Washington Innovation Advantage Program (WIAP) Column Available on Task List
A new column can be optionally displayed on the SPAERC task lists for Funding Actions and Admin Actions The column will display the value selected in the WIAP field (Yes, No, blank). Users can sort the task list by that column. The following image shows the Funding Actions task list with the WIAP column highlighted.

RRF Funding Actions No Longer Require an Award Signature
When RRF is listed as the sponsor, the Award Signature field now defaults to “Not Required.” The field will still be editable when the FA is “In OSP” status.
SAGE Suite-Wide
Session Timeout Handling Improvements
When any open SAGE Suite application is left idle for 40 minutes (this can vary if you have other applications open that require UW authentication), users will now see an on-screen warning that their SAGE session will time out in 5 minutes without further activity. Renewing your 45 minute session can be done by simply clicking “Keep Working” in the warning pop-up. If your session expires, the system will automatically redirect you to a login page. This change will provide clear and consistent handling of session time-outs, reducing user confusion and accidental data loss.
Improved eGC1 Status Handling at the Time of Award
An eGC1’s status changes to “Awarded” when a child funding action is initially sent to GCA. However, there were certain circumstances when the eGC1 status wasn’t updating appropriately if the child funding action was returned to OSP and then re-parented to a new eGC1. To catch these cases, the eGC1 status will also update to “Awarded” if the child funding action is “Re-Sent by OSP” to GCA. Existing eGC1s in “Approved” status with a child funding action in “Processed” status were updated to “Awarded” status.
Update Subaward Expiration Rules (delayed release)
The nightly batch job that updates the subaward status was simplified, and now evaluates Subaward End Date only. If the Subaward End Date is in the past, then the status is changed to “Expired”. If a new modification is approved, the subaward status will be changed to Active once again.
Updates to Post-Award Change (PAC)
In order to improve the data quality, reporting, and analytics around award data, the following changes have been made to the Post-Award Change in SPAERC and SERA:
- Addition of Revised Start Date field, displayed for the PAC Requested Change type “Start Date Change”
- Addition of Revised End Date field, displayed for PAC Requested Change types “Extension”, “Early Termination”, or “Relinquishment”
- Addition of Temporary End Date field, displayed for PAC Requested Change type “Temporary Budget Extension” (formerly called “Advanced Extension”)
- Addition of Modification Number field
- Addition of Originating Sponsor Award Number field, which will pre-populate from the parent FA data, when present.
Updates to PAC Notification PDF
The above new PAC fields will also be displayed on the PDF attachment that is sent to campus when a PAC has been processed.
Updates to Pending Actions Report
The above new PAC fields are also included on the GCA Pending Actions Report
PAC Requested Change Type Updates
The following changes have been made to existing PAC types:
- “Advanced Extension” is now relabeled as “Temporary Budget Extension”
- “Significant Financial Interest” has been removed
- “Create Program Income” has been removed
- “Change of Award” has been removed
- “Change in Authorized Action” has been removed
The removed PAC Requested Change types will continue to display on historical PACs.
Update to Cycle View of PAC Data
When in the SPAERC or SERA Cycle view, the PAC row will now display the new Revised Start Date, Revised End Date, and Temporary End Date fields when populated.
Intellectual Property Provisions validation message update
The validation message that appears when the Intellectual Property Provisions question is not answered will now match the current question label, for added clarity.
SPAERC only: Grant Runner Submit no longer displays timeout error
Upon submission of Grant Runner applications in SPAERC, the system was displaying time-out errors that were misleading and likely to cause unnecessary alarm or confusion. The error tracking has been updated to improve the quality of the messages received by OSP on submission.
SPAERC only: Activity Locations Page Expanded by Default
The eGC1 Activity Locations page in SPAERC will now display as expanded by default, for easier viewing of relevant data without additional clicks.
PI Titles Removed from Cover Letter to Sponsor
The Workday titles for PIs were removed from the auto-generated Cover Letter to sponsors, since they are not geared toward external audiences and often contain descriptors that PIs may not consider to be optimal (e.g. “Professor Without Tenure”)
Additional Fields Added to SPAERC Application Search
In order to more quickly and easily locate specific applications of interest in SPAERC, the following fields are added to the Search screen: Sponsor Deadline, Person Search (across all role types)
Assignee Fields in SPAERC are Updated to Display First and Last Name
In order to reduce confusion within OSP for staff whose last name and first initial is the same, the application has been updated to display full first name and last name, for added clarity.