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UW Alumni Tours visits the UW Rome Center

UW Alumni Tours, the travel program of the UW Alumni Association, was delighted to visit the UW Rome Center during a recent three night stay in Rome as part of ‘A Portrait of Italy’ tour.

UW Alumni Tours tour of UW Rome Center
Touring the UW Rome Center

Amity Neumeister, Resident Director of the UW Rome Center, greeted the group of 14 UW alums and friends and gave them an overview tour of the recent renovations to the UW Rome Center. The group was excited to see the various classrooms, along with the lovely terrace overlooking the Campo de’ Fiori, once a flower market of historical Rome. The travelers, with UW degrees ranging from Business Administration to Aeronautics & Astronautics to Microbiology, were impressed by the study abroad opportunities for current UW students. A few UW alums mentioned being tempted to re-enroll at the UW in order to spend more time at the UW Rome Center!

UW Alumni Tours dinner in Rome
Dinner in Rome

Following the tour, the group enjoyed a walking tour of the surrounding area by a UW affiliated instructor at the UW Rome Center, Mariella Mastrogiacomo, an archeologist who has worked on excavations in Rome and its suburbs. Seeing the exact place where Julius Caesar was assassinated was a highlight of the walk!

The evening ended with a gastronomic event at Osteria Romana de Simmi. Mamma Mia! The multi-course dinner with local specialties was incredible.

The group regrettably said goodbye to Roma and departed for the hilltop village of Orvieto.

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