The Update Periods page displays personnel values for a selected individual, for all budget periods.
The selected individual’s name and title display above the values.
The sections are
Each section can be collapsed or expanded as desired.
Base Salary
The following image shows the Base Salary section of the Update Periods modal, for just one period as an example.

This section includes
- Monthly Base Salary
- Update Salary
- Salary Inflation Rate (%)
- Adjusted Monthly Base Salary
The Monthly Base Salary for the first period is, by default, the value entered as the Starting Monthly Salary on the Line Setup page. For any following periods, the Monthly Base Salary will be the prior period’s Adjusted Monthly Base Salary value.
For personnel that are paid hourly, the Starting Monthly Salary value, on the Line Setup modal, will be equal to the hourly rate of pay times the number of hours in a standard month (173.3 hours).
The Salary Inflation Rate is the value specified in the Inflation & Benefit Rates section of the Properties tab page.
The Adjusted Monthly Base Salary is automatically calculated. It equals the Monthly Base Salary amount increased by the Salary Inflation Rate.
The following image shows the Effort section of the Update Periods modal.

This section includes
- Months
- % Effort
- Person Months
Months is auto-calculated based on two data values:
- The length of the period in months
- Worker Position Type (calendar vs. academic) on the Line Setup modal
A budget period that includes a leap year will not affect the Months calculation.
% Effort is auto-calculated based on the initial % Effort entered on the Line Setup page.
Person Months is automatically calculated and is equal to: Months times Effort.
Period Salary Totals
The Period Salary Totals row shows the total for each period and in the far right Summary column, the total for the project.
- Period Salary Total = Adjusted Monthly Base Salary times Person Months
- Project Total = sum of all period totals
If the budget has a Salary Cap enabled, this will be expandable section. It will also display the individual’s salary without the cap imposed.
Period Benefits Totals
The following image shows the Period Benefits Totals section. The values are described below.

This read-only section is pre-populated based on data entered on the Line Setup page for this person (specific individual or a TBD one).
For more information on benefits rules and rates, see GIM 3 Fringe Benefit Rates and Sponsored Projects.
Field |
Description |
Benefit Type |
The UW Sub-Object Code selected on the Line Setup modal determines the benefit type and rate.
“APL” is listed if Include APL Benefits was selected on the Line Setup modal. |
Benefit Object Code |
The UW Sub-Object Code entered on the Line Setup modal determines the benefit type. |
Benefit % |
The benefit rate is determined by the Benefit Object Code (above) and whether APL was selected. |
Total Benefits |
This total is calculated by multiplying the Period Total Salary by all listed benefit rates. If you update the data on the Setup page, then this total will reflect the changes. |
Total Salary + Benefits
The Total Salary + Benefits row shows the total for each period and in the far right Summary column, the total for the project. The values are the sum of the Period Salary Totals and the Period Benefits Totals.
Tuition may be included for student personnel, which are UW Sub Object codes 33, 34, 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 54, 91, 92, 93, and 94.
Note: UW Sub Object codes (88) Hourly Work Study and (89) Hourly Student Salary do not include Tuition Benefits.
The following image show the Tuition section of the Update Periods modal with some example values. Each field is described below.

Field |
Description |
Academic Quarter Tuition Rate |
The tuition rate for student personnel. There may be different tuition rates for the summer and academic year quarters. |
Number of Academic Quarters |
The number of quarters this student will be working on the project. |
Academic Tuition Amount |
This is a calculated field. It is equal to the Academic Quarter Tuition Rate times the Number of Academic Quarters. |
Summer Quarter Tuition Amount |
The summer tuition amount for student personnel included in your budget. |
Increase % (Academic & Summer) |
An inflation rate for tuition, which is applied to both Academic and Summer amounts. |
Total Tuition |
This is a calculated field. It is equal to the sum of the Academic Tuition Amount and the Summer Quarter Tuition Amount, multiplied by the Increase percentage.
The Total Tuition values display in the “(08) Student Aid” section of the budget worksheet. |
The setup page for personnel, including To Be Determined (TBD) persons, consists of four sections:
Primary Position Type & Fringe Benefit Rate
This section contains the values for the person added, as described in the following table. This following image shows the fields with example data for a budget that includes APL benefits.

Field |
Description |
Name |
The person selected in the Personnel Chooser or “TBD” for placeholder personnel |
Title |
The selected person’s title or the user-entered title for a TBD person. |
UW Sub Object Code |
The UW Sub Object Code for the person. |
Include APL Benefits |
Displays if you selected Budget includes Applied Physics Lab (APL) in the Advanced Settings section of the Properties tab. If checked, the Benefit Type for this person will be APL. |
Benefits Exemptions |
Provides current HR benefit exemption information on the individual. |
Current Campus or APL Benefit Rates |
Displays the appropriate benefit information for this person.
If Include APL Benefits is checked, the two APL Rates will display. |
Cascade Entries |
If checked, will indicate that the system cascaded salary values across periods. |
Project Role and Effort
This section indicates whether the person’s position is Calendar or Academic, their role in the project, and the amount of effort.

Field |
Description |
Worker Position Type |
Calendar is a 12-month period. Academic/Summer consists of a 9-month academic period plus a 3-month summer period. |
Project Role |
Roles are:
- Principal Investigator
- Application PI
- Multiple PI
- Mentor
- Co-Investigator
- Faculty
- Key Personnel
- Post Doctoral Associate
- Graduate Student
- Undergraduate Student
- Secretarial/Clerical
- Fellow (deprecated)
- Other (default)
% Effort
Academic % Effort
Calendar % Effort |
Used to calculate the Person Months, Period and Project Totals for the person’s (01) Salaries and Wages line items. It is dependent on appointment type.
- For a “Calendar” appointment, the percentage of effort is calculated on a 12-month period.
- For an “Academic” appointment, the effort periods are broken into two terms, Academic (9 months) and Summer (3 months).
Academic Hours Per Month
Summer Hours Per Month |
Displayed only for Academic Appointment types, once for Academic and once for Summer. The value is equal to the % Effort times 173.3 (the number of hours in a standard month). |
Salary, Wages, and Stipends
This section displays information about the person’s earnings.

Note: Salaries are adjusted to reflect any salary cap on the Targets & Caps Tab. Personnel with a capped salary are indicated.
Field |
Description |
Date Retrieved |
System-generated date (mm/dd/yyyy) indicating when the salary information was retrieved from the source system. |
UW Monthly Salary |
The salary of the person based on a 100% FTE. |
Clinical Monthly Salary |
The clinical salary information where applicable. |
The earnings table lists all of the earnings for the selected person.
Column |
Description |
Checkbox |
This is checked by default to include this row in the Starting Monthly Salary total |
PositionID |
Unique identifier for the Workday position |
Obj-SubObject |
This value is 01 for Salary and Wages, followed by the sub-object code for the selected person |
Cost Center |
Cost center name and code |
Organization |
Organizational unit name and 10-digit code |
Position Title |
Selected person’s title for this position |
Pay Type |
Possible pay types are:
- Allowance
- Stipend
- Basepay
Administrative and Endowed Supplements are included for Non-Faculty Personnel. |
Unallocated Rate |
Monthly or Hourly Rate |
Distribution % |
Proportion of total for this earning type |
FTE Rate |
Total of Unallocated Rate value times the Distribution percent |
The Starting Monthly Salary field will reflect the total of the selected (checked) earning rows.
This section displays any user-entered notes for this personnel entry.
The following two scenarios explain how to adjust for personnel promotions between and during a budget period, so that the budget properly reflects the appropriate UW Sub Object Codes for position and benefits.
Add a Salary Increase for a Promotion between Periods
The Problem
When you add a person to a project, their appointment (or sub object code) is specified for the length of that project and cannot be changed.
So what do you do for a researcher who will get a promotion and a raise at the end of the first period, for example? Our researcher is currently a Senior Fellow for the first period and then an Assistant Professor for the second and subsequent periods.
The Solution
Use two budget line items: one for the current appointment and one for the future appointment. Each appointment will be used for a separate period.
The Implementation
Add a Salary and Benefits line item for the researcher in the first period with the current appointment, and with the appropriate amount of effort. For the second, and all future periods, change the salary to $0 and the effort or person months to 0%.
Add a second Salary and Benefits line item for the same researcher with the future appointment. Enter the salary as $0 for the first period and the new salary amount for the second period. The new salary will automatically cascade to the future periods.
Schematically, the salary changes look like this, with example salary figures.
2023 |
2024 |
Senior Fellow
(01-23) |
100% Effort |
0% Effort |
Assistant Professor
(01-11) |
0% Effort |
100% Effort |
SAGE displays the worksheet with the researcher’s salaries for the first and second periods of the project.
- In the first period, the researcher will make $50,000 as a Senior Fellow. In the second period as a Senior Fellow, they will make $0.
- In the first period as an Assistant Professor they’ll make $0 but in the second they’ll make $85,000.
Add a Salary Increase for a Promotion during a Period
The Problem
This time the researcher’s promotion from Senior Fellow to Assistant Professor will occur in the middle of the first period.
The Solution
Use two budget line items: one for the current appointment and one for the future appointment. The line for the future appointment will be adjusted for the one period in which the promotion occurs.
The Implementation
Add a Salary and Benefits line item for the researcher in the first period with the current appointment. Let’s assume that the promotion will take effect half-way during the period.
So, on the line item for the current appointment, you would indicate 50% effort. Then on the line item for the future appointment, you would also indicate 50% effort. Finally, on the following periods, you would adjust the effort on the current appointment to 0%, and on the future appointment to 100%,
2023 |
2024 |
Senior Fellow
(01-23) |
50% Effort |
0% Effort |
Assistant Professor
(01-11) |
50% Effort |
100% Effort |
In SAGE Budget, we revised how calculations are made for salary distributions.
- In the March 2013 release, we revised salary calculations to include additional earn types. We found a few rare cases where SAGE Budget lists inaccurate salaries when the salary distributions have not yet been entered into the HR database. We have now revised SAGE Budget to account for the distributions which are not in the database.
We updated our tools’ styles.
To ensure that our tools have a more consistent look and are easier to maintain, we made some changes in our code. In some newer browsers, you may notice slightly different colors, rounded corners, and other minor changes. The changes were made in the following tools:
- SAGE – System to Administer Grants Electronically
- FIDS – Financial Interest Disclosure System
- SPAERC – Sponsored Projects Administration & Electronic Research Compliance (for OSP)
- SERA – System for Electronic Research Accounting (for GCA)
The Sea Pay line item appears if the Budget includes Sea Pay checkbox is selected on the Properties Tab. Use it to include additional work hours above a standard 40 hour work week when personnel are at sea.

The Sea Pay Calculation accommodates up to an additional 44 hours per week for personnel at sea.
Sea Pay Personnel List and Benefits
Click in any period to open the Sea Pay Personnel List.

Field |
Description |
Name |
Shows the name of the individual or TBD person added, followed by their Title. |
Monthly ($) |
For salaried personnel, this value is derived from the “Monthly Base Salary” plus any salary inflation rate increases for a period. For hourly personnel, this value is the “Rate/Hour” value plus any salary inflation rate increases for a period multiplied by 173.3 (hours per average month). |
Hourly Rate ($) |
For salaried personnel, this value is the Monthly value divided by 173.3 (hours per average month). For hourly personnel, this value is the “Rate/Hour” value plus any salary inflation rate increases for a period. |
Hours |
Enter the value that represents the actual “Sea Pay” hours worked for each period. |
Period Total ($) |
Equal to Hourly Rate times Hours. |