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More in the press

More editorials appeared today on the need to increase tuition in order to stave off the worst effects of proposed budget cuts.  Here are links to today’s stories:

The Columbian, April 9
In our view April 9: 2 Painful Solutions
The Columbian says large tuition increases are painful but necessary.

The Wenatchee World, April 9
Nothing left but raising tuition
The Wenatchee World editorial board says substantial tuition increases are necessary, because cuts on the order of 20 percent would “unmake” the state’s public institutions of higher education.

The News Tribune, April 9
Higher tuition doesn’t equate with less access
Columnist Peter Callaghan points out that there is no statistical correlation between low tuition and greater access to higher education.

The Seattle Times, April 9
Washington Legislature should let universities increase tuition
The Seattle Times editorial board says that tuition at Washington’s four year public colleges and universities should rise significantly, “to preserve student access, quality and years of progress toward preparing a sophisticated work force.”