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UWRC Program Policies

Accessible Accordion

  • Programs must begin on a weekday, Monday through Friday, and may not start on an Italian holiday or a UW holiday.
  • Student check-in should occur on the first day of the program, between the hours of 9 am – 4 pm. UWRC Orientation should occur on the second day of the program, and typically includes an orientation with the UWRC Resident Director, a representative from the US Embassy and a neighborhood walk.
  • At least one faculty member must remain on site throughout the duration of the program. We recommend that one faculty member arrive at least one day before the start of the program and stay one day after the program ends, and thus be present on the days students arrive and depart.
  • Programs must end on a weekday that is not an Italian holiday. UWRC Check-out will occur one day prior to the last day of the program, and students will check out of their apartments on the last day of the program.

  • Current UWRC Classroom, Studio and Conference Room rates are available on the UWRC Fee Schedule. Programs will be billed for space utilization at the end of the program.
  • UWRC programs may rent classrooms on half day (up to 4 hours) or full day (more than 4 hours) basis. Studio-based programs that require exclusive use of the space must budget for and rent studio space seven days a week for the duration that the program is in Rome.
  • Programs will be assigned to classrooms/studios based on availability and configuration requirements. Classrooms may be shared by multiple programs. Studio-based programs are assigned to space on an exclusive use basis.
  • The Conference Room may be reserved based on availability.

  • Off-site student housing is arranged by UWRC staff through approved local providers only to ensure landlords’ compliance with Italian legal requirements. It is recommended that programs budget for an additional night at the start of the program so housing is available in morning of the first day of the program.
  • Current off-site student apartment rental rates are available on the UWRC Fee Schedule. Programs will be billed at the end of the program.
  • The UWRC DOES NOT arrange housing for students with family. For students in programs that approve travel with family, students are responsible for arranging and paying for their housing. Students are not eligible for a reduction in their program fee.
  • Apartments are for residential use only. Occupants shall not paint or make other changes to the apartments, nor shall they use mounting material such as adhesive tape, which may damage the walls. All furniture must be put back into its original location if rearranged. All repairs required to fix damages to the apartment or replace items found missing when the apartment is vacated will be billed to the program.

  • Faculty should not arrange their own housing.
  • Current off-site and UWRC apartment rental rates are available on the UWRC Fee Schedule. Programs will be billed at the end of the program.
  • Faculty housing costs covered by the program are based on single occupancy. Additional charges may apply for family members, guests or other special housing needs, which are billable directly to the faculty member. At UWRC apartments, the additional guest fee is $25/person/night. Additional charges for off-site apartments is variable.
  • Faculty of long-term (quarter-long) programs can include up to 7 days of additional housing to the program budget for pre/post program work, if the budget allows. Short-term (summer A, summer B, early fall, and spring break) programs can include up to 3 days of additional housing to the program budget for pre/post program work, if the budget allows.
  • Apartments are for residential use only. Occupants shall not paint or make other changes to the apartments, nor shall they use mounting material such as adhesive tape, which may damage the walls. All furniture must be put back into its original location if rearranged. All repairs required to fix damages to the apartment or replace items found missing when the apartment is vacated will be billed to the program.
  • Under Italian law, all apartment occupants regardless of duration of stay must be declared to the local police. Faculty should report overnight guests to the landlord in advance.

  • Faculty who wish to stay at the UWRC may request an apartment through the UWRC Apartment Request Form. Requests for UWRC housing are due at the same time as the UW Study Abroad program proposal deadline: August 31st for Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring term programs and October 31st for Early Fall programs (October 15th for Tacoma Early Fall programs). One request per program should be submitted, regardless of the number of faculty and/or apartments requested. Requests will be reviewed by UWRC staff and prioritized in consultation with the UWRC Advisory Council based on the criteria below. Apartment assignments will be determined by October 15th for Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring term programs and December 15th for Early Fall programs.
  • Under Italian law, all apartment occupants regardless of duration of stay must be declared to the local police. Faculty should report overnight guests to the UWRC in advance.
  • Current UWRC apartment rental rates are available on the UWRC Fee Schedule. Programs will be billed at the end of the program.

  • Charges for photocopying, printing, faxes, incidentals or damage to UWRC property will be assessed and billed at the conclusion of the program.

While at UWRC or using UWRC Facilities or equipment, program participants shall conform in all respects with all UWRC staff directives, and with all UWRC rules and standards of conduct as they may be amended from time to time, including but not limited to the following:

  • In no event shall the Program Director engage in, or permit its program participants to engage in, any commercial activities on the UWRC premises or in any activities which are illegal (under either U.S. or Italian law) or which may endanger the health, safety, or welfare of any person;
  • There shall be no smoking or use of tobacco products on UWRC premises;
  • There shall be no excessive noise;
  • Harassment of or discrimination against any person on the basis of race, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, national origin, citizenship or veteran status is strictly prohibited.
  • No toxic, explosive, hazardous or flammable materials shall be brought to or used on the UWRC premises;
  • All program (and program participant) property shall be removed from the UWRC premises at the end of the program (such property will otherwise be disposed of by the UWRC with all disposal costs charged to the program);
  • There shall be no use or possession of any drugs (including marijuana) that are illegal under either U.S. or Italian law, and no use of alcohol other than in connection with UWRC approved events;
  • No program participant shall be permitted to bring a guest into the UWRC premises without express approval of UWRC staff;
  • No program participant shall be allowed to occupy or remain in any portion of the UWRC premises beyond the dates of the program unless prior arrangements have been made with UWRC staff.

The Program Director shall be responsible for assuring that all program participants also comply with UW standards of conduct and for managing (and if necessary dismissing from the program) any program participant whose behavior disrupts the program or the UWRC. The UWRC shall have the right to prohibit any program participant(s) from entering or remaining in UWRC premises in the event of disruptive behavior or misconduct, as determined by the UWRC in its sole discretion. In such case, UWRC will report this decision to Program faculty in a timely manner.