OSP and GCA can apply and remove holds from an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request.
A hold can be placed for a variety of reasons and applied when the Award Setup Request or the Modification Request is in any of the following statuses:
- OSP Setup
- OSP Assigned
- Returned
- GCA Assigned
- GCA Workday setup
Types of Holds
The following manual holds and compliance checks may be applied to your Award Setup Request or Modification Request:
- General Hold
- Export Control Hold
- IACUC Approval Hold
- IRB Approval Hold
- Campus Input Required
- Sponsor Input Required
- GCA/OSP Coordination Required
Knowing a Hold has been Placed
Once a Hold is applied to your Award Setup Request or Modification Request, near the top of the page, the following text will display in a blue font color (on all pages):
“Holds or compliance checks are in process. View the Comments & History section for more information.”
Note: There is no campus email notification when a hold is placed or removed on an ASR or MOD.
The following image shows an example of this text:

More detailed information is displayed in the Comments & History section of the Award Setup Request or a Modification Request.
The following image shows an example of an added hold:

This page describes email notifications related to Awards.
The SAGE Suite Email Notifications article provides information about other system emails.
Routing and Approvals
SAGE sends a number of email notifications during the routing and approval processes. The table below lists each notification type, the condition that generates the email, and the recipients. SAGE generally sends emails to the person’s UW NetID address.
Use the link in the Email column to see an example of the email.
Email |
Purpose |
Sent When |
Sent To |
Award Setup Request Created by OSP |
To alert the eGC1 Owners that an Award Setup Request has been initiated and is waiting to be completed |
OSP has received the Notice of Award, initiated an Award Setup Request, and sent it to campus |
Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, and eGC1 Preparer |
Award Setup Request Returned |
To alert the Award Preparer(s) of the need to modify Award data. ASR Return Reasons |
Reviewer, OSP, or GCA takes a “return” action on an approval node |
Award Preparer(s) |
Approval of Award Setup Request Required of Ad Hoc Reviewer |
To alert an Ad Hoc Reviewer that an Award Setup Request is waiting for approval |
Ad Hoc Reviewer node updates to “In Progress” |
Ad Hoc Reviewer |
Award Setup Request Processed |
To notify owners that the Award Setup Request has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. |
GCA completes the Award Setup Request and clicks the “Process Request” button |
Award Preparer(s) |
Modification Request Created by OSP |
To alert the Award Preparer(s) that a Modification Request has been initiated and is waiting to be completed |
OSP has initiated a Modification Request, and sent it to campus |
Award Preparer(s) |
Modification Request Returned |
To alert the Award Preparer(s) of the need to modify Award data. MOD Return Reasons. |
Reviewer, OSP, or GCA takes a “return” action on an approval node |
Award Preparer(s) |
Approval of Modification Request Required of Ad Hoc Reviewer |
To alert an Ad Hoc Reviewer that a Modification Request is waiting for approval |
Ad Hoc Reviewer node updates to “In Progress” |
Ad Hoc Reviewer |
Modification Request Processed |
To notify owners that the Modification Request has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. |
GCA completes the Modification Request and clicks the “Process Request” button |
Award Preparer(s) |
System Emails to SFI Compliance Officers
The system sends these emails automatically. Select the link in the Email column of the table below to see an example of the email’s content.
Email |
Purpose |
Sent When |
Award SFI Priority Review Request |
To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary disclosure(s) with SFI for the Award Setup Request’s associated eGC1 |
The Award Preparer routes the Award Setup Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a status of “Waiting for JIT” or “Review Required” and has SFI |
Award Management Plan in Place Notification |
To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary or related disclosure(s) with management plans for the associated eGC1 of a Modification Request |
The Award Preparer routes the Modification Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a management plan indicated |
Create a Modification Request
Select the Awards tab, and then select the Create A Request link. It opens a menu with the following modification type choices:
Note: Modification Requests can be created by anyone with “owner” or “read write” access on the eGC1 associated with the Award.

Select Modification Type
- Modification Request (OSP & GCA) – Use for all changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). These may include:
- Change of PI or other key personnel
- F&A Waivers
- No-cost extension requests
- Temporary internal extension requests
- Rebudgeting (requiring sponsor approval)
- Non-SNAP Progress Report submission requests
- Requests to release a funding restriction
- Sponsor modification that awards additional funding
- Adding new subawards not identified in a proposal
- Start date change (requiring sponsor approval)
- And more…review more details and guidance on Award Changes
- Modification Request (GCA) – Use for requests that do not need OSP review and can be submitted directly to Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA). These may include:
- Requests to create new or existing award lines (formerly known as TRANSPASUs)
- Start date changes for approved pre-award spending
- Cost share changes
- Location changes
- Cost Center changes (formerly known as Org code changes)
Note: If you submit a Modification Request (GCA Only) and it requires sponsor approval, GCA will deny the request and you will need to create a new Modification Request (OSP/GCA).
Additional resources to help clarify which modification type to select:
Searching for the Award ID
Once you select the modification type, a Create Modification Request dialog window displays. Search for, and then select, the award associated with the modification request by its Workday Award ID (for example: AWD-123456). Refer to the How to find an Award ID Number in Award Portal job aid for guidance on locating the correct Award ID, or find it in Workday Finance.

A new Modification Request will display with the status of “Composing” and you will start in the General Information section.
- Modification Overview
Modification Overview
Selection of all appropriate subcategories within the Modification Overview communicates the type of modification being requested. The subcategory selections are critical to OSP and GCA review of the modification, and dictate the types of supporting materials required for processing.

Modification Subcategory Summary
The Modification Subcategory Summary displays all subcategories already selected by the user. This is a helpful way to view the selections without switching between the subcategory tabs. You can also quickly remove a subcategory from the summary section. For Modifications created prior to the release of subcategories, you may see a “Legacy: ” category listed here. For processed items the legacy categories will show at all times. For in-progress modifications, legacy categories will only show temporarily, until a more granular subcategory is selected.
Select all subcategories that apply
In this section you will see three tabs that represent high-level modification categories: Funding Changes, Schedule Changes, and Other Changes. Click on each tab, and select all appropriate subcategories that apply to this modification. You can select one or more subcategories (e.g., for an extension with funding, click the Funding Changes tab and select ‘Supplement’; then click the Schedule Changes tab and select ‘Extension’). Make sure to select all subcategories that apply to your request.
Note: The subcategories shown on screen will vary, based on whether you initiated a GCA Only modification or an OSP & GCA modification at time of creation.
Review guidance and instructions on which subcategories to use:
OSP/GCA Subcategories
OSP/GCA subcategories include changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). Review guidance and instructions on which subcategories to use for OSP/GCA Modifications on Award Changes.
Note: If sponsor approval is required, follow the prior approval process and attach the approval or the revised notice of award. If concurrence is needed to request prior sponsor approval, attach a concurrence letter and add a comment.
OSP/GCA Funding Changes

Subcategory |
Additional Details |
For sponsors who don’t allow automatic carryover from one budget period to the next. Review detailed instructions for requesting Carryover. |
Cost Share Change
Attach Cost Share Addendum and other relevant documentation such as third-party letters. Review detailed instructions for Cost Share Changes. |
Sponsors use deobligation when:
- UW did not spend & draw down / invoice for the full award amount by end of project period
- Sponsor decides to reduce award amount related to project needs
Often may be accompanied by an Early Termination. Reduces funding on an award. Examples: Award will end early, sponsor reduced the amount, scope changed. Attach End of Award Form. Review detailed instructions for Deobligation. |
Equipment Addition
Adding equipment may result in rebudgeting, which you may also need to check as a subcategory. Review detailed instructions for Equipment Addition. |
Changes between budget line items requiring sponsor approval. Review detailed instructions for Rebudgeting. |
Formal process when award is transferring to another institution.
Attach End of Award form. Review detailed instructions for Relinquishment. |
Subaward: Request Prior Approval
Attach concurrence letter or sponsor approval and subaward documentation per GIM 7. Review detailed instructions for Subaward MOD request. |
Sponsor awarding additional funds on an award, including incremental or supplemental funds. Review detailed instructions for Supplement. |
OSP/GCA Schedule Changes

OSP/GCA Other Changes

Subcategory |
Additional Details |
Stop Work Order
Select according to Guidance on Federal Administration Research Policy regarding a stop or suspend/pause work orders. |
Resume Work Order
Direct grants and cooperative agreement awards made to UW that were paused and have been authorized to resume. Select according to Guidance on Federal Administration Research Policy. |
Executive Branch Directive Change
Review guidance when sponsor requests Scope Revisions or when they are requesting Terms or Award Changes. |
Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) Change
Include responses to required Clinical Trial Agreement change questions, and select all relevant MOD categories. See guidance for additional details. |
Effort Change (Key Personnel)
For reductions in effort that require sponsor approval. Review detailed instructions for Effort Changes. |
Federal Data Repository Access & Submission
Follow instructions for
Requests to access or submit data to a Federal Repository that are related to an active sponsored program. |
Key Personnel Change (Includes PI)
Update or change to PI or named Key Personnel. See guidance and for Change of PI, attach form. |
Other Changes
Use only for requests that are not listed in other MOD categories. Review all subcategories as well as the GCA Only subcategories to confirm before selecting. |
Progress Report (RPPR)
Follow instructions for Progress reports/ RPPRs that OSP submits or signs. |
Restriction Release
Use to request funding restriction removal on an award. Review detailed instructions for restriction release instructions. |
Work Scope Change
Changes to scope of work that require sponsor approval. Review detailed instructions and guidance for Work Scope Changes |
GCA Only Subcategories
The GCA Only subcategories are Modifications that do not require sponsor approval or OSP review.
GCA Only Funding & Budgeting Changes
The following subcategories appear when you review the GCA Only Modifications within the Funding & Budgeting section. Review the guidance on requesting these subcategories: GCA Only Modifications | Grant & Contract Accounting

Subcategory |
Additional Details |
Award Line Addition
This request includes the creation of a new award line, including subaward lines. Request can be with or without funding of the line. |
Cost Share Change – When Sponsor Approval Not Required
Attach Cost Share Addendum and other relevant documentation such as third-party letters. |
Rebudgeting – sponsor approval not required
This request includes rebudgeting to transfer funds between award lines, including supplementing an existing award line for a subaward when sponsor approval is not required. See Grant and Contract Accounting:
GCA Only Schedule Changes

Subcategory |
Additional Details |
Pre-Award Spending Period Change
This request includes updating the Award Calendar to allow a Pre-Award Spend Period when no sponsor approval is required. |
Start Date Change
This request includes updating an award line/s start date when no sponsor approval is required. |
GCA Only Other Changes

Subcategory |
Additional Details |
Award Line Type Change
This request includes updating an award line type When no sponsor approval is required. Some type changes may require a new award line. Please reference: Setting up an Award Line (Formerly Sub Budgets) | Grant & Contract Accounting. |
Cost Center Change
This request includes updating a cost center when sponsor approval is not required. |
Location Change
This request includes updating a location when no sponsor approval is required. |
Other Changes
This request includes all other remaining requests that do not have their own subcategory when no sponsor approval is required. |
Modification Details

After selecting the appropriate subcategories, the Modification Details section must be completed for all Modification requests in SAGE.
- Sponsor Award Number – This is a helpful reference point and will appear on the request list
- Sponsor Modification Number – Entering the modification number will help OSP and GCA know the order they should process requests in, when multiple exist for the same award
- Award Line(s) / Budget Period Start and End Dates – These dates confirm the sponsor-approved dates and are necessary for accurate setup in Workday

- Modification Application – Add another application (eCG1) if there is a proposal submission process for a Non-Competing Continuation, Supplement, or Revision
- Request Amount – If there is a funding change, enter the amount to add or subtract from the award. Use a negative sign to indicate subtraction (e.g. -$200.50)
- Modified Sponsor Total for All Spending Periods – This represents the new overall total funding for the award, as identified by the sponsor
- The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award (toggle):
- Use only when the sponsor has specified a required date to receive the signed award by. Documentation from the sponsor will need to be attached when making this request.
- Selecting the toggle displays the Deadline for Accepting Award Date field.
Award Setup Requests
Help Text Added for Supporting Attachments
Award Setup Requests (ASRs) now provide the following guidance in the Supporting Attachments section: “Please upload all attachments that support your request. Common examples of supporting attachments include correspondence with the sponsor, compliance protocols or approvals, agreement documents and notices of award, and copies of reports.”
Award Setup Requests (OSP & GCA only)
Budget Amounts Display by Workday Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category
OSP and GCA can now see a breakdown of the ASR’s linked budget amounts by the categories needed for Workday plan setup. The amounts are aggregated by Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category for each award line and period. This feature allows GCA to more easily enter the amounts needed for the Workday plan, and supports the end of February budget integration release by allowing GCA to preview the amounts that will flow to Workday.
This view is also intended to be made available to campus via SAGE in the future.

Budget Data Toggle
In the ASR budget section, OSP and GCA can now customize their view of budget data by toggling Object Class Details and Award Line Details on or off. Whichever setting is applied in the Budget and Award Lines section is also displayed in the Review section.

Modification Requests
Start/End Date Labels and Help Text Updates
The Modification Request Form labels in the General Information section have been updated to clarify the dates GCA is requesting.
- Current Authorized Spending Start/End Date has been updated to Award Line(s) / Budget Period Start/End Date
Below the dates, the following help text displays for further clarification: “If the sponsor requires financial reports/invoices per budget period, provide the funded period’s start date for new Award Line(s) to be set up in Workday. For a single report/invoice at the end of all budget periods, use the Award Setup Request start date that established the award unless your department/unit prefers new annual Award Line(s) and SAGE Budget periods.”
SAGE Budget
SAGE Budget Alert & Validation for 03-62 (subaward) Line Entries
As an added reminder, SAGE Budget now displays an alert that the 03-62 (subaward) line entry is for the proposal budget only. Additionally, Award Setup Requests that include 03-62 as a line entry will be blocked from submission, and users will be reminded to instead create a subaward worksheet.
Fix: “Do Not Round” budget setting resulting in unexpected rounding
An issue has been fixed where the “Do Not Round” with 0 decimals setting selection was rounding up instead of truncating at the decimal level set by the users.
Fix: Some employee benefits not defaulting for staff entries
An issue has been fixed where some employee benefits were not defaulting in the SAGE Budget personnel section, due to the change from Job Classification to Job Family within Workday. The employee selection now pulls from the new Workday Job Family values.
SAGE Central: Admin Actions (OSP)
Fix: Cost Center changes resulting in multiple codes displayed
An issue has been fixed where changes to the Cost Center Code in an Admin Action were saving multiple times, causing an unexpected display of information.
Fix: Incorrect sponsor saved on add/change
An issue has been fixed where the incorrect sponsor displayed in the Admin Action after changing or adding a sponsor.
Error handling improvements
The SAGE team continues to review error logs and address issues that create additional load on the system.
SAGE Awards allows campus preparers to request modifications to their awards.
A modification refers to any change to the award record.
Use a modification to:
- Make a change in scope of work (change in direction, aims, objectives, purpose)
- Provide additional compliance requirements not in an earlier eGC1, such as animal or human subjects or cost share
- Identify additional funding, including when award exceeds 25% or more of the original eGC1 amount
- Provide non-SNAP Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) or other progress reports requiring institutional submission by OSP
For more detailed information on the data to include, see:
The header contains the following information:
- “Back to list” blue arrow, on the far left
- New Modification Request default title
- Request ID: Prefix “MOD” with unique 5-digit number
- Award Application (eGC1) with link to open
- Award Activity: Associated award number from Workday Finance
- Request Status (OSP Setup, OSP Assigned, Processed, etc.)
- A list of all award statuses can be found in this user guide article
- “More actions” menu with drop-down list showing “Add comment” and ”Delete request” (options vary)
The following image shows a Modification Request header:

“More Actions” Menu
The menu choices vary depending on the status of the Modification Request.
Status |
Menu Choices |
Composing |
- Add comment
- Delete request (if request was created by campus)
Withdrawn |
Returned |
The following image shows the possible menu choices:

The option to add a comment always displays, as shown in the following image:

Select “Add comment” to include a comment in the Comments & History section.
The following image shows the Add Comment window. Enter your comment, then select Add Comment.
Additional Guidance on Award Modification Comments:

On the left side of the page is the Navigation Menu, divided into two parts.
From the top part, you can access the Form Sections. The section being displayed will be highlighted. Select any section name to navigate to that section.
Select each of the following for more information:
Below the Form Sections are links to Approvals, Access & Roles, and Comments & History.
The following image shows the Navigation Menu, with the General Information section highlighted. A section with a checkmark indicates it is complete.

Previous and Next Section Buttons for Navigation
At the bottom of each section, a button for the Previous Section and the Next Section will appear, as appropriate.

Award Lookup Now Used for Subaward Setup
Subaward requests can now be submitted using SAGE. With the transition to Workday, subawards are now associated with Awards, rather than Funding Actions (FAs). To set up a new subaward, users will search and select their award, and the eGC1 data will default based on the award selected.

Funding Action (FA) Validation and Lookup Removed
Since subawards are now associated with awards, the subaward FA lookup is no longer active or needed, and the validation has been removed. For legacy subawards, the FA fields will continue to display for reference.

Holds on Award Setup (ASR) and Modification (MOD) Requests
OSP and GCA Can Apply Holds to ASRs and MODs
OSP and GCA can now set and remove holds on ASR and MOD Requests. A new Holds section is available in the left navigation. After saving holds, an entry will display in the Comments & History section of the ASR/MOD.

History of Holds Added to Comments & History Section
Campus, OSP, and GCA can view the history of holds activity on the Comments and History section of the ASR or MOD request.

Holds Banner Displays on ASR and MOD Requests
When holds are applied to an ASR or MOD request, users will now see a banner at the top of the request, alerting them to the hold. The campus banner will be informational only, and highlighted in blue. The OSP and GCA banner will be red, and indicate any action that may be needed before moving the item forward in the workflow.
Campus banner

OSP & GCA banner

Required Fields on Award and Budget Setup
Required Fields on SAGE Budget Worksheets
The SAGE Budget worksheet settings have been updated to show an asterisk next to fields that are required for ASR and MOD requests. These fields support the Workday award data needs.

In the SAGE Budget Salary and Benefit Costs section, additional help text has been added to remind campus that a person must be entered with the Principal Investigator role to provide the necessary grant PI data to Workday for award setup.

Required Fields on Award Setup Requests
Required fields on the Award Setup Request now display an asterisk next to the field label. When the user clicks in a required field and navigates away, additional red highlighting will draw their attention back to the fields required.

Miscellaneous Maintenance
eGC1 Status Updated to “Awarded” When Awards Are Processed
When awards are set up in Workday and the award setup request is marked as “Processed” in SAGE, the associated eGC1 status will now change from “Approved” to “Awarded.”
OSP Ability to Change the Linked eGC1 on Award Setup Requests
When OSP initiates an ASR and while it is in “OSP Setup” status, OSP can now change the linked eGC1 if an error has been made, prior to sending the ASR to campus. OSP will need to refresh the “Access & Roles” section after changing the eGC1 to see updated eGC1 data.
Modification Start and End Dates Display for Schedule Changes
On Modification Requests, when users select the Schedule Changes category, the “Current Authorized Spending Start Date” and “Current Authorized Spending End Date” fields will be visible and enabled for users to enter the dates. Existing MOD requests already processed with the Schedule Changes category will display the date fields without any dates populated.
Removal of Deny Reason for Requests
An issue was preventing the deny reason on requests from saving properly. Until a full fix can be completed, in the interim, the deny reason field has been removed and OSP or GCA will now enter the reason as a comment instead. The denial reason field will be added back into a future release.
Advance Extension Requests No Longer Show Former Budget Numbers
The former budget numbers no longer display for users on new Advance Extension Requests.
Award Request List Default Set to 25 Rows for OSP and GCA
In order to improve performance and reduce load on systems, the defulat setting of the Award Request List for OSP and GCA will initially show 25 rows instead of 50 rows. Users can still set it to up to 50 rows if needed, for now, but with dome deteriorated performance expected.
Fix: Truncated Comments on Requests with URLs
ASR and MOD request comments with URLs in them now show proper alignment without truncation.
Fix: SAGE Budget Personnel Side Panel Freezes
The SAGE Budget TBD personnel entry has been updated to prevent side panel freezing when users clicked out of fields quickly, prior to SAGE saving the data.
Update: Missing PI Validation Message on Award Setup Requests
The language used on the Award Setup Request Review and Submit page when the SAGE Budget worksheet PI is missing has been updated to direct users back to SAGE Budget to add a worksheet PI.
Fix: Cannot download previous version of attachments on Requests
Users can now select the current or prior version of attachments on ASRs, MOD, and Advance requests.
Fix: Animal Use Protocols Not Always Saving Country Data
An issue with the saving of “Country” data when a new institution was added to Animal Use protocols on the eGC1 has been fixed.
Temporary Change: Advance Tasklist “Processed” Filter Deactivated
Due to performance issues, we have temporarily deactivated the “Processed” status filter on the SAGE Advance Tasklist. While we work on improvements, this temporary solution will protect system performance and mitigate risk. In the meantime, if campus users need to locate a processed advance, they should use Advanced Search and search by either the Advance number or the eGC1 number to find an item.
Please note that SAGE Central filters will not change, but we recommend avoiding filtering for all “Processed” advances until we patch the issue next week.
User Interface Design Component Updates
A required Angular Material version upgrade has been completed, which has slight impacts to the SAGE user interface. The design changes of note include the following:
SAGE Budget, Advances, and Awards Sections: Excess table spacing has been reduced, small font sizes have been increased, and all capital letters on buttons and table headers have been removed to improve readability and accessibility.
SAGE Budget Icons: Subaward and Fabrication worksheet icons have been updated in the left navigation and the Budget Summary section within the Other Costs table. The More Actions menu (three dots) has been replaced with a Delete Worksheet button for Internal, Subaward, and Fabrication worksheets in the left navigation.

Awards Comments & History
The Comments & History section displays entries for events in the award request process. You can also add a comment at any time. The entries display in reverse chronological order, so the most recent one is first.
The following image shows an example of this page for a fully processed award.

Note: Not all actions have comments, such as system-generated history events. For those entries, a dash (-) will appear in the Comment column.
You can manually add a comment by selecting the Add Comment button above the table, as shown in the following image.

A dialog window will display. When you start entering your comment, the Add Comment button in the lower right corner of the window will be enabled. Ensure you add explanatory comments to your requests for anything that might not be clear to OSP or GCA. Select Add Comment to save your comment.
You can only delete your own manually added comments. To remove the comment, select the trash can icon to the right of the comment in the table.
You can also add a comment from anywhere within the Award Setup Request by selecting the “more actions” (3 vertical dots) icon at the far left of the header, and choosing Add Comment.

Information Type |
Sample Information to provide within comments |
Explain what you are asking for on the Modification request |
- No Cost or Temporary Internal Extension?
- Please extend Workday Grant IDs GR123456, GR123457
- Change of PI?
- We need to change Dr. XYZ to Dr. ABC
- Progress report/RPPR?
- Indicate the request is for a progress report
X |
URL for SAGE Budget snapshot
required for all MODs requesting funding changes |
E.g.: Budget snapshot: https://sage.admin.uw.edu/…06:21.1234567: 00
For help with creating and adding SAGE Budget snapshots to MODs, use the following 2 job aids:
X |
Compliance Details |
IRB study numbers and approval dates or if items are pending, indicate they are pending:
UW IRB STUDY00123456 approved thru 1/26/25
OAW approval uploaded to Supporting Attachments
Dr. Harriette Husky is in the process of completing her FCOI training |
X |
X |
Sponsor Contact information |
Please send all correspondence to sponsor contact: Dr. Jane Doe, jane.doe246@acme.com |
X |
X |
Sponsor Deadline for Accepting Award or Modification? |
Include details about the deadline |
X |
X |
Awards with Advances |
ADV12345 approved for this award |
X |
NIH fellowship awards |
I am working with the fellow and mentor to get original signatures on the Activation Notice. Once I have these, I will send the original to OSP for institutional signature and to send to NIH. |
X |
Comments & History Event Entries
The system will add an entry for the events described in the following table. The “Comment Type” column indicates if there will be any comment text, and if so, whether it is system-generated or user-entered.
History Event |
Event Trigger |
Comment Type |
Created request |
Clicking “Select” button next to eGC1 |
(none) |
Submitted for routing |
Clicking “Submit & Route” button on Review & Submit page |
System-generated |
Resubmitted for routing |
Clicking “Submit & Re-Route” button on Review & Submit page after a return |
User-entered and required |
Approved |
Clicking “Approve” button on Request Summary page of routing Award Setup Request or Modification Request |
(none) |
Returned |
Clicking “Return Request” button in return modal of Award Setup or Modification Request |
User-entered and required |
Withdrawn |
Clicking “Withdraw” button |
(none) |
Added ad hoc approver |
Clicking “Add ad hoc Approver” button in add approver modal |
User-entered and optional |
Removed ad hoc approver |
Clicking “Remove Approver” button on the ad hoc approver’s workflow graph node |
User-entered and optional |
Commented |
Clicking “Add Comment” button on the Comments & History page, or by selecting “Add Comment” from the “more actions” menu in the advance header |
User-entered and required (to complete process) |