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Looking ahead to week 14

As of next Monday there will be less than two weeks left in the 2009 session (adjournment is scheduled for April 26).  All bills other than budget related bills have to clear the floor by April 17; the time after that is reserved for budget matters and resolving differences between the House and Senate.

Few hearings are scheduled; the House Capital Budget Committee does have a session scheduled April 14 on Rep. Hans Dunshee’s proposal to put a $3 billion bond issue before voters to pay for school construction.  The UW is included in that proposal for $79 million in projects.

Proposals on revenue packages are beginning to float out, the latest being a bump in the sales tax to offset cuts in health and human services.

The proposal to increase tuition by 14% to reduce the effect of cuts will clearly be part of the final discussions, having received strong support from the Governor and many editorial boards (here and here) among others.

How this will all play out is more of a mystery than usual given the challenge lawmakers are facing.  Budget negotiations usually have to fall apart several times before they finally come together near the end.  One can expect plenty of rumors and trial balloons before the shape of the final budget become clear.

We will do our best to keep posting “actual factual” developments here as soon as they are available.