Data from an eGC1 or Advance Budget Request plus each UW organization’s defined approval routing process determines which reviewer roles appear on the approval flow. SAGE uses the information in ASTRA (Access to Systems, Tools, Resources and Applications) to determine the individual reviewers for each role in the approval flow. Review SAGE ASTRA Roles.
A reviewer’s authorization is a combination of role and Cost Center. The match to the Cost Center must be exact.
When SAGE cannot find any matching reviewers in ASTRA for a role on an approval graph, the system forwards the reviewer email notification to the SAGE Support Desk (, which helps to resolve the issue so that the application’s approval is not delayed.
If there is no Advance Reviewer in ASTRA for an approval graph, the system will block the advance from being submitted, alerting the advance preparer of the need for a reviewer. The system also sends an email to the SAGE Support Desk (, which helps to resolve the issue so that the advance’s approval is not delayed.