Welcome to the University of Washington’s Writing Style Guide for the governing documents developed through the University Policy and Rules Office (UPRO). These include all University wide governing documents with the exception of Board of Regents Governance, Faculty Code, and Scholastic Regulations as outlined in Executive Order No. 47. This document serves as a comprehensive resource for our community to ensure clarity, inclusivity, ADA compliance, and consistency in policy writing.
Our commitment to excellent writing creates governing documents that are easy to read and help users:
- Find what they need.
- Understand what they find.
- Use what they find to meet their needs.
1. What Is a Policy?
A. A policy is a statement of what and why that:
- Is mandatory and required because of the University’s values or legal requirements.
- Addresses major operational issues.
- Has widespread operational impact.
- Changes infrequently.
- Is expressed in broad terms.
2. What Are Procedures and Guidelines?
A. Procedures are the how.
Procedures are a set of instructions, steps, or methods to implement or enforce a University policy. Typically, procedures clarify complex aspects of the policy and are:
- Action-oriented, step-by-step descriptions outlining who will accomplish a task, how it is performed, and when it must be done.
- Instructions to control activities completely and consistently.
- Not considered to be policy.
- Created at the unit level.
- Changes do not go through the same review and approval process as policies.
B. Guidelines are general recommendations; they’re not mandatory or required.
- Provide a framework to implement policies.
- Include general statements, recommendations, instructions, or best practices to achieve policy objectives.
- Can change based on the environment.
- Should be reviewed frequently.
Despite being separate, policies, procedures, and guidelines are dependent upon each other and work together to form the basis for efficient and effective operations within an organization. These parameters empower staff with the knowledge to do a job properly and allow staff to operate with more autonomy.
3. Writing a Policy
- Submit an Intake Form
- Official Template/Draft
Once the University Policy and Rules Office (UPRO) has reviewed the intake form and approved moving forward with policy development, it is required to use the official template provided by UPRO. This template ensures consistency in formatting and layout and required categories. Any other draft document will be returned. - Consultation and Feedback: The Responsible Office will consult with UPRO to edit and create a final draft. Will determine completeness of the final draft.
- Approval and Authorization Process: UPRO will send the finished draft through the final approval process. The President will be final authority.
- Publication: UPRO will create an HTML document for the approved governing document. The final document will be published with the date the President approved. This governing document will be maintained in the UW Policy Directory.
- Implementation and Communication Plan: Implementation and the communication plan will be initiated and controlled by the Responsible Office of the governing document.
4. Style Guidelines
When writing policy, follow the guidelines below.
A. Plain Language
Use plain language.
- Create a policy the reader will understand the first time and in the way it was intended.
- Use clear, precise, and straightforward language.
- Use simple words that are easier and faster to read for all levels of readers and that will aid in understanding.
- Communicate simply and positively.
Avoid This
The University seeks to promote and increase participation of underrepresented suppliers and contractors in the procurement process with a program that utilizes the broad diversity of our local state communities and to become more inclusive of the variety of locally relevant businesses that encounter difficulties with market entry, customer access, and financial growth.
Write This Instead
The University seeks to promote and increase participation of state businesses that encounter difficulties with market entry, customer access, and financial growth.
B. State the Key Message at the Beginning in the Purpose
- Place the most important part of the sentence or paragraph at the beginning.
- Long lead-in clauses push the key message toward the end of the sentence.
Avoid This
Use of the University owned fiber optic cable plant is governed by the relationship that the University has with current and prospective partner institutions in support of the University’s outreach mission to deepen the University’s impact and outreach in the regional community, strengthening programs and partnership and contribute to the social, cultural and economic vitality of the University community.
Write This Instead
Use of the University owned fiber optic cable plant is governed by the relationship the University has with current and prospective partner institutions.
C. Chicago Manual of Style
With few exceptions, UPRO adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style:
1. Title Capitalization
For titles and headings, follow Chicago Manual of Style’s headline-style capitalization: Capitalize the first and last words, as well as all major words in titles, headings, and subheadings. Capitalize the second word in a hyphenated word.
2. Punctuation
- Use the serial comma (also known as the Oxford comma) consistently.
- Use em dashes sparingly but correctly for parenthetical remarks or abrupt changes in thought—like this.
3. Quotations
- Enclose direct quotations in double quotation marks.
- Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes.
- Block quotations should be indented and not enclosed in quotation marks.
4. Numbers:
- For general writing, spell out numbers one through ten.
- Use Arabic numerals for numbers over ten.
D. Write in Present Tense with Positive Tone
Avoid This
Staff may be unaware that the regulations require written consent from the participant.
Write This Instead
Regulations require written consent from the participant.
E. Write in Active Voice Instead of Passive Voice
- Writing in active voice provides clear and direct guidance.
- Passive voice sentences are often longer than necessary.
- In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action.
- In passive voice, the subject of the sentence receives the action.
Avoid This
Regulations have been proposed by the Department of Labor.
The solution was developed by the manager.
There was a review of the proposal and a ruling by the committee, but there was no explanation offered for their decision.
Write This Instead
The Department of Labor proposed regulations.
The manager developed the solution.
The committee reviewed and ruled on the proposal but did not explain its decision.
F. Write Short Sentences
- Short sentences convey complex information in easy-to-understand units.
- Separate the idea into its parts and make each the subject of its own sentence.
- Longer sentences demand greater concentration from the reader and may make the meaning difficult to follow.
- Wordy, dense documents are confusing to the reader.
- Omit unnecessary and redundant words.
Avoid This
Built on the efforts of campus policy and procedure owners, this site is designed to make policy and procedure information widely accessible so that members of the campus community can make decisions and streamline campus administrative processes with the knowledge that their actions conform with official campus policies and procedures.
Write This Instead
This is the official website for University policy.
G. Use Bulleted Lists
Bulleted lists:
- Finish a complete thought when read with the introductory sentence.
- Highlight or emphasize a series of requirements or other complex information in a visually clear way.
- Allow readers to scan for information.
- Help readers focus on important material.
- Facilitate reading comprehension.
H. Use Verbs Instead of Nouns from Verbs (Gerund)
- Verbs express action and are often the most important part of sentences.
- Be aware of words ending in “ion” as they are usually verbs in noun form (e.g., notification, application, identification.)
Avoid This
The project manager has the responsibility for the creation of the safety manual.
Researchers conducted an investigation into the problem.
Write This Instead
The project manager creates the safety manual.
Researchers investigated the problem.
I. Avoid Stating the Subject Negatively
Avoid This
No demonstration project will be approved unless all application requirements are met.
No single prize in any raffle may exceed $100,000.
Write This Instead
A demonstration project will be approved only if the applicant meets the requirements.
A single prize in any raffle will be $100,000 or less.
J. Avoid Legalese
Avoid This
During such time as
for the duration of
in as much as
shall/shall not
Write This Instead
Must/Must Not
K. Avoid Redundant Words
Avoid This
Mutual cooperation
Uniformly consistent
Past history
Write Instead
L. Avoid Wordy Phrases
Avoid This
A percentage of
Due to the fact that
In the event that
On a monthly basis
Allows one to
Pertaining to
Write Instead
M. Capitalization and Other Usage
- Use capitalization when referring to a specific object or person, like Secretary of the Faculty.
- Use capitalized University rather than University of Washington or UW.
- Use lowercased “internet.”
- Use lowercased “website,” one word.
- Use UW Bothell, UW Seattle, and UW Tacoma rather than “campus.”
N. Avoid the Words: “Should,” “Shall,” “Assure,” and “Ensure”
- “Should” implies that an action may not be required.
- “Shall” is a requirement to act but may be confused with being a future action.
- Use “must” for a necessity to act.
- Use “must not” for a prohibition.
- Using “ensure” is problematic as the University generally cannot ensure actions of its community members. Consider whether the words “to achieve” may be used.
- Avoid the use of “assure.” It is frequently confused with “ensure” and has a different meaning.
Avoid This
Faculty, staff, and students should not smoke on campus.
Faculty, staff, and students shall not smoke on campus.
Write Instead
Smoking is prohibited at the University.
O. Avoid Jargon and Overly Technical Descriptions
- Use the level of technical language that most effectively communicates with your audience.
- Use terms consistently within the policy and across related policies.
P. Pay Attention to Punctuation
- Commas and periods regulate the flow of thoughts.
- Misuse of commas and periods can make text confusing, even if the words are clear.
- When writing policy, use the Oxford (or serial) comma to improve clarity.
- Rather than use multiple semicolons, consider breaking the sentence into a bulleted list.
Q. ADA Compliance and Inclusivity
1) Accessible Language
Prioritize language that is accessible to all readers. Avoid jargon and complex terminology and follow state guidelines for Plain Talk. Clearly define acronyms upon first use.
2) Hyperlink Descriptions
Use descriptive hyperlink text instead of generic phrases like “click here.” Use the same titles as the webpage being linked to. Ensure that links provide context and are easily understood by screen readers.
3) Document Accessibility
All policy documents must adhere to ADA accessibility standards. UPRO follows guidelines for creating accessible web content.
4) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Reflect the University’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in policy language and content.
5) Cultural Sensitivity
Be culturally sensitive in language, avoiding stereotypes or biased expressions.
R. Use Gender Neutral Language
Restate the noun in place of a gendered pronoun. Don’t use “they” as a singular pronoun to avoid confusion as to whom the pronoun refers.
Avoid This
Upperclassmen, under
Chairman, chairwoman,
He, she, his, hers, him
Write This Instead
Upper year, upper division, upper-