Tag Archives: Grant Runner
New Features & Completed Updates
- Search in Award Requests List: Users can now search in the Award Requests list by eGC1 ID or Request ID (Advance, Award Setup Request, or Modification Request).
- Change the Linked SAGE Budget from an Award Setup Request: Users can now disconnect a mistakenly connected SAGE Budget from an Award Setup Request in “Composing,” “Returned,” or “Withdrawn” status.
- Required Field Validations: The Award Setup Requests will now show a validation message if the worksheet/award line PI or Security Grant Hierarchy are missing. Users will be guided back to the SAGE Budget worksheet settings to make those updates.
- Cost Centers in Copied eGC1s: When an eGC1 is copied, the Cost Centers from the original eGC1 will now flow to the copy and be added to the approval graph automatically. Only active Cost Centers will be copied.
- Error Message Improvements: Award Setup Requests and Modification Request error pages will now display additional information to assist with troubleshooting.
- Grant Runner Updated with FORMS-H
- FORMS-H Research Plan Form Now Available in Grant Runner: The updated PHS 398 Research Plan form is available for National Institutes of Health (NIH) applications. This update will support the high volume opportunities due early October, such as R01, R03, and R21 types. For more information, review our previous NIH FORMS-H announcement.
- Legal Names on Forms: As a result of the SAGE changeover to display preferred name on eGC1s, an adjustment was made to Grant Runner forms to instead show Legal Name by default for the PD/PI, since this is most often the name that matches the eRACommons account. The legal name will now sync across SF424, Key Persons, and RR Budget forms for the PD/PI. In the future, we will add a feature to allow users to explicitly identify what their eRACommons name and login is to further reduce discrepancies and allow submissions to go through more smoothly.
- Future FORMS-H Releases: The PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental form and PHS Fellowship Supplemental form are targeted for release in Grant Runner later this fall.
- Budget Visibility on Award Setup Requests: An issue was resolved where budget detail on Award Setup Requests was at times not showing for items that were in a read-only state for the user, such as “Processed.”