Tag Archives: Award

The Approvals page displays the approval flow for the Award Setup Request.

This is similar to the flow used for Advances.

No department approvals are included at this time. The following image shows an example flow.

Image of Approvals Graph

SAGE will automatically assign the Award Setup Request to an OSP team for items that meet the following criteria:

  • Status of item = “OSP Assigned” AND
  • OSP Assignee (Individual) IS NULL AND
  • OSP Team Assignment IS NULL


  • No Award Setup Requests are re-assigned by the system after either the individual or team assignment is set.
  • No Award Setup Requests are assigned when in any other status.

The teams are assigned based on the following conditions:

Condition Team
Primary Sponsor = Royalty Research Fund RRF Team
SPA Type = IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment Federal Assistance Intake
Sponsor Type = Private Industry or Foreign Private Industry, Industry
AND SPA Type = Clinical Trials: Non-Federal Sponsors
Team C (Contracts Intake)
Originating Sponsor Type = NOT Federal
AND SPA Type = Clinical Trials: Non-Federal Sponsors
Team C (Contracts Intake)
Sponsor Type = Private Industry or Foreign Private Industry, Industry
AND SPA Type = Fellowship (all types: Research/Non-Research, Graduate/Undergraduate)
Non-Federal Intake
Sponsor Type = Private Industry or Foreign Private Industry, Industry Team C (Contracts Intake) , if not initiated by OSP
All Other Conditions Non-Federal Intake

The Access & Roles page displays a read-only list of the individuals who have access to the Award Setup Request or Modification Request and their level of access, as well as other details. Access is shared with the selected eGC1.

The table displays one contact per row. The columns of information include:

  • Contact
  • Role
  • Permissions
  • Primary Organization (cost center) – only for Owners
  • Email – only for Owners
  • Phone – only for Owners

The following image shows the Access & Roles page with some example data.

Award Setup Request Access and Roles

Access Roles

Individuals with a role that has Owner permissions are listed first in the table, followed by any General Collaborators. The Owner rows display in the following order:

  • Award Preparer
  • Advance Preparer
  • Budget Preparer (if applicable)
  • eGC1 Preparer
  • Pre-Award Budget Contact
  • Administrative Contact
  • Principal Investigator

All Owner roles display even if there is no one assigned to that role. General Collaborators will display in the order added.

By default, the person who creates the Award Setup Request becomes the Award Preparer. The exception is when OSP creates the request, the Award Preparer will be empty when the PI or administrator first views it. An Award Preparer will need to be added.

The other Owners are populated from the associated eGC1 application and from its connected budget, if applicable. An owner’s organization, email, and phone information are also displayed. Anyone with Owner permission can make changes to the request. A new request does not have any default Collaborators.

If changes are needed, then the access to the eGC1 and Award Setup Request or Modification Request must be updated independently.

The Comments & History page displays entries for Events in the Award Setup Request process. You can also add a comment at any time. The entries display in reverse chronological order, so the most recent one is first.

The following image shows an example of the Comments & History page.

Award Setup Request Comments And History

The table columns are:

  • Action Taken: Event that created the entry (see table below for details)
  • Timestamp: Date and time of the event
  • Name: User whose action triggered the event or who manually added a comment
  • Comment: Text of the comment, either system-generated or user-entered

Note: Not all Events have comments. For those entries, a dash (-) will appear in the Comment column.

When an Award Setup Request is editable, you can manually add a comment by selecting Add Comment above the table, as shown in the following image.

Award Setup Request Comments History Add Comment

A dialog window will display. As you start entering your comment, the Add Comment button in the lower right corner of the window will be enabled. Select it to save your comment.

You can only delete your own manually added comments. To remove the comment, select the trash can icon to the right of the comment in the table.

You can also add a comment from anywhere within the Award Setup Request by selecting the “more actions” (3 vertical dots) icon at the far left of the header, and choosing Add Comment.

Award Setup Request Add Comment

Event Entries

The system will add an entry for the events described in the following table. The “Comment Type” column indicates if there will be any comment text, and if so, whether it is system-generated or user-entered.

History Event Event Trigger Comment Type
History Event Event Trigger Comment Type
Created request Selecting eGC1 after searching N/A
Submitted for routing Clicking “Submit & Route” button on the Review & Submit page System-generated
Resubmitted for routing Clicking “Submit & Re-route” button on the Review & Submit page after a return Campus user comment is required to complete the process
Approved Reviewer/OSP/GCA clicking “Approve” button in the approval modal from Request Summary page of routing Adward Setup Request N/A
Returned Clicking “Return Request” button in the return modal of an Award Setup Request User-entered comment is required to complete the process. The comment is limited to 1,000 characters.
Withdrawn Clicking “Withdraw” button N/A
Denied Clicked “Denied” on the Review & Submit page User-entered comment is required to complete the process
Added ad hoc approver Clicking “+” icon to add an ad hoc approver on the approval graph User-entered comment is optional
Removed ad hoc approver Clicking the “more options” menu, then “remove reviewer” on the ad hoc approver’s node on workflow graph node User-entered comment is optional
Commented Clicking “Add Comment” button on the Comments & History page, or by selecting “Add Comment” from the “more actions” menu in the advance header User-entered comment is required to complete the process


This section displays the Significant Financial Interest (SFI) and Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training status of the investigators on the associated application. The table lists each investigator, their role, SFI disclosure submission status, and their FCOI training status. The green check marks indicate that training and disclosures are up-to-date.

The following image shows the SFI & FCOI part of the forms section.

SFI & FCOI section

SFI Disclosure Requirement

For information on:

FCOI Training Requirement

For information on:

In this section of the form, indicate any Terms and Conditions that apply by selecting checkboxes.

Choices in the first section are:

  • Award Line Special Condition(s) Exist
  • E-Verify
  • Foreign Currency Award
  • Interest Income
  • Manual Invoicing: Additional Department Backup
  • Manual Invoicing: Adobe Edit
  • Manual Invoicing: Department Invoicing
  • Manual Invoicing: Foreign
  • Manual Invoicing: Other
  • NRSA
  • Non-Monetary
  • Retention on Sponsor Billing
  • SEFA | Multiple CFDAs
  • SEFA | Multiple CFDAs allocate expenditures chronologically (ex: supplement)
  • SEFA | Multiple CFDAs Department confirmation required Restricted for Purpose funding is co-mingled
  • SEFA | Multiple CFDAs distribute expenditures proportionally
  • SEFA | Multiple CFDAs separate award lines per CFDA to track expenditure activity individually
  • SEFA | No CFDA required confirmed with sponsor
  • SEFA | Split funding carries both federal and non-federal funding sources

The following image shows the first portion of the Terms & Conditions form section:

Terms and Conditions form first portion

Intellectual Property Provisions

Note: This section is not currently active.

Choices for the Intellectual Property Provisions portion of the Terms & Conditions section are:

  • Exclusive commercial license
  • Non-exclusive commercial license
  • Sponsored ownership over UW generated IP, including UW’s duty to assign
  • Sponsor granted interest in royalty income
  • None

Equipment Accountability

Choices on the Equipment Accountability drop-down menu are:

  • Equip. Acct.: Agency Owned
  • Equip. Acct.: Conditionally Owned
  • Equip. Acct.: None Authorized
  • Equip. Acct.: University Owned
  • Equip. Acct.: University Owned up to $5,000 and Agency owned over $5,000

The following image shows the Equipment Accountability portion of the Terms & Conditions form section:

Terms and Conditions form Equipment Accountability

For historical reference, the SERA Notifications page is located at: https://www.washington.edu/research/tools/sera/guide/topics/sera-notifications/

OSP and GCA (SAGE Central) Award Notifications

Here is the list of the notifications, along with the condition that generates the email being sent, as well as who the email is sent to (we can never promise that messages are received). Emails are always sent to the UW NetID at uw.edu (not the email address from the directory). Select a link in the Email column to display an example of the email contents.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
Award Setup Request Created To alert the eGC1 Owners that an Award Setup Request has been initiated and is waiting to be completed OSP has received the Notice of Award and initiated an Award Setup Request Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, and eGC1 Preparer
Award Setup Request Returned To alert the Award Preparer(s) of the need to modify Award data Reviewer, OSP, or GCA adds a “return” action on an approval node Award Preparer(s)
Award Setup Processed To notify owners that the award setup has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. GCA completes the Award Setup Request and clicks the “Process Request” button Award Preparer(s)
Modification Request Created To alert the Award Preparer(s) that a Modification Request has been initiated and is waiting to be completed OSP has initiated a Modification Request, and sent it to campus Award Preparer(s)
Modification Request Returned To alert the Award Preparer(s) of the need to modify Award data Reviewer, OSP, or GCA takes a “return” action on an approval node Award Preparer(s)
Modification Request Processed To notify owners that the Modification Request has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. GCA completes the Modification Request and clicks the “Process Request” button Award Preparer(s)

When OSP receives or retrieves an Award and the PI is not included on the notification, OSP will create an Award Setup Request and route it to campus for completion.

Select the Awards tab, and then select the Create a Request link. It opens a menu with the following choices:

  • Award Setup Request
  • Modification Request (OSP/GCA)
    • Involvement needed from OSP and GCA
  • Modification Request (GCA)
    • Only GCA needs to review

Modification Request Menu drop-down list

To create an Award Setup Request (ASR):

1. Select Create a Request on either the Awards tab or the Awards Requests task list, and select Award Setup Request.

2. Search for and then select the application associated with the award.

Create Award Setup Request Search

3. The ASR will be created and open to the General Information section.

  • Enter the dollar amount in the Sponsor Total for Spending Period field
  • Enter the Sponsor Award Number
  • Select the Supporting Attachments section
    • Attach the award documents
  • You may want to include comments regarding items campus needs to complete
  • If the request needs to come back to a specific individual, you can make an assignment
  • Select the Review & Submit section
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the section and select Send to Campus

Send to Campus button

The ASR status changes to Composing and is no longer editable by OSP, and an email notification is sent to campus.

Select the Awards tab, and then select the Create a Request link. It opens a menu with the following choices:

  • Award Setup Request
  • Modification Request (OSP/GCA)
    • Involvement needed from OSP and GCA
  • Modification Request (GCA)
    • Only GCA needs to review

Use Modification Request (OSP/GCA) for all changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).

Use Modification Request (GCA) for requests that do not need OSP review and can be submitted directly to Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA).

The following image shows the expanded Create a Request menu.

Modification Create Request dropdown

Once you select the modification type, a Create Modification Request dialog window displays. Search for, and then select, the award associated with the modification request.

You can search for the award you want to modify by Award ID. The ID can be found in Workday Finance.

When OSP creates a Modification Request (OSP/GCA), the status will be OSP Setup.

When OSP creates a Modification Request (GCA Only), the approval flow will be campus to GCA.

SAGE Central Awards allows OSP to create an Award Setup Request (ASR) after receiving a notice of award (NoA) from the sponsor.

The system notifies the awarded eGC1 application owners that the ASR was created. It will have a status of OSP Setup.

Note: The system will prevent more than one Award Setup Request from being created for the same eGC1.

For additional information, also see the GCA Award Setup pages.