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Kate Jacobsen- Cinema Studies Early Fall 2016 Participant

Kate Jacobsen, a student in the Italian Cinema Studies Program shares her experience this past term while studying in Rome.

“I found that through the cinema studies program I was able to really dive into the Roman culture. My group’s documentary was on “Romance in Rome”. We were able to study the history of dating culture in Rome, why tourists come here for romantic vacations, and talk to many locals to learn more about this perception of love in Rome. We had to be brave and talk to many new people, and I was able to use my Italian to converse with them and ask them questions, which was hard but really exciting. My group was able to work together and use each of our unique skills to create something amazing, a little documentary that we can be proud of. This was great for my learning style because I was able to apply my knowledge of Italian culture (and language) and my creative instincts to make a final project. I am so thankful for this opportunity and everything Rome has taught me!”Kate_Jacobsen_Group