Concerning behaviors
In the University of Washington community, we care for one another. When we’re concerned for someone else, we reach out. Many people turn to friends or colleagues they trust when they need support. Someone might share with you that they’re struggling or worried for their own safety. Or you might become concerned for someone else — because of their changing behaviors, something they posted online or an incident you witnessed.
SafeCampus is a resource for the UW community. We’re here to offer support and guidance when you have concerns for yourself or others. We’ll listen and provide individualized plans tailored to your unique situation. Our caring and trained professionals will share short- and long-term options and connect you with additional resources when needed. No situation is too big or too small to call about.
All calls are private. You can choose to share as much or as little as you want. You can even call us anonymously.
Behaviors you can call us about
Experiences (yours or someone else’s), including:
- Inappropriate behavior from a student, staff or faculty member
- Verbal or online threats
- Overwhelming life circumstances that are causing distress — academic, financial, health, family or relationship
- Increased use of alcohol or drugs that is having unwanted impacts
Concerning behaviors in another person, including:
- Dramatic changes in personality, mood or behavior
- Withdrawing from friends, the workplace or academics
- Unusual irritability, outbursts of anger or violence
- Significant changes in personal care — hygiene, appearance, eating or sleeping habits
- Making comments or online posts about harming themselves or others
- Crossing boundaries (for instance, excessive phone calls, emails and/or visits)
- Feelings of paranoia or persecution that do not seem warranted
- Inappropriate, confusing, fixated or disjointed conversations
- Making references to school shootings and/or identifying with mass shooters