RRF Review Data
Note: The RRF Review Data page only appears for applications with a Sponsor of Royalty Research Fund (RRF), and only for staff with the ASTRA role of OSP Royalty Research Funds Administrator.
This page records the Primary Reviewer, Secondary Reader, and outside reviewers. It also captures the review scores and calculates the average score.
To add information to the page, you need to unlock the application.
Application Details
This section displays the PI Name, Full Application Title, and Research Area from the parent eGC1 for reference.
Primary Reviewer
To add the reviewer, click the Look up New UW Reviewer button.
Use the personnel chooser to search for and select the reviewer and add a score.
Secondary Reader and Outside Reviewers
Use the look up button to add UW personnel. If an Outside Reviewer is not at UW, use the First Name and Last Name fields to add them to the page.
As you add Outside Reviewers, the order of the names will adjust to list them alphabetically by last name.
Enter the value of each reviewer’s score. The value must be between 1.00 and 10.00, and will display with two decimal places. For example, if you enter “7” as the score, “7.00” will display.
The system automatically calculates the Average Score as the average of all non-zero scores (rounded to two decimal places). The system updates the value whenever you add or change a score. It displays at the bottom of the page.