The (08-02) Stipends line is used for student stipend costs. Stipends are not associated with a specific student.
Line Setup
The Setup modal displays the Description and UW Sub-Object Code selected.
The Cascade Entries checkbox will be checked if “Cascade entries on non-salary items” was selected.
Any Notes associated with this line item will display.
Update Periods
Values entered for the Description and the UW Sub-Object Code display for reference.
The name of the period and its date range will display at the top of the period column.
The following values display for each period:
- Number of Stipends
- Stipend Amount
- SubTotal
- Increase (%)
- Period Inflation
- Total
The calculations are:
- Period Subtotal = Number of Stipends times Stipend Amount
- Total = Period Subtotal plus (General Inflation Rate (%) times Period Subtotal)
The (38) Unallocated line item is used for any expense not covered by the other codes in the budget.
Line Setup
The Setup modal displays the Description and UW Sub-Object Code selected.
The Cascade Entries checkbox will be checked if “Cascade entries on non-salary items” was selected.
Any Notes associated with this line item will display.
Update Periods
The Description displays for reference.
The name of the period and its date range will display at the top of the period column.
The following values display for each period:
- Amount
- General Inflation Rate (%)
- Period Inflation
- Total
The overall total for the line item displays in the Summary ($) column at the far right.
The (10) Capital Projects line item is used for costs for the design and construction of buildings. These expenses include land acquisition, design, project management, and site work. They also include art work, fixed equipment, and furnishings.
Line Setup
The Setup modal displays the Description and UW Sub-Object Code selected.
The Cascade Entries checkbox will be checked if “Cascade entries on non-salary items” was selected.
Any Notes associated with this line item will display.
Update Periods
Values entered for the Description and the UW Sub-Object Code display for reference.
The name of the period and its date range will display at the top of the period column.
The following values display for each period:
- Quantity
- Price
- Period Subtotal
- General Inflation Rate (%)
- Period Inflation
- Total
The overall total for the line item displays in the Summary ($) column at the far right.
The (02) Service Contracts line is used for research subject reimbursement or technical research services.
Line Setup
The Setup modal displays the Description and UW Sub-Object Code selected.
The Cascade Entries checkbox will be checked if “Cascade entries on non-salary items” was selected.
Any Notes associated with this line item will display.
Update Periods
Values entered for the Description and the UW Sub-Object Code display for reference.
The name of the period and its date range will display at the top of the period column.
The following values display for each period:
- Quantity
- Price
- Period Subtotal
- General Inflation Rate (%)
- Period Inflation
- Total
The overall total for the line item displays in the Summary ($) column at the far right.
The (04) Travel line item is used for air fare, car rental, in- and out-of-state per diem, as well as international travel, and cash advance expenses.
Line Setup
The Setup modal displays the Description and UW Sub-Object Code selected.
The Destination field will display Domestic or Foreign.
The Cascade Entries checkbox will be checked if “Cascade entries on non-salary items” was selected.
Any Notes associated with this line item will display.
Update Periods
Values entered for the Description and the UW Sub-Object Code display for reference.
The name of the period and its date range will display at the top of the period column.
The following values display for each period:
- Quantity
- Price
- Period Subtotal
- General Inflation Rate (%)
- Period Inflation
- Total
The overall total for the line item displays in the Summary ($) column at the far right.
The Sponsor Budget Map page will initially show where the SAGE Budget expenses will appear, by default, on the RR Detailed Budget.
The following table is a quick reference of which codes map to which sections of the GR Detailed Budget form. For full details view the Grant Runner Sponsor Budget Map article.
RR Detail Budget Section |
SAGE Budget Sub-Object Code(s) Defaults |
A. & B. Personnel and Fringe |
All 01-xx & 07-xx |
C. Equipment |
All 06-xx and Fabrication Worksheet totals |
D. Travel |
All 04-xx |
E. Participant /Trainee Support Costs |
No defaults |
F. Other Direct Costs |
F.1. Materials and Supplies |
03-77, All 05-xx (except 05-47 & 05-48) |
F.2. Publication Costs |
03-54, 03-58, 03-59 |
F.3. Consultant Services |
All 02-xx, except 02-08 & 02-20 |
F.4. ADP/Computer Services |
03-04, 03-06, 03-14, 03-22, 03-45, 03-46, 03-57 |
F.5 Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs |
03-00, 03-01, 03-02, 03-08, 03-11, 03-12, 03-13, 03-19, 03-20, 03-21, 03-23, 03-25, 03-26, 03-28, 03-29, 03-33, 03-34, 03-35, 03-39, 03-40, 03-41, 03-42, 03-43, 03-44, 03-47, 03-48, 03-49. 03-50, 03-51, 03-53, 03-56, 03-62, 03-64, 03-69. 03-71, 03-72, 03-92, 03-95, 03-99,
And all subawards worksheet totals |
F.6. Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees |
03-52, 03-80, 03-81, 03-85, 03-87, 03-89, 03-91 |
F.7. Alterations and Renovations |
03-60, 10-xx |
Other Cost Custom Lines |
02-08, 02-20, 03-24, 03-27, 03-30, 03-32, 03-36, 03-37, 03-38, 03-75, 03-94, 05-47, 05-48, 08-00, 08-02, 08-05, 19-40, 38-00 |
H: Indirect Costs (F&A) |
19-10 |
When you are logged in to SAGE, but have not been actively using the system for 40 minutes, a dialog message displays indicating that your session will expire in 5:00 minutes. The dialog will continue to count down the time. You have the option to click “Keep Working” to re-activate your session.
If you do not click “Keep Working”, then when the time count reaches zero (0) minutes, your session will expire. Your browser will be redirected to a “session expired” page from which you can log back in to the system you were using. Any unsaved data at the time your session expires will be cleared.
The SAGE system has always timed out after 45 minutes of inactivity. We have now made the timeout more visible so you know that your session has expired, instead of sending you to the tasklist with no explanation.
The following image shows the session timeout dialog, with the time remaining until expiration and the instruction to click “Keep Working” if you want to continue to stay logged in.

This entry displays a total, and can be expanded to show additional entries.
- Amount Subject to Facilities and Administrative calculation involves two factors
- The F&A Base Type, which defines the object and sub-object codes included in the calculation
- The F&A Rate for the period
- Amount Subject to F&A = total direct costs for the included object/sub-object codes * F&A rate (for each period)
- Reference entries in the expanded section (on the parent worksheet)
- (03-62) Outside Services–Subcontract entries display their Amount Subject to Facilities and Administrative
- Internal sub budget entries display their Amount Subject to Facilities and Administrative
- Subcontract sub budget entries display their Total Project Cost (adjusted for the $25,000 cap per budget)
This line displays after the (38) Unallocated line or after (19) APL, if you selected it.
The system automatically calculates this amount.
- Total Direct Costs is the sum of the amounts for Object Codes 01 through 38, plus, if selected, (19) APL. It does not include (19-40) Department Fixed Fee.
- Reference entries in the expanded section (on the parent worksheet)
- Parent Budget TDC, excluding subcontracts = Total Direct Costs – the sum of Total Project Cost of any subcontract sub budgets
- Subcontract(s) TDC, less F&A = sum of the Total Direct Costs for all subcontract sub budgets
- Total Direct Costs Less Subcontract (Consortium) F&A = Total Direct Costs – sum of the F&A on any subcontract sub budgets
- Entries for any internal or subcontract sub budgets
- Internal sub budget entries display their Total Direct Cost
- Subcontract sub budget entries display their Total Project Cost
The following image shows the three standard rows and additional rows for two sub budgets. One is a Subcontract, the other is a UW Internal sub budget.

Products Updated
New Project Types added to eGC1
Two new project types have been added to the eGC1. Users can now select “Cooperative Agreement” or “Other Transaction Authority” (a federal designation) from the list, in addition to the current options.
FIX: Sponsor Deadline warning displays when it should not
SAGE and SPAERC users were seeing a sponsor deadline warning message in cases where the deadline had not exceeded our internal due date, causing confusion. The issue was occurring due to time zone differences between east and west coast, and has now been resolved to disregard time of day when comparing the dates.
Update to Read-Only Non-Fiscal Compliance Page for EHS-1 and D-1
In a prior release, an update was made to the Non-Fiscal Compliance page of the eGC1, in order to display the full list of options a user was asked to choose from when responding to the Environment Health and Safety and Data and Technology questions. The display caused confusion for users and has now been updated with a more intuitive presentation of the responses, for added clarity.
Removal of Grant Runner attachment validation for spaces in file name
An old Grant Runner validation disallowing spaces in file names has been removed, to align with NIH current rules for file naming conventions. For details on all allowable characters, see the eGC1 and Grant Runner Attachments article.
Validation Update for Grant Runner
A validation has been added to Grant Runner, to indicate that the RR Research Plan attachment “Program Report Publication List” is required for Renewal applications. This coincides with a recent NIH update of the same.
Applicant PI Added to Email Notifications – Part 2
When an Applicant PI is identified in the personnel listing of an eGC1, that individual will now receive all priority notifications that the primary PI receives. This work was divided across two releases due to the volume of updates to be made, and work is now completed.
SAGE Suite-Wide
Caching Updates to Improve Releases
In the past, certain types of system updates would require the user’s cache to be reset before the change would be visible or to prevent unexpected behavior. The cache was automatically reset every 24 hours, but at times caused help desk calls the day after a release. Technical improvements have been made across the SAGE Suite that will no longer require users to clear cache to see certain changes.
SAGE Budget
FIX: Error on selection of staff with no salary or effort in Workday
An update has been made so that staff with no salary or effort in Workday will still be selectable in SAGE Budget, with a default of 0 in both salary and FTE fields. The user can manually update both salary and FTE as necessary, to project future salary for the individual.
FIX: Excluding Compensation Allocations with Earning Codes
Some personnel with special earning codes related to APL work were flowing through to SAGE Budget with multiple distribution rows, all at 100%. An update has been made to filter out these special APL Workday entries, so that the appropriate Institutional Base Salary is represented in SAGE Budget.
FIX: $25k cap for Subawards incorrectly applied to TDC budgets
For budgets using the base type Total Direct Costs (TDC), when an 03-62 subcontract expense was entered as a line item on the parent budget (and not as its own sub budget), the $25k cap on amount subject to F&A for subawards was incorrectly being applied. The total amount subject to F&A for the 03-62 line item was also showing an incorrect figure. Neither issue occurred when using sub budgets for subaward expenses. These issues have now been fixed.
Updates to Post-Award Change (PAC)
In order to improve the data quality, reporting, and analytics around award data, the following changes have been made to the Post-Award Change in SPAERC and SERA:
- Addition of Revised Start Date field, displayed for the PAC Requested Change type “Start Date Change”
- Addition of Revised End Date field, displayed for PAC Requested Change types “Extension”, “Early Termination”, or “Relinquishment”
- Addition of Temporary End Date field, displayed for PAC Requested Change type “Temporary Budget Extension” (formerly called “Advanced Extension”)
- Addition of Modification Number field
- Addition of Originating Sponsor Award Number field, which will pre-populate from the parent FA data, when present.
Updates to PAC Notification PDF
The above new PAC fields will also be displayed on the PDF attachment that is sent to campus when a PAC has been processed.
Updates to Pending Actions Report
The above new PAC fields are also included on the GCA Pending Actions Report
PAC Requested Change Type Updates
The following changes have been made to existing PAC types:
- “Advanced Extension” is now relabeled as “Temporary Budget Extension”
- “Significant Financial Interest” has been removed
- “Create Program Income” has been removed
- “Change of Award” has been removed
- “Change in Authorized Action” has been removed
The removed PAC Requested Change types will continue to display on historical PACs.
Update to Cycle View of PAC Data
When in the SPAERC or SERA Cycle view, the PAC row will now display the new Revised Start Date, Revised End Date, and Temporary End Date fields when populated.
Intellectual Property Provisions validation message update
The validation message that appears when the Intellectual Property Provisions question is not answered will now match the current question label, for added clarity.
SERA only: Future budget biennium selection removed
The Budget Biennium field, updated by GCA in many of the items in SERA, will no longer show future biennium dates for selection. This change will help prevent erroneous biennium selections.
SPAERC only: Grant Runner Submit no longer displays timeout error
Upon submission of Grant Runner applications in SPAERC, the system was displaying time-out errors that were misleading and likely to cause unnecessary alarm or confusion. The error tracking has been updated to improve the quality of the messages received by OSP on submission.
SPAERC only: Activity Locations Page Expanded by Default
The eGC1 Activity Locations page in SPAERC will now display as expanded by default, for easier viewing of relevant data without additional clicks.
Automation of AUMS Renewal Reminders
In order to streamline processes for the Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) and Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), the renewal reminders for AUMS screening will now be system-generated. The email notifications will be delivered as follows: For existing AUMS applicants who are still working with animals or whose animal exposure status is unknown, reminder emails will be sent on the following cycles, unless a new application is submitted prior:
- 35 days prior to renewal date (to applicant only)
- 7 days prior to renewal date (to applicant only)
- 1 day past renewal date (to applicant and their supervisor, when the applicant is an active employee.)
Applicants who are former staff, now inactive in Workday, will also receive the reminder notifications, since these individuals may continue to work with animals either on a voluntary basis or through an affiliation with the UW.
If the applicant no longer works with animals, the email will direct them to change their animal exposure status accordingly. (See next entry). When their animal exposure status is marked as “Inactive. No further work with or around animals”, no more reminders will be sent.
AUMS Status for No Further Work with Animals
The AUMS Profile now includes a field to indicate Animal Exposure Status. This will allow existing applicants to communicate to EHS & OAW that they no longer work with animals, or are again working with animals. When the exposure status is set to “Inactive. No further work with or around animals”, the individual will no longer receive any renewal reminders.
Profile History Display in AUMS OHN Module
When an AUMS applicant changes their animal exposure status in any way, the AUMS system will log the change, and the history of changes will be visible to the Occupational Health Nurses in EH&S and other authorized AUMS administrators. This will provide a helpful trail of when exposure status has changed for an applicant.
AUMS Ergonomic Questions now trigger “Consult Required” Review Action automatically
When an applicant has responded in the affirmative on any of the ergonomics questions on the AUMS questionnaire, the application’s Review Action will be automatically set to “Consult Required” to ensure an occupational health nurse reviews the application appropriately.
FIX: Can’t update AUMS Supervisor
An issue preventing the changing of an applicant’s supervisor in both the AUMS Applicant and OHN modules has been resolved.
SFI Entity Type update
A change has been made to the Entity Type field when users are adding or updating SFI in FIDS. The “Foreign Government” entity type is now relabeled as “Foreign Government/Institution of Higher Ed” to better align with NIH disclosure requirements.
FIDS Reviewer: Update to Related Sponsored Research display
To better assist FIDS reviewers in monitoring compliance, a change has been made to the display of Related Sponsored Research (eGC1s). For eGC1’s that are in “Awarded” status the system will now show the most current and relevant related eGC1s based on the end date of the Funding Action instead of the end date of the eGC1. This will mitigate the accidental omissions of eGC1s whose anticipated start and end dates differ greatly from the Funding Action start and end dates.
For additional helpful context, the start and end dates of eGC1s will display in the list, when the eGC1 has not yet been awarded. Once awarded, then the Funding Action start and end dates will display in the list, along with the FA Number for reference.
MyResearch Integrations
SAGE Data Integrations with MyResearch
The following SAGE data was added to a web service to enable MyResearch future work.
- eGC1 data needed for Current and Pending Support generation
- New PAC fields mentioned above, for use in Award View
- Carryover funding action field and new PAC fields in the SAGE web service will also enable GCA automation of award setup and changes in the financial system