All good things must come to an end, and so today I sign off as Director of State Relations for the University of Washington and chief blogger for all things Olympia. Our new director, Margaret Shepherd, started work with the UW yesterday and I now officially turn the blog over to her.
This blog started out as an internal communications experiment and my sense is that it has been a big success in helping this office keep the campus community informed about issues in state government, particularly those that will or may impact the UW. I’m a writer and communicator by nature and I found this an easy and very conversational tool for keeping in touch with a very big and diverse organization. I’ve truly enjoyed the state relations role for the past six years but I’m also very excited about the new challenges and projects that my position as Vice President for External Affairs will involve.
I know devoted State Relations Blog readers will appreciate Margaret’s take on state government and higher education issues and I’m confident she will bring her own personality to the blog in a fun and informative way.
So, I’m signing off……..but not checking out.