding commitment is continued and the remaining budget must be found in grant money.
If you answer Yes:
Identify whether you are including cost sharing, matching or program continuation.
Provide a brief explanation in the text box and attach the completed Addendum form on the Attached Documents page. (On the Addendum, complete all fields including faculty effort, budget number and third party contribution.)
Indicate the cost sharing amounts and sources in the Personnel section of the eGC1’s Cost Sharing page.
Activity Locations captures information to assist eGC1 preparers & reviewers in determining correct F&A rates and documents resource planning for campus units
Space Planning helps campus reviewers determine if there are special fees, permits, or approvals required for renovations or construction activities
International Involvement assists in identifying projects that may need targeted support for international activities
The following image shows the Activity Locations summary page before any sections have been started.
Select “Start Section” to open a section for data entry.
The following articles cover each section in detail.
Use this section to identify each location where UW research activities are taking place. You must enter at least one location. As with other eGC1 pages, you can partially complete your entries and save the eGC1. You must complete the required fields before you route your eGC1 for approval.
List performance sites where UW personnel will work on the project. Do not list:
Authorized official (OSP)/institutional mailing address
Subrecipient locations
Other locations where UW personnel will not be working
Field work occurring away from the UW for less than 30 consecutive days (unless required by your Dean’s Office)
See GIM 13 Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rates for additional information on determining Activity Locations.
If some UW activity locations are “to be determined” at proposal time (for example, a Training Grant for which trainees and their projects are “to be named”), please enter all known UW Activity Locations (Harborview Medical Center, UW Health Sciences Building, and so forth).
SAGE integrates with UW’s space tracking system GeoSIMS, allowing you to search for a location by facility name, address or facility code. You can also manually enter locations not found in GeoSIMS by selecting Create a New Location.
The image below shows the section opened to add a location. Select + Add Location to open the dialog where you can search GeoSIMS location data or add a new location.
Add a Location
When you select Add Location a dialog will open. You can either search GeoSIMS for a location or add one manually. By default the search choice will display. The following image shows the dialog.
Search GeoSIMS
Start entering text to see search results. You can search by name, street address, or facility code. If there is no match, use the Enter Manually feature to enter your location, as described below.
Clicking on your selection from the results list will display the name and address of the location. The following image shows the information for Mary Gates Hall.
Select the blue “Next” button in the lower right corner to continue to the next step. This asks the question: How will the location be made available to the program? The choices are:
Leased by the UW
Owned by the UW
In a facility offered at no cost to the UW
Field work away from the UW for more than 30 consecutive days
The system will prepopulate the value for this location from GeoSIMS. The image below shows the modal with the “Owned by the UW” choice selected.
Use the small, blue X in the upper right corner to cancel and return to the section page. Select the blue “Next” button to the next step.
In this step you can optionally enter any additional comments or descriptions about the location.
If your location is leased, there will be an additional question in this step: Will rent be charged to sponsor as a direct cost? If you answer “No” you will need to provide an explanation. This following image shows this step.
Select the blue “Save” button in the lower right corner to complete the process.
Manually Enter a New Location
When you select Enter Manually in the initial dialog, it will display the Add Location step, where you can add the Location Name (required) and address information (optional). The address fields are:
Street Address
The following image shows the input fields.
Use the small, black X in the upper right corner to cancel and return to the section page. Select the blue “Next” button in the lower right corner to continue to the next step.
You will need to answer the question “How will this location be made available to the program?” The choices are:
Leased by the UW
Owned by the UW
In a facility offered at no cost to the UW
Field work away from the UW for more than 30 consecutive days
If you select either the “no-cost” option, or “other” option, the Explanation text box appears. You will need to provide additional details. This is shown is the following image.
Note: If your department/school/college requires you to list locations for field work of less than 30 days, select “Other” and put a description in the explanation box.
Select Next to continue to the last step. If your location is leased, there will be an additional question in this step: Will rent be charged to sponsor as a direct cost? If you answer “No” you will need to provide an explanation. You must also provide a short description of the location and any justifications for its use.
Added Locations Table
The Activity Locations section will display your added locations in a table below the Create a New Location link. To expand or contract a table entry, click on the “chevron” icon on the far left, or anywhere on the entry fields. An additional row of information will display.
The table includes the following columns:
Name – location name from GeoSIMS or a newly added location
Source – GeoSIMS if searched for or Manual for a new location
Location Type – Owned or Leased
Rent Charged to Sponsor – N/A for owned; either Yes or No. If No, the Rent Explanation displays below.
Actions – displays two icons: a pencil for editing the entry and a trash can for deleting the entry
Address information appears below Name when the entry is expanded
Description comments appear below Source when the entry is expanded
Rent Explanation appears below Rent Charged to Sponsor when the entry is expanded
When you return to the Activity Locations main page, this same table will appear, along with an Edit Section link.
The image below shows the addition of two locations from GeoSIMS. Both entries are expanded to display all of the information. The locations are Padelford Hall on the Seattle campus and a South Lake Union Lab off campus.
Use this section to identify the countries where research will occur. Note: this question was formerly on the Details page.
If you answer “Yes” to the question “Is any portion of this project conducted internationally?” the country search box displays. You must select at least one country. The country list is the more comprehensive international standard ISO 3166.
Once you have entered at least three characters in the search box, the system will display a list of matching countries. The match may occur at the beginning of the country name or within the name. Click on the country name to select it. Search for and select as many countries as needed.
Once a country is added to the list, a delete icon (trash can) appears in the Actions column. Selecting it will remove the country from the list.
The following image shows the question answered Yes and two countries selected.
Use the “Back to Activity Locations Summary” link at the bottom of the page to return to the main Activity Locations page. Select the Expand + link to see the data you entered in read-only view. Use the “Edit Section” link to re-open the section for editing. The following image shows the read-only view of the data.
The Common Interdisciplinary Organizational Unit Reviewers section of the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page allows you to select one or more units for your application.
The units are:
Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD)
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI)
Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
Radiology Services
Primate Center (only on historic applications)
Selecting a unit automatically adds their reviewers to the approval flow.
In addition, if you select ADAI, and/or Radiology Services, the School of Medicine will be added as a Watcher.
For certain types of funding applications, there is a need to list a PI (Principal Investigator) on the sponsor application forms that differs from the PI on the eGC1. This is often the case with NIH Career Development mentored opportunities and Fellowships, when the PI on the sponsor forms does not meet the eligibility requirements necessary to serve as a UW PI.
In order to better identify and accommodate this situation, a new personnel role type has been created on the “PI, Personnel and Organizations” page, called “Application PI”. When the Application PI role is selected, additional contact details for person will display and be editable. This will allow preparers to call out the contact information to be used on the sponsor forms. This is particularly important for NIH applications using Grant Runner.
This new role should only be used when there is a need to designate a different PI on the sponsor forms than on the eGC1.
“Application PI” flow to Grant Runner Forms
When an Application PI role is assigned to a personnel entry, and Grant Runner is being used to complete the sponsor forms, then the Application PI name and contact information will automatically flow through to the SF 424 and Key Person Expanded forms where the Application PI is listed.
“Application PI” and Approvals
When an Application PI is identified in the Personnel section of the eGC1, that individual will automatically be added to the approval graph, directly after the eGC1 PI. As such, they will automatically receive the same approval notification email that the eGC1 PI receives.
When the Application PI initiates their approval, they will be presented with an Assurance Statement, in the same way that the eGC1 PI is. Their approval will also represent that they have read and are providing the appropriate assurance as required by the sponsor.
“Multiple PI” Approval Changes
In order to improve efficiency and ensure compliance with federal rules around provision of assurance statements by Multiple PIs, SAGE will now automatically add personnel with the role type of Multiple PI to the approval graph. As is the case for the eGC1 PI and Application PI, the Multiple PIs will automatically receive approval notification email, and will be presented with an Assurance Statement at time of approval.
Bug Fixes: SAGE Suite
Budget: Cannot add personnel on the day they end one position and start another
You can now add personnel to a budget as they transition from one position to another.
Budget: Refresh Rate updates
Now on the Update Periods modal when you “refresh rate” for a period:
The rate will update for that period and no other periods.
If you have previously set a custom rate, the “custom” checkbox will be cleared.
Now on the F&A tab in a budget, when you “refresh rate” the “custom” check box and any justification text will be cleared for all periods and reset to the base rate.
PI & Personnel: Improved error handling on attempt to enter same person twice
When a user inadvertently attempts to add the PI to the Personnel section of the eGC1 or attempts to add one of the personnel as a PI, the system will now provide a clear message that a person can only be added to the PI, Personnel & Organizations page once.
SAGE was updated July 6th to reflect Workday salary and payroll data. This release includes a few fixes to the SAGE system.
Re-enabled Items
We’ve re-enabled the following
Personnel Chooser: Re-enabled the ability to search for group NetIDs
Approvals Tab: Re-enabled the Advanced Search
Subcontract Sub Budgets:Re-enabled the ability to set custom fringe benefit rate settings for sub budgets of type Subcontract
eGC1 PDF: The PDF version now displays the complete Compliance Details column as well as the new Additional Organizational Unit Reviewers section
SAGE Budget for Student Aid:The Update Periods window for (08) Student Aid now displays the correct summary amount and no longer displays the unnecessary “Line Setup” button.
Update or Convert Salary: If you edit a HEPPS Salary and Wages line, the Line Setup modal will provide a link to “Convert” the salary if:
You have access to the budget
The Last Period End Date is in the future
The line was added via “Add Personnel” rather than “Add TBD”
For Salary and Wages lines created or last updated with Workday data, the Line Setup modal will allow you to “Update” the salary if the above criteria are met.
SAGE Suite will now use Workday data rather than HEPPS data.
Infrastructure Updates
Technology updates were made to modernize and stabilize SAGE system as areas of the software were updated.
SAGE Personnel Chooser (throughout SAGE Suite)
Search Options
Now search by EmployeeID, in addition to Name and UW NetID
Academic Appointments and Positions
When a Position and Academic Appointment are linked, they will be combined and displayed in one line
Displayed Fields
Employee Name will display legal name
Title will display the more useful Academic Appointment title when available. If not available, then Position title will display.
Academic Appointment Type will display next to Title. This is new data available through Workday that provides information about the nature of the Academic Appointment. Academic Appointment Types can be Primary, Joint, Dual, or Admin. Academic Appointment Types are not applicable to Positions.
Associated Organizational Units will display:
Organization Name and Code display for Positions and Academic Appointments associated with a Position
Supervisory Organization Name and Code display for Academic Appointments not related to a Position
An indicator of a person’s Primary Position now displays next to the unit where the Primary Position resides. Primary Position replaces the former “home department” concept when determining necessary approvals.
Additional Organizational Reviewers Moved to Renamed PI, Personnel & Organizations Page
The former FG-9 Compliance page question for identifying additional organizational reviewers has been moved to the PI, Personnel & Organizations page, to align it with the personnel entries that are also feeding the approval graph. While selecting personnel, if joint appointment units need to be identified, you can now do so from the same page.
View Approval Graph link added to PI, Personnel & Organizations Page
The View Approval Graph link will now show in two places on the eGC1 — on the Certify and Route page (as always) and now also on the PI, Personnel & Organizations page. While you are changing personnel and adding additional organizational reviewers, this newly added link will allow you to quickly view the impact of your changes on the approval graph.
Primary Position Organization Code Added to Personnel Summary List
Once a person and their corresponding position have been added to the list of personnel, you will now see the organizational units for both the selected position and primary position for the chosen person. This will be a reminder that the primary position’s organizational unit will appear on the graph as well as the selected position.
SAGE Compliance Page Update
The additional organizational unit reviewers question (FG-9) has been relocated to the bottom of the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page (see above for more details).
SAGE Approvals Updates
Approval Graph Generation
Primary Position Unit will now be used for adding Reviewers/Watchers to the Approval Graph, as the unit associated with the Primary Position replaces the concept of “home department”.
Selected Unit will continue to be used for adding Reviewers/Watchers to the Approval Graph, but the unit will be derived as follows:
If the selected line is for a Position, then SAGE will use the Position’s Organization Code
If the selected line is for an Academic Appointment linked to a Position, then SAGE will use the linked Position’s Organization Code
If the selected line is an Academic Appointment not linked to any Position, then SAGE will use the Supervisory Organization Code associated with the Academic Appointment
SAGE Budget Updates
Restructured to accommodate Workday data integration.
Object Codes
Object Codes
Are less granular in Workday with only one digit of sub-object code. They are associated with Job Profile and linked to Position rather than Distribution. Impacted Object codes are 01 Salaries and wages, 07 Employee benefits, and 08 Scholarships and awards.
All ‘01-1X’ → ‘01-10’; ’01-2X’ → ’01-20’; etc.
’07-06’ → ’07-00’
’08-02’ → ’08-00’
Historical sub-object codes are still available for manual selection – if desired; user can select the old/more descriptive title description.
Multiple Object Code Types
The extra modal for Multiple Object Code types has been eliminated. The system defaults the object code to the one associated with the person’s Primary Position.
Benefit Rate & Costs
Default Benefit Exemptions
SAGE will now derive insurance and retirement benefit eligibility using the person’s Primary Position Object Code based on info provided by MAA as part of UW GIM 3fringe-benefit-load-rate. This derivation of benefit exemptions works for all object codes except 01-70 (professional staff), which will default to “None” (no exemptions). For ’01-70’, there will also be an alert/message asking verify and update health and/or retirement benefit eligibility for professional staff personnel.
Earning Codes
In Workday, Earning Codes replaces the concept of Earn Types. Earning Codes are less granular and do not map exactly to historical Earn Types. Earning Codes will display on the Line Update page under Pay Type, providing additional context about salary and wages.
Institutional Base Salary (UW Monthly Salary)
Salary and wages that are considered IBS will now be pre-checked based on the updated GIM 35 definition of IBS.
Reduced responsibility cannot be uniquely identified in Workday, so the RRD personnel notification email from SAGE that’s sent post-award has been discontinued.
Non-Salary Distributions
Object Code ‘07’
SAGE does not receive any retiree Supplement data from Workday. Retirees without regular salaries but with active Academic Appointments can be added to your budget but salary and benefit information must be added manually using the [Starting Monthly Salary] field.
Object Code ‘08’
Stipends information under object code ’08’ is available as Stipends without benefits under ’08-00’ (less granular object code). Stipends under Object code ‘08’ are not considered UW Salary or IBS, and are excluded from benefit calculations.
Salary Amounts
There are 2 separate branches of distributions in Workday: planned compensation and period pays. Both are included in salary calculations for all salary fields. If current planned compensation and period pays, we will include those. If no current planned compensation or period pays are available, SAGE will utilize future dated data.
Update or Convert Salary
The SAGE Budget worksheet will now display an “H” icon next to Salary and Wages lines last updated with HEPPS data.
If you edit a HEPPS Salary and Wages line, the Line Setup modal will provide a link to “Convert” the salary, which will remove all HEPPS earning lines, and re-add the person’s latest salary lines from Workday. Prior to the removal, the system keeps a snapshot of the HEPPS earning data. The instant of the snapshot can be viewed using the History tab of a budget.
For Salary and Wages lines created or last updated with Workday data, no “H” indicator will display. The Line Setup modal will allow you to “Update” the salary (no conversion is needed).
Budget Periods
The Update Periods modal has all periods displayed on the same page for the selected line item.
With the right access, the user can update salary and benefit for each period (and thereafter). However, if the selected record is personnel from HEPPS, then the Update Salary link will not be visible. The Update Salary link only works for Workday data.
The display of Sea Pay personnel and salary info has been rearranged and shown with multiple periods. # of Hour info for each period can be entered on the same page.
Worksheet Line Setup (Non-Personnel)
The “NOTES” icon has been removed, and a note section is added to the line Item setup page. Instead of going to Period 1, 2, etc., user can access the new Line Item Update page directly by using the “Go to Iine Item Update”.
The Line Setup page includes all periods on the same page. Other than the calculated fields such as % and totals, cells for all periods can be edited together. However, the totals are not recalculated upon entry, but upon leaving. User will only be able to view the new totals after Return to Worksheet.
This pop-up window displays when you select the Check for Errors link on either the left navigation menu or the Certify & Route page. The eGC1 Final Validation section will list any errors that you need to correct before you can route your eGC1 to reviewers.
In Grant Runner, if you choose an NIH funding opportunity that closes prior to the Sponsor Deadline on the eGC1 Details page, you will see a warning at the top of the “Check for Errors” page. This warning will not prevent you from routing the eGC1.
Note: When you select the Route to Reviewers button on the Certify & Route page, the error check is also done.
For a standard eGC1, this window will display only if there are errors.
For a Grant Runner eGC1, if you answered No to the Ready to Submit question, you can route your eGC1 even if there are still errors listed in the Grant Runner Sponsor Forms Validation section.
eGC1 Final Validation
If any eGC1 page has errors, you will see a heading for that page, followed by a bulleted list of errors. The information displays in the same order as the eGC1 pages.
Examples of the types of errors listed would be:
Required fields without a value.
“Yes” answers to compliance questions without any required additional explanations or information.
The image below shows examples of eGC1 page errors.
Grant Runner Sponsor Forms Validation
For a Grant Runner application, the Check for Errors process includes all of the Grant Runner mandatory forms and any selected optional forms.
The forms will be checked for any errors and the basic NIH errors, some of which are specific to Activity Type. Once all of those errors are cleared, your forms will be checked by an additional NIH service. It provides warnings and errors specific to your opportunity.
Note: If you select Ready to Submit = No on the Certify & Route page, you can route your application for review before all of the Grant Runner errors are fixed.
Once you select Ready to Submit = Yes, you must have fixed all errors in order to re-route your application, and for it to be submitted to
Warnings will not block you from routing your eGC1 but may reveal other issues to be considered prior to submission.
The Check for Errors list identifies the form page in your Grant Runner on which the error appears, and describes the error or problem.
Example messages:
Required or optional form not yet viewed
Required data not completed
Required attachments – “Biographical Sketch is required.”
Conditionally required data or attachments – “X is required when Y condition occurs.”
The image below shows examples of Grant Runner form errors and the message about checking for NIH error once all errors are addressed.