Tag Archives: Sponsor

Campus needs to use a sponsor that’s not listed. What steps need to be taken?

When a user searches for a sponsor to add to their eGC1, the following text always displays. It includes the steps the user should follow.

Not finding the sponsor you are looking for?

We recommend you try your search again using single words, abbreviations, or alternate spellings. A partial search term such as “American” or “Americ” will return all sponsors whose names contain that term. You can also search on common acronyms, such as “NIH.”

If you cannot find the sponsor you are looking for, please follow the Sponsor Request Instructions below:

Sponsor Request Instructions

    1. Select “Request Sponsor.”
    2. Navigate to the Sponsor Request form in a separate browser tab.
    3. Fill in the form, and then select “Submit.”
    4. Leave the Sponsor blank until the new sponsor is added in order to route your eGC1.

You will receive an email confirming the new sponsor is now available. Return to your eGC1, search again for that sponsor and select it.

The Request Sponsor button displays below the instructions.

May 2013

  • OSP Notes for returning an item to GCA will be a required field.
  • A new date can be added to the tasklist called assigned to date. This will allow you to track when new items are added to your list.
  • Only users with the Subcontracts Role will be able to create a subcontract shell. General users will no longer be able to add a subcontract shell within an FA.
  • Subcontracts formerly assigned to Verenice Bendana (Barbosa) and Judy Yoshioka will be moved to e-shelf.
  • One additional question has been added to the eGC1 Security Compliance Questions. Approval workflow was added for Security Review when the preparer answers “Yes” to the new question. An automatic hold will apply when the preparer answers “Yes” to any of the Security questions. The new workflow process will apply to only newly created eGC1s at the time of release.
  • Budget number and prior budget number field validation has been placed to allow only numeric and dash in these fields.
  • Advance Budget Request will always be blocked until OSP allows the Advance Budget Request to go through. GIM updates, process updates and procedures are still being vetted.

Planned Bug Fixes:

  • The error message color block for Subcontracts page validation will be corrected to fully cover all the error text in color.
  • Status Checker will no longer display HTML code.
  • Pending Sponsor and Pending Flow Through Sponsor will not be allowed on approval of Applications or FA’s.

January 2012 Release Notes


  • New OSP rules for FA and PAC parent-child relationships are now enforced by SPAERC. An FA may only be a child of an Application. A PAC may only be a child of an FA. Existing data has been moved to reflect the new rules. Data that could not be systematically modified will be sent to OSP for review and correction. RRF data that can’t be systematically modified will be sent to RRF team for review and correction.
  • Validation for federal flow-through auto hold now applies only if NG-3 is yes, and originating sponsor type indicates federal government.
  • Users can now select standard or fellowship opening for AGD Sponsor cover letter.


  • SAGE Budget wizard now handles future F&A rates correctly.
  • Org code validation was corrected for Copied eGC1s to only select valid 4th level org codes. Any incorrect org codes will be removed.
  • PHS398 cover letter update/view links now display properly.
  • SAGE users will no longer be able to select or copy inactive sponsors on eGC1s. Incorrect sponsors will be removed.
  • htm attachments now open in a new window.