eGC1 Assignment Rules

Assignment Factors

When a SAGE user completes an eGC1 for the first time and moves it into Routing status, the system assigns the eGC1 to a group/team and to a person who is the Administrator or GCC. There are a number of factors that contribute to the assignment.

Organization Code Receiving Funding: OSP uses the List/Edit OSP Administrators admin tool to associate organization codes with specific groups/teams within OSP.

  • Roll-Up of Organization Codes: When a SAGE user completes an eGC1 with an organization code receiving funding that has no group association, SPAERC steps up the organization code hierarchy to find a higher-level code that does have an associated group. Then, based on the logic below, the system assigns the eGC1 to a member of that group.
    • For example, a sub-division level code with no group, will roll up to the division level; a division level code with no group will roll up to the department level. See IT Connect’s page on Organization Codes for details on levels.
  • Failover: If the system cannot find a group for the eGC1’s organization code or its roll up codes, then the assignment is to the Failover Team. That team can reassign the eGC1 to the appropriate group, and add the organization code to the correct group via the admin tool.

Re-Completed eGC1s: When a campus user re-completes a withdrawn or returned eGC1, the system may change the group/team assignment in response to changes made in the eGC1. However, the system does not update the original person assigned (with the one exception being if the sponsor changes from, or to, RRF). This ensures that the recompleted eGC1 returns to the same OSP staff person for follow-up, rather than disappearing from that person’s tasklist due to an automatic reassignment. If the changes warrant assigning the eGC1 to another OSP person, you can manually reassign it (see Reassign an Item). Note: Manual reassignments only change the person, not the group. The only time a group changes is in response to changed data on a withdrawn or returned eGC1, upon re-completion.

Assignment Logic

The following set of rules determine the eGC1’s initial assignment to the group/team and person.

Conditions Assignment

Primary sponsor is the Royalty Research Fund

RRF reviewers

Primary sponsor is the NSF (National Science Foundation)

GCC (Grant & Contract Coordinator) role for the org code receiving funding

Sponsored Program Activity Type = IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment

GCC (Grant & Contract Coordinator) role for the org code receiving funding
Clinical Trials

  • Sponsored Program Activity Type = Clinical Trial – Non-Federal Sponsors
  • And Sponsor Type is Private Industry or Foreign Private Industry
Contracts Intake (Team C Administrator)
Certain federal primary sponsors where:

  • Application Type is either a Non-Competing Renewal or a Non-Competing Supplement
  • And the total amount requested is $2 million or less
  • And the primary sponsor or parent sponsor is DoED, DHHS, or ONR
GCC (Grant & Contract Coordinator) for the org code receiving funding
Non-Award Agreements

Application Type = Non-Award Agreement (new) or  Non-award Agreement (continuation)

Contracts Intake (Team C Administrator)

  • Sponsor Type = Private Industry or Foreign Private Industry
  • And After the Fact = Yes
Contracts Intake (Team C Administrator)
All other conditions Administrator role for the org code receiving funding