Tag Archives: Sponsor

The sponsor is the entity or agency to which you are applying for funding.

Select the Look Up Sponsor button to open the Sponsor Chooser.

Look Up Sponsor

Note: For a Grant Runner application, you will have selected the sponsor in the wizard.

Enter text in the search box. SAGE will look for a match within the following fields:

  • Sponsor or Agency Name
  • Acronym
  • Previous Names
  • Related Names
  • Parent Name

The results list will display the following data for each match, if available:

  • Sponsor or Agency Name
  • Acronym
  • Previous/Related Names
  • Parent Name
  • Sponsor Type

Choose Sponsor Results

Select the desired Sponsor from the results list. The modal will close and the data for your sponsor will display in your eGC1.

Note: Sponsors populated in SAGE are also required to be maintained in the Funding Entity Core Data Management (FECDM) database. If the sponsor does not exist in the FECDM database with a Funding Entity ID, an alert will appear in the Funding Entity ID field notifying you that an update is required.

Funding Entity I D Update Required

If you cannot find your sponsor or the alert “Update Required” displays in the field, select “Request sponsor setup in Funding Entity System” to request that your sponsor be added to the FECDM database. The following is an image of the form that will open:

Sponsor Request Form

Fill out the required fields of Entity Name (sponsor name), Your Name, and Your Email. Also provide the sponsor’s website address, as well as any additional information about the sponsor to be included in the database. Select Submit to send this request to a FECDM administrator; the sponsor will be created in the FECDM database and selected in SAGE within 24 hours.

Once you’ve selected the sponsor, the Sponsor name, Funding Entity ID, Sponsor type, and Parent sponsor name (if there is one) display.

E G C one sponsor section

The Sponsor address and contact fields are not required, but we strongly recommend that you fill them in, as the values are used in the sponsor cover letter sent by OSP.

  • For the Address, City, State, Zip, and Country fields, enter the application mailing address of the sponsor as it appears in the sponsor’s application instructions or enter the name and web address (URL) of the sponsor’s electronic proposal submission system (for example, Grants.gov, Research.gov) in the Address field.
  • For the Contact Name, Contact Phone, and Contact Email fields, enter the information of the person to be contacted with questions or issues (optional).

The following image shows the Originating Sponsor information:

E G C one originating sponsor details

Use this chooser whenever you are looking up a sponsor across all of the SAGE Suite.

The search text you enter will be looked for within these fields:

  • Entity Name
  • Acronym
  • Parent Entity Name
  • Previous Names
  • Related Names

You can use the Cancel link, or the X in the upper right corner to return to the page your were on without completing the search process.

The following image shows the chooser dialog.
sponsor chooser dialog window

You must enter at least two characters to do a search.

Search Results

The results list includes:

  • Sponsor or Agency Name
  • Acronym
  • Pervious/Related Names
  • Parent Name
  • Sponsor Type

To select a sponsor, use the link in the Sponsor or Agency Name column. The following image shows a partial results list from searching for “national institute.”

sponsor chooser results list example

No Results Found

If there are no matching results for your search, a banner with the message “Sorry, no results for your search.” will display.

Results Found, but Not the Specific Sponsor

Your search may produce either no results at all, as described above, or some results but not your specific sponsor. Below the results, if any, is additional information to help you find the right sponsor or to request a sponsor be added to the UW Funding Entity system.

The following information always displays:

Not finding the sponsor you are looking for?

We recommend you try your search again using single words, abbreviations, or alternate spellings. A partial search term such as “American” or “Americ” will return all sponsors whose names contain that term. You can also search on common acronyms, such as “NIH.”

If you cannot find the sponsor you are looking for, please follow the Sponsor Request Instructions below:

Sponsor Request Instructions

    1. Select “Request Sponsor.”
    2. Navigate to the Sponsor Request form in a separate browser tab.
    3. Fill in the form, and then select “Submit.”
    4. Leave the Sponsor blank until the new sponsor is added in order to route your eGC1.

You will receive an email confirming the new sponsor is now available. Return to your eGC1, search again for that sponsor and select it.

The Request Sponsor button displays below the instructions.

Once you have selected your sponsor, navigate to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page in your eGC1 to send SFI disclosure notifications.

Where the Sponsor Chooser is Used in an eGC1

  • The sponsor on the Details page
  • The originating sponsor on the Details page
  • The sponsor in the Grant Runner wizard

August 2018 SAGE Maintenance Release


Updated EH&S reviewer emails

Automated emails sent to eGC1 reviewers in Environmental Health & Safety have been updated to reference the new Non-Fiscal Compliance questions.

Originating Sponsor now required for eGC1s with flow-through funding

When the eGC1 indicates the presence of flow-through funding on the Details page, selection of an Originating Sponsor will now be required prior to completing the eGC1.

Minor updates, infrastructure, and bug fixes for Non-Fiscal Compliance

Following the 5/17 release of the Non-Fiscal Compliance page, a number of minor updates, infrastructure improvements, and bug fixes are included to stabilize that section going forward with completion of the SAGE Compliance Improvements project.


Assign NSF sponsored eGC1s to GCC in OSP upon completion

When the eGC1’s Sponsor or Originating Sponsor is the National Science Foundation, the OSP assignment will now default to the GCC role on the appropriate team.

Assign eGC1s with IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment SPA Type to GCC in OSP upon completion

When the eGC1’s Sponsored Program Activity Type is the IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment, the OSP assignment will now default to the GCC role on the appropriate team.

Auto-Generated Cover Letter now allows standard and fellowship opening on all eGC1s

The Application Cover Letter to Sponsor auto-generated documented in SPAERC now allows OSP to choose between “Standard” and “Fellowship” openings. Previously, this choice only displayed on eGC1s that included personnel with a role type of “Fellow.”

SPAERC background lightened for improved contrast/readability

The background color in SPAERC has been lightened to provide more contrast with the text to improve readability.

October 2017 SAGE Compliance Release 1

As part of a larger effort to improve usability and content of the eGC1 Compliance page, this release makes a number of alterations to better focus the Compliance page on non-fiscal compliance questions. This was accomplished by either removing questions or relocating them to more intuitive sections of the eGC1.

There are more changes coming to the Compliance page in a later release that will build upon these enhancements.

Compliance Page Changes

Question Change
FG-1 Cost Share Relocated to Budget & Fiscal Compliance page
FG-2 Conducted off campus Replaced by Activity Locations section
FG-3 F&A at less than federally negotiated rate Relocated to Budget & Fiscal Compliance page
FG-4 New, rental or renovation Relocated to Activity Locations page
FG-5 Compensation for overtime Removed
FG-6 Deliverables Removed
FG-7 Administrative support Relocated to Budget and Fiscal Compliance page
FG-8 Interdisciplinary facilities Relocated to the PI, Personnel & Organizations page
FG-9 Review by other organization Relocated to the PI, Personnel & Organizations page
NG-1 Advancement assistance Removed
NG-3 Originating sponsor Relocated to the Details page with other sponsor information

New Activity Locations Page

A new page has been added to the eGC1 that centralizes details related to the location of research activities in a proposal.

This page includes relocated questions, as well as more detailed tracking on each location where UW work will take place. The sections on this page are:

Activity Locations

  • Includes identification of each location where UW research activities are taking place along with details helpful for budgeting and F&A rate determination.
  • The Location Search integrates with the UW’s space tracking system GeoSIMS, allowing you to partially enter a facility name, address or facility code and populate the eGC1 with the data for that location.
  • You can also manually enter locations not found in GeoSIMS.

Space Planning

  • Includes the “construction or renovation” question formerly on the Compliance page, along with approval details when answered ‘Yes’.

International Involvement

  • Includes the international involvement question and country identification formerly on the Details page. Country is now sourced from the more comprehensive international standard ISO 3166.

This new page introduces an updated, intuitive and more modern experience for SAGE. Based on feedback from users, we will be incrementally updating SAGE to new design standards with each new release.

Fiscal Compliance Combined with Budget

The existing FG-1, FG-3, and FG-7 compliance questions related to fiscal compliance have been relocated to the top of the Budget page (now rebranded “Budget & Fiscal Compliance”), along with the useful explanations when ‘Yes’ is selected.

Details Page Updates

The existing NG-3 “originating sponsor” compliance question has been relocated to the Details page directly below the Sponsor selection.

The international involvement question has been relocated to the Activity Locations page.

PI, Personnel, & Organizations Page Updates

The existing FG-8 Compliance question on interdisciplinary facilities, service centers, etc. has been relocated to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. In a previous release, the FG-9 “other organizational reviewers” question was relocated to this page as well. With these two changes, you can now better manage your eGC1 approvals in one location.

SAGE Toolbar Update

The “reset form” icon on the upper SAGE toolbar has been removed. Removal of this rarely used feature will allow the application design to progress to more modern standards.

SPAERC: Intellectual Property Questions Added to FA/PAC/NAA

A new question has been added to the FAs, PACs, and NAAs in SPAERC for OSP post-award administrators to indicate when an agreement includes an upfront exclusive commercial license or ownership over the project’s intellectual property. CoMotion will receive notification when these are marked YES in order to get a jump start on IP negotiation.

SPAERC: BUG FIX – Internal OSP Notes no longer display in SAGE Subawards “Latest Update”

An issue that was causing internal OSP notes for subawards to display in SAGE under “Latest Update” for requests in process has been resolved. The “Latest Update” will now only display the most recent status update and any accompanying comments to/from campus and OSP.

My sponsor requires cost sharing. What do I do?

The first step is to verify with the Dean’s Office or Provost that they will participate in cost sharing. You can then specify the cost sharing on the eGC1 Cost Sharing page.

March 2015 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features

eGC1 Sponsor Deadline Now Includes Time of Day and Time Zone

In order to better monitor and meet proposal submission deadlines, eGC1 preparers will now be asked to provide the specific time of day and time zone for which the applications are due. These fields will display alongside the existing sponsor due date field, and will be required entry.

Added Space between Box and Number in PI Addresses on Grant Runner Forms

A minor update was made to add a space between the word “Box” and the box number in the PI address on the SF424 and Key Persons Expanded forms in Grant Runner. This change will now present the address in the appropriate format.

Grant Runner Now Supports More Special Characters

In an early February 2015 release, Grants.Gov updated their systems to allow many of the special characters that were problematic with submissions in the past to go through successfully. With this release we are updating SAGE Grant Runner to take advantage of this change as well. Grant Runner will no longer generate a validation error when users enter special characters such tildes, curly quotes, umlauts and other accent marks. This update will result in fewer submission errors and a more accurate read of the intended content.


Removed Lines in eGC1 PDF Format

A recent upgrade of our PDF software caused inadvertent lines to show around tables of information in the eGC1 PDF due to a new default released with the software. We have applied an update that will revert the eGC1 PDF back to its former look and feel.

January 2014 SAGE Release

New Features

SAGE eGC1 copy feature expanded to copy all sponsor info

As requested by campus in the ORIS Survey, the SAGE eGC1 copy feature will be expanded to also copy the sponsor address and contact information (if the sponsor on the original eGC1 is still active). Users will need to review the information to ensure it is up to date and accurate, but this change should reduce their data entry efforts.

SAGE Search Enhancements: Personnel look up added to eGC1s search

The PI Name field has been replaced with a more general Personnel field which allows users to search for any person listed on the PI & Personnel page. Once they have selected a person, they can refine their search by using the Role Type (Principal Investigator, Fellow, etc.) drop-down menu. They can also combine this search with the new Search Scope feature to find all the eGC1s a researcher is named on.

SAGE Search: Show all results beyond access

Users now have the option of expanding searches to include all eGC1s. The search results will display all eGC1s that match the specified criteria. This enhancement will allow users to more easily find proposals that include personnel they’re responsible for. Previously, search results were limited to only those eGC1s that users could access. They will still only be able to open eGC1s they have access to. However, the research results now display a new column containing a link to the eGC1 contacts so users may contact them to ask questions and/or to request access.

Addition of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to Locations list

Research administrators for clinical trials have indicated an increase in work performed at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and therefore requested to see this site added to the Locations drop down list in the compliance explanations section (FG-2). They will no longer need to select “other” and manually enter an address for SCCA with this change. SCCA is considered off-campus.

September 2013 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features

New Public Health Service (PHS) Sponsor Web site

  • To make it easy to find the list of current Public Health Service sponsors, we created a new PHS Sponsors web page.The FCOI online training and other communications will have links to this page.

SAGE Record retention – Removing aged eGC1 attachments

  • In compliance with the UW Records Retention policy, on October 1st, 2013, we will be removing attachments from grant applications (eGC1s) which were never awarded and have a sponsor deadline before January 9, 2009. This will free up storage space and simplify data management. The eGC1s without their attachments will remain in SAGE for reporting purposes. We informed all affected PIs on September 19, 2013.

Users are no longer able to send disclosure notifications from eGC1’s where the sponsor name is “Pending – Notify OSP of Correct Sponsor”

  • If the sponsor has not yet been filled in, you will not be able to send the notifications either. This will help ensure that the correct disclosure rules and requirements are applied when the investigators are updating their SFI in FIDS.

We have improved the organization of the disclosures on the PI & Personnel pages.

  • The primary disclosure will display in italics, followed by related disclosures ordered from most recent to oldest. Users will be able to view the one-year history of all of an Investigator’s submitted disclosures by clicking the new Investigator Disclosure History link.

January 2012 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features in SAGE

  • The Advance Budget Form has updated instructions. We have created a new Advance Budget Job Aid which you can find on the My Advance Requests page.


  • The SAGE Budget wizard can now handle F&A rates correctly for grants which go beyond the agreement dates.
  • On applications which use human subjects and stem cells, you cannot leave comments without choosing a Type on the Compliance Explanations page.
  • SAGE will only copy valid 4th level org codes. Incorrect and expired org codes will be removed from copied eGC1s.
  • In Grant Runner, the PHS398 cover letter Update and View links will now display correctly.
  • You will not be able to select or copy inactive sponsors on your eGC1, and SAGE will remove inactive sponsors from copied eGC1s.